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Anonymous antagonist.
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By declaring a monarchy with the majesty it imposes, the president with the singular imperial power it holds has re-purposed the federal state. This is the Jacksonian move but instead on the original jurisdictions of the states several and united. The kingdom has deemed the U.S. courts inferior.
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It happened to Hawaii in 1893... Comparing to their history we are just about where they were in the 1880's. The existence of a "Bayonet Constitution" being a precursor of the self-declarative and unoriginal republic/territory/state of Hawaii's jurisdiction predicts our future is interesting.
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The destruction of national identity in times of peace of is apportioned to genocide. Declarative jurisdiction of a monarchy in the United States is enough to nullify the coloring of law. A self determined authority can no longer substantiate without the contract of rights enumerated.
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'A partial court is worse than banditry; judges are enemies, there sleeps the law. In front of you the citizens neck lies, stretched out, quite, and without defense.' -Gavrila Derzhavin
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Of Course the so called State of Hawai'i went with it. The Genocide of the Nation of Hawaii will model the Genocide of the United States. Declarative Jurisdiction is different than Original and Substantive Jurisdiction. 18 U.S. Code §1091 can be committed 'in time of peace or in time of war'.
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Americas 'Raw Deal.' Brought to you by a pair of raw doggers....
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Solzhenitsyn was arguing with true soviets even in the Gulag. They may be in freefall but the bottom is far off.
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Donnie's "Raw Deal" fouled by intent with Trickledown Elonomics. The cost of unsold products will catch up to producers and price adjustment of resources. At least we aren't sending the Gulag's to Mars under article 58 for counter-revolutionary activity....