That's why you warm up when they come you kill them go down swinging go out in a blaze of glory it's better than that and by eliminating as many as you can it lowers their manpower to enforce and the rest of us will start doing something
Laws only matter if they are enforced and the DOJ doesn’t do that against republicans. The constitution doesn’t matter. Federal law doesn’t matter.
Trump will do whatever the fuck he wants because WHOS GOING TO STOP HIM
Lol the Constitution doesn’t matter now buddy. You’ll be screaming unconstitutional right up until marshal law and he won’t listen.
The Constitution is a dated bit of paper that like government, cannot stop what he’s doing. It is meaningless because enforcement isn’t there anymore.
Do you really think that an intelligent and experienced woman in 2016 and in 2024 could not lead this country better than this? You need to grow the he’ll up from your misogyny , bigotry and racisim! I am still pissed ! We now have this and he is doing what he said and lies !
You missed the part where he Tarrifed all of Elons Competition, and attempted to aquire Ukraines Lithium reserves in exchange for strategic military intelligence 🙃
I add alt text to all images I post now but don't understand how it all works. Question: if I right-click on an image in macOS I can choose to "Copy Text From Image." Can this be used in a workaround where alt text isn't provided?
In 2020 you were on Katie Couric's podcast and she asked if there was a way to stop Trump from running for president and you said that stopping anyone from running for president would be a disaster for democracy. Thoughts now?
He's following through on every one of his dictatorial ambitions. Can't decide whether to call it a reich or a reign.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
Billionaires are in the top 0.0001% of earners. But WE outnumber them by billions. When people get together for a mass protest, their energetic impact is amplified exponentially. So 10 people with a common intention have the energetic impact of 100 people; 100 people are the same as 10,000, etc.
And he will continue to follow Putins handbook to dictatorship. Bit by bit he transfer power from the other two branches to himself. The failure of the American people to rise up and deal with the issue at hand will be instrumental in the end of the USA.
This is how someone NOT BORN in the USA becomes the 1st unelected immigrant president. Musk bought it from Trump, rigged the election for him and is now liquidating all assets out of it.
Trump has used unprecedented measures against all America stood for since 2016, he's admitted more than once, on camera, that Musk rigged the 2024 election for him. It's time we used unprecedented measures and simply throw him out of office. He can be impeached AFTER we throw him out.
WTF.. where does it say he has these ubiquitous powers. Over heaven and earth too? He doesn’t just think he is a King he thinks he’s a God. He’s but a mere mortal with a craven heart and soul.
Trump’s DOJ “speech” were the ramblings of a demented old Narcissistic Sociopath. He repeats himself over and over. It is nuts! The Emperor has no clothes. He needs psychiatric help not the presidency. Trump is mentally incompetent.
Normalised Nazi Takeover is what you face in America. No one is going to educate you to overthrow them. America is a lot of spoiled kids watching the monsters rob the store and doing nothing with the power to actually stop the Normalised Nazi Takeover.
But didn't SCOTUS say he could... while he was "acting in his official capacity as President"?
I'm pretty sure that's how Trump took it... because he is demonstrating that daily. He full and truly believes he is above the law... and we have let him.
I'm no student, I have nothing specific to point to, but I'm confident this power grab is not unprecedented. I'm confident historians could relate numerous examples.
This shouldn't diminish the seriousness of the situation.
I'm just tired of posturing as unimpaired for posterity.
President Trump is issuing Executive Orders under the Protection of Presidential Immunity which challenge conventional wisdom that has not heretofore been decided by SCOTUS, or, like Roe, re-challenges old norms & opinions. Everything is Constitutional unless SCOTUS rules otherwise. Dems are kaput!
If it was unConstitutional, the House would Impeach, a Senate Trial would ensue, and >=67% of Senators would find President Trump Guilty. None of that is happening, nor will happen. Get used to our Constitutional, Presidential Immunity-endowed, Article II ruling, MAGA President. Love our Republic
Just Do It! But how? With a majority of Republicans in the House which requires a majority vote? Not in your lifetime. Find another way to be anti-patriotic. 👺
He works straight out of the 'how to be a malignant narcissist & tyrannical leader' playbook. Anticipate, instead of react.
