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El-billerne er på vej. Intet kan stoppe deres fremgang. Men at kalde det enøjet, ikke at se på de store problemer det også skaber er vel mere enøjet, da man lukker det ene øje for den side der er meget problematisk i andre lande.
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<img src="blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/e4e4ebb8-3121-442a-82ed-1027e3307dab" alt="Screenshot 2025-01-25 12.36.07.png"/> mener vi skal være visionære og se ud over privatbilismen og el-biler.
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Not individual cars. That is sure.
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Biler er infektive transportmidler, el eller ej, og det kræver umindelige mange ressourcer, og forurening, både at fremskaffe råstofferne og at bygge.
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Og det ser ud til at ville koste os nordpå, mere i opvarmning.
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All countries recrutes more resistance fighters when attacked brutaly by a foreing force, that kills your families and destroy your future and liberty.
Its a commun human reaction to injustice seen since begining of times.
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They look much more fit, than the palestinian hostages. specialy the palestinian children hostages.
Think israelis calling plestinians "animals who all should die", is a reason.
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Les parades sont chère. Les militants sont payer par le nombres de pas. Alors on les a demander de ne pas trop bouger, car chaque pas, coute un verre d'eau, detruit un sac de blé et jette un paquet de medicament dans la poubelle.
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they looked completely fine, the situation in consideration.
that is not the case of palestinian hostages at all.
we conclude that dehumanisation is an israeli construct.
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Han ændrer bare loven, eller kalder det noget andet.
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Det undrer ingen at småracister henter inspiration fra Frankrig, hvor Muslim bashing ofte er grundlaget for fleres menings udsendelser, selv for en hel kanal.( kanaler ejet af franske oligarker) Derfor er et mylder af uafhængige medier dukket op
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For the Rich, and I ly for the Rich
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I have seen hasbara trolls for to many decades to care.
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Alle laver propaganda hvor de kan. Men vi er blevet gode til at tjekke informationer og hvor de kommer fra, ikke?
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Der skal være gennemsigtighed og et loft over hvor mange midler man må bruge i en valgkampagne. Vi har fået kritik af EU for manglende gennemsigtighed
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They were east European stealing and killing for a racist ideology. Sionism is what sionism does.
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And the moon is green cheese
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So admitting war crimes?
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nothing of the kind I think. Israel must accept one state, return of the refugees, put their racism away, and unlearn sionism.
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Tying not to die. That is what occupies your mind during a genocide
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Gaza has always been a concentration camp, created by Israel. Israel chased the people it did not murder in there, and stole all they had. It never stoped. That is a what fascist regime do, not democracies
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And many western governments uses it to show their true racism and shield a genocide
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Sionisme has done nothing but crimes, eccentric before they stole others land, they knew they would ethnically cleanse it. Sionisme is one long trail of crime. Being next to it bringes everybody in danger.
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Israel’s Ambassador to Australia says he must “…bring Australians to a better understanding of what Israel is all about”…
I suppose he plans to bring the remains of murdered Palestinians to Canberra and dump them on the steps of Parliament House.
That is the only act left to amplify Genocide more.
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Your are a sionist, complicit in genocide. No clemency to such a joke of a human being.
Your name make everybody sick.
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The sionist were already present before early 46, as terrorists. Ask the English, ask the Palestinians. All knew their plans. They have seen them emptying villages. You fool yourself. Read a non sionist history book
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Realy important but not surprising
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Pas con les vieux penseurs
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Tak for den.
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De er gået helt i baglås i Tyskland
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Godt kæmpet og godt i ikke er med i den elendige aftale.
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Bad user experience on iPad - please looket it.
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Good ide. Nuging virker ikke overalt og privatflyflåden vokser stødt.