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Historian of Early Modern religion, especially Anabaptism in the Low Countries. Kansan transplant in Ontario
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"The most important group of medieval manuscripts from the Special Collections of the University Libraries of Leiden (UBL), the Codices Vossiani Latini, is now available in open access via the Digital Collections."

I've begun a starter pack of scholars of the early modern Low Countries. Let me know if you want me to add you. #earlymodern 🗃️

Hello all: It is with a heavy heart that I remove my Starter Pack of "Trustworthy Mesopotamian Copper Ingot Merchants Within the City-State of Ur." I have been informed about some pretty unfortunate oversights on my part and ultimately platformed some creators who should not have been platformed.

Good to see there's an active #earlymodern community on here, so you may be interested in our digitised collections of 16th-18th century manuscripts #histmed #medhums #skystorians

Now that more people are arriving on this page: pulled together some of the #earlymodern centres & journals that already are here into a neat starter pack, for easy following or simply to check those posts as a list. #skystorians

I’ll know the right Third Act moment to open the compound to the zombie horde because “Our time is done - now the world belongs to them.”

A reminder to my academic colleagues that the incoming freshman class was born in 2006 which means that - they have no memory of the Roman Republic - for them, Julius Caesar has always been dead - they consider Virgil to be old people’s poetry - they don’t care about Sulla’s proscriptions

Me and Anubis are laughing at how heavy your heart is, man. He’s doing bits. Like acting like he can’t even lift it with both hands haha. Acting like he’s doing bicep curls with it. I’m like, damn, Anubis is in his bag

I guess it's time to "condemn the Anabaptists" once and for all.

"Unaltered Augsburg Confession"- As a Reformation historian, I'm delighted to see that the Walz pick has revived interest in 16th-century Lutheran intraconfessional controversy. #earlymodern 🗃️

A sweaty history teacher! Finally, a politician I can relate to.

"Our school didn’t have air conditioning, and he would just get all sweaty and really passionate about whatever he was talking about. And it was just, you know, his shirt would get disheveled, but the passion would transfer over to us." Student recalls MN Gov/VP candidate Tim Walz's history class.

CfP: “Early Anabaptism in Global Perspective,” to be held July 22-24, 2025, Elizabethtown College (PA). The conference will focus on c16th and c17th Anabaptism, esp. the global context in which Anabaptism emerged and spread. For more information, see the full call below: #earlymodern

Hey #earlymodern #skystorians! If you are not normally UK-based but are planning to be in the UK in the coming academic year: let us know! UK-based people might like to invite you to give a paper, cover a lecture, grab coffee, meet with students, etc. 🗃️

[Sideline reporter interviews me at halftime of lecture] Reporter: Professor, it seems like you lost the students in your explanation of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. What do you plan to do to get them back? Me [mops brow]: Well, we've just got to get through Dred Scott and I think we'll be fine.

Het is zo ver! Met een feestelijk symposium lanceren we 26 januari 2024 in Amsterdam onze doorzoekbare verzameling van 200+ vroegmoderne kronieken. Iedereen welkom, maar meld je wel even aan. Kronieken digitaal - Een nieuwe toekomst voor oud nieuws:

Your regular reminder that we, your professors, LOVE IT when you email us after the fact to let us know what you're up to. Truly one of the most gratifying parts of this work.

I will never recover from this student email.

Belangrijk nieuws voor Nederlandse, Belgische en Luxemburgse mediëvisten en vroegmodernisten! Zo'n mooie atlas hebben we nog nooit gehad!

Deeply sorry to learn of the death of Natalie Zemon Davis, the most brilliant early modern historian of our time, influence on every one of us, and my teacher and mentor for my whole life as a historian. She was extraordinary.