Once you know the tells & nature, they're unbelievably easy to contain & counteract. Silent diligence is your advantage.
I’m going to stop checking in to see what’s going on, because I’m getting really upset about how leaders on BOTH sides are just rolling over and letting Trump and Elon F_k us coming and going! 😡🤬
Sadly the $170k each representative gets paid by "We the Peoples" taxes is not equivalent to the lining of the pockets they get from all them billionaire, special intrest, PAC donors, we want a government that works for us, we gotta get rid of ALL the bonus $ they get for licking their shoes PERIOD
After you wake up, tell your reps in DC what you think. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
The Congress and Supreme Court need to wake up. You cannot allow the Executive to arrogate Article I powers to itself, and this appears to be the most flagrant example, since Congress has not declared War against any foreign power.
This one is not definitive and definitely depends on the situation & constellation, but most times I've said amen it was for bad things, most times I've said I wish it was for the good things.
Remember the knifes terror attacks about 8 years ago?
He put me on digital surveillance, I told them to do the same.
They put every Muslim here under digital surveillance, they used to post on social media that they are going to kill jews, so they put a drone above them and neutralized it.
Before the last hospitalization, after my Scrabble began hurting, Elvis said on the radio that I'm being released, and they didn't.
So I ended up in a financial stress, asked my sister for help, my brother in law first, she said no, that she can't, that she lives on a budget, total bull.
“Yes, it is a Fascist power grab, Professor Tribe! To the ones believing the power grab isn’t for them or to those of whom, chose a bended knee o are hiding in the cloak room of our government, the one’s who didn’t vote, can blame themselves, when the Trump Administration comes for your freedoms!”
“This authority is often interpreted to include the ability to act in emergencies, although it is subject to checks and balances from Congress and the judiciary.”
Apparently, the Judge (judiciary) and Bondi (DOJ) are at odds in this case.
No, and they won't, because they are true-believers. We need people on the fence to wake up and join the cause of good.
Liberal = Free
Democracy = diversity, equity & inclusion
Facts = truth
These are universal truths and unequivically good.
Yes it is but until SCOTUS rules on this and we hope, uphold constitutional norms, we have to legally fight. Then we will see if Trusk (Trump/Musk) violates a SCOTUS decision. Then our path is clear and unfortunately maybe horrific.
They don't need to be competent — in fact, the opposite is more beneficial for their purposes. The DOJ exists now to protect Trump and enforce his designs. When the DOJ says that the court has no authority over Trump, that's not an argument they can actually lose. They're saying they won't stop him.
And given SCOTUS has already ruled that the president cannot be prosecuted for breaking the law, there's nothing any court can do about this. As long as someone carries out his will, this is going to continue escalating. Congress has sold us out to a dictatorship.
At the same time we have 1.6m people on the streets in Belgrade calling to end a demagogue. 800k of them today. And Budapest & Bucharest taking to the streets in the 100s of 1000s. As a European, they make me proud. Wondering what are the numbers like in the US protests?
Hard to know. It "appears" Americans are protesting heartily and daily in their communities, but for some reason most protests are not covered in the news. Anyway, that's what many are reporting.
Its a good thing to do local protests, but its not enough. The media won’t cover 30 people with boards. You need to do like Belgrade and Budapest did today
No. Most Americans are not. This is just starting to affect them. Wait until they don’t get their government checks. That’s when they will hit the streets.
Are you pasting because of the number? The quotes are all over the shop. But even at a "lowly" 325k, it dwarfs anything reported out of the US, doesn't it? And the US is what, 56 times the population?
Europe has first-hand knowledge of where this will lead. The US doesn’t and since real history isn’t being taught, they can focus in on drag queens and transgender athletes. We suck.
