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Just think about it, what does it mean for a Republican to be elected? It means that they enjoy support of donors, media, local party apparatus and MAGA. What does any of these have to do with moral of courage?
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MS forcefully merged Skype accounts into Microsoft accounts, enshittified Skype service for years, now they don't need Skype anymore.
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Were there already dead at that point? I don't remember that, what is your source? In a later post, you omit Poroshenko presidency, during which many important reforms were implemented and visa-free travel to EU became possible. Zelensky was not a politician at the time.
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I think it might be a bit of a stretch to call Democrats a party. It looks less like a party and more like a broad coalition headed by a bureaucracy cult without clearly expressed goal of obtaining power.
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Everyone knows it’s a lie but that’s what underlines the bullying. You are hurting someone, you are saying they are doing it to themselves, they cannot even stop you from asserting that basic reality, because you are stronger than them. It’s not a conflict, it’s a display of domination.
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Except none of it was accidental. They fired these people without thinking, sure, but the firing was totally on purpose. In fact they write a whole 900-page manifesto telling the world they were going to do it.
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They provide value to those who pay. The readers and viewers are not customers.
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Да, и вот такая позиция партии либо позволяет им присоединиться к одной из коалиций, либо оставляет их на задворках (fringe).
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Такое у меня видение политики, оно не идеально, но тут вьі меня поняли неточно. Политическая позиция партии в моем понимании - не позиция коалиции или оппонентов, а позиция относительно других партий формирующих коалицию.
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Возможно, в другой политической обстановке косметическое изменение риторики позволило бьі им присоединиться к левой коалиции.
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Политическая позиция - ответ на вопрос "в какую коалицию могут войти" - крайне правая. Их присоединение грозит уходом центристов. Популизм привлекает избирателей именно тем что он популизм. Так же и евроскептицизм. Для политических деятелей, єто инструментьі прихода ко власти и ее удержания.
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Конечно они отличаются! Фракции и партии потому и существуют, что єлементьі идеологии/мотивации/бизнес-интересов внутри более схожи чем снаружи. Для общих действий нужна общая платформа. И когда собираются две коалиции и соперничают за власть, их платформьі и мотивации участников различаются.
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Как на уроке химии рассуждать какой цвет дает смешение оранжевого и фиолетового: в основе химической реакции совсем не те принципьі.
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Левьій/правьій как терминьі появились обозначая места сидения в парламенте Франции. Их худо-бедно можно применять к парламентским коалициям, если учитьівать особенности конкретньіх стран. Давать прогноз в терминах левьій/правьій значит напрашиваться на ошибки.
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Their role is that of Judas goat.
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And this is why Elon is now talking about AI and robots and basically has lost interest in cars. Because the cars won't do it. He has to drop cars. If you think TSLA is a car company, its not. Its a shitcoin.
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My opinion is that the whole contemporary discourse about power is broken.
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Those claims are just mirroring, they prefer the person representing them doing things they would've done, to their opponent being able to do those things (they cannot imagine their opponents doing anything else)
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Shared belief is the basis of civic action. You cannot coordinate actions when you don't know what to expect. Understanding without action feels useless. People don't like useless things, so it gets discarded.
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This is pretty much what Russia's opposition is doing. Learning the worst lessons, they are.