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⬛🟥Intersectional union of autonomous leftist orgs building a network for community resilience. You never stand alone. UCD_Contact@ protonmail . com
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It is not a joke. It has never been a joke. It is not alarmist-- Fascists ARE training to maim or kill you. If you're not training regularly in self defense as an individual and as part of teams, you're way behind.

Some folks are either physically unable to participate in direct actions or are risk averse due to personal situations. They can still roll with local community defense orgs. Friends, pick up the cloak and dagger. Become an intelligence asset. OSINT, scanners, spotting scopes and cameras, to start

reintroduce yourself to this resource “No trace, no case. A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught.”

Fuck... We have so much more work to do now. Please volunteer if you can; we need the people: If you can't, you know, there's the other thing too, but I hate to ask...

When you lack access to a full fledged gym, which can teach you in a show-tell-do, hands on style, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basics and terminology.

if you work at OSHA or the Department of Labor and wanna share a tip about what’s happening with a friendly labor reporter, I will protect your privacy and am ALL ears I’m on Signal (kimkelly.666) and you can email me securely at [email protected]

had to reconstruct my AFA Research Starter Pack as the original had mysteriously become “invalid”. many thanks to who maintains a mirror of this.

Good info/opsec:

We will find that our only safety lays in danger. When our backs are against the wall there is no way out but forward. Tuck you chin and start swinging like your life depends on it... because it does.

The Hitler's brownshirts and Mussolini's blackshirts were publically mocked for their zealotry until they weren't. They want to be Trump's blueshirts.

This is not a joke. Do not think you are somehow immune. Use a VPN, use encrypted messaging and delete all social media apps owned by complicit billionaires. Do NOT fed post.

I mean this when I say Elon is the most dangerous man in the world. Truly supervillain level of danger.

The most powerful words you can say right now to these fascist bastards is: "No, make me." They cannot actually be everywhere and enforce their fascist policies. They rely on fear to do the job of governing for them. By refusing to comply, you make their means of compliance ineffective.

Mutual aid is not just a disaster response, it’s a way of caring for one another, building stronger communities, and preparing for whatever life may throw at us next. It’s a labor of love—and a way of life. I put together a reading list (and words of advice) for LitHub:

We will be hosting classes for the following topics. Schedule soon to follow: 1. Firearm Fundamentals 2. Intro to Ham radio 3. Land Navigation Basics 4. Bushcraft Basics 5. Hiking We will not be making instructors or locations public. For inquiries please email: [email protected]

We failed to stop fascism's rise. Now it's dancing about on the White House lawn. I don't know how to fix all this but I do know that the shit we've been doing won't get us out of this one.

There has been no better time than today to start cleaning up.

President Trump pardoned (or commuted the sentence of) all the people who tried to overthrow the government on his behalf. Meet the Neo-Nazis and white nationalists he bailed out:

This is it-- this is a declaration of war. 1500 of the most rabid and violent insurrectionists free and clear of all charges. The right wing paramilitary is going to get a supercharge of power. Buckle up, friends. Train hard and remember that armed minorities are harder to oppress. ORGANIZE NOW

Wake. Up. And Lock. The FUCK. IN. This is DAY ONE.

It will take organization to combat the mass purge of immigrants that the incoming administration has planned. During the first Trump term, members of our organization helped to build the Koreatown Popular Assembly in LA, meeting ICE raids head on. Read about it below:

Shoutout to the dozens of antifascists from literally around the world who participated in our digital/online security workshop today!

For a few days, take some time to mourn the future that could have been. Rest your heart and do something you love. Find ways to laugh with those you're close to. We will all need strong hearts and bonds for what's coming. Mourn and rest now. This coming week the fight begins.

CALLING ALL ACROSS THE US. HELP CHICAGO AS YOU CAN, KEEP AN EYE ON HOW ICE OPERATES (AND HAS), PREPARE COMMUNITY DEFENSE. expected targets are "blue" states and more directly their major population centers, such as LA, PDX, Seattle, San Fran, NYC, Sac, etc etc.

All you need is a label printer and some designs in Black/White and you can make some high speed stickers that are quick to slap up and very adhesive! Here's three of our newest ones! Made for a 6"x4" label sticker

There is no turning over of the hourglass. Plug in, sync up and start your work. You do not have the luxury of time.

Psst... Hey, you, nondescript leftist. You've got eight days until the hard part starts. What have you done to build resilience and solidarity today?

We wish everyone a new year that is peaceful, safe, and abundant. If it fails to be any of those three things, we hope you can look to your community for support. For our part, we still strive to be a part of the community you can count on. Look out for eachother this year. Solidarity forever.

If you’re not meshed into the community defense ecosystem you need to change that ASAP. Even if you’re not willing to put your body on the line as a member of a ComDef org, you NEED to find your locals. Look them up, reach out to them and let them know what your needs are.

Without downloading any new pics what’s your energy going into 2025?

There is a ton of great advice in these articles. However, i disagree with a reliance on law enforcement when they are often sympathetic. We need to physically confront them. This zine goes over additional approaches on how to prepare for and shut them down.


Follow these accounts to learn Community Defense skills and level up you game. Let me know which accounts should be added to the pack.

Coming soon to your neighborhood... Defend your neighbors and smash bigotry!

Liberalism is not a bastion for humanity. We must move beyond it and the cynical humanism it pretends to espouse.

Don’t Panic, Organize: Meeting the Moment of Trump’s Second Term Donald Trump has once again ascended to the presidency. What should we expect and how should we respond?

Good time to research the Underground Railroad in your localities. Look for the Anti-Slavery Society as well as what your local Quakers were up to. You know, for scientific purposes, and you might learn some cool stuff.