It happened to Hawaii in 1893... Comparing to their history we are just about where they were in the 1880's. The existence of a "Bayonet Constitution" being a precursor of the self-declarative and unoriginal republic/territory/state of Hawaii's jurisdiction predicts our future is interesting.
It still stumps me why people didn’t believe him, especially after going through his first term. Fortunately some smart people believed him and they’ve been planning for at least the past year. Best we don’t know what they’re doing
There was a time up until Jan 2025 where getting a job with the job with the DOJ was a) not easy and reserved for sone of the very best, and b) something to be very proud of.
This has been a given since the July 1, 2024 christofascist SCOTUS supermajority opinion in #Krasnov The Orange Slug v United States. The Constitution was nullified which also nullifies the Fed Gov’s constitutional authority to govern, including the authority to tax.
When it comes to politics, that statement actually holds merit (I hate admitting this).
Truth be told, if it weren't for Clinton bombing Iraq, Bush creating ICE, Obama reestablishing mass deportation, and Biden funding Israel, Trump wouldn't be nearly as capable as he is now.
We all pray a j6 doesn't happen again.
But then we in Canada are prepping for anything and everything.
Do if you don't at least majw an effort to get your country back then a repeat j6 will be the least of our problems
king Thrump exercising his imaginary "mandate" to do whatever he damn well pleases. Our mandate is to resist him at every opportunity and work towards throwing his azz out of office and to face justice in the Hague (if you want to reclaim international legitimacy).
Almost every move Trump makes is to further entrench himself as a dictator. I, for one, have never doubted that his "joke" about being a dictator on day one was anything but serious. This person is a threat to Democracy and the United States of America and anyone that doubts that is a fool.
The MAGA cult will refuse to see any of this or admit that they have made a mistake. Sure, a small percentage will break off, but most will stick with the First Felon and Muskrat, until America has completely sunk to the bottom of the barrel.
It's because most Republicans either have a criminal record, or engage in criminal behavior but haven't gotten caught. I have heard so many make excuses for him.
Exactly! My ex-husband's family was guilty of this, and my ex. As a full time mom, my ex tried to pin his tax evasion on me. I fed for Innocent Spouse. I bet lil🍆 will try to erase that too!
You are correct. Just read the comments on any Fox articles on T. The MAGAs are twisting themselves into pretzels to defend his policies. Haven't seen a negative thing from them anywhere. #upsidedownworld
I can't wait to see their response when there is a severe recession, they are laid off, and SS, Medicare, SNAP, all social safety net programs are unable to help them...maybe the cognitive dissonance will crack? But who knows... it's hard to admit you've been led down the garden path!
I want to punch my 7th grade history teacher who made me learn and tested me on "checks and balances", turns out it was just a theory that the current administration doesn't chose to believe in so there's nothing that can be done
Kamala campaigned on this, and then she went silent when everyone and their brother were yelling for an audit. Seems like the democratic Elites set us up again. Working with the right and the heritage foundation to turn this country into a Christian nationalist regime. 😡
"Anwar Nasser Abdulla al-Awlaki was an American-Yemeni lecturer who was killed in 2011 in Yemen by a U.S. government drone strike ordered by President Barack Obama. Al-Awlaki became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a drone strike from the U.S. government."
So... most minorities, the disabled, the poor, trans people. All the folks who can't just emigrate at will to another country, or whose passports have just been nullified.
With his refusal to obey court orders & violating the Constitution & congresses unwillingness to impeach him, the Constitution no longer exists. Until American revolt THIS WILL NOT END BECAUSE THIS CANNOT END! How many will have to suffer and die before American see this?!?
Seen from abroad, your constitution seems not to be worth the paper it is written on. Judging by how the executive can do whatever they like.
Time for a total rewrite
He is just getting started. Wait til he starts throwing gay & disabled citizens in work camps, or has "his militia" kill people on the streets for peaceful protests.
All Politicians, especially SCrotUS will have targets on their backs for allowing this.
Civil War & Revolution are coming
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
Well then how do we counter the acts of your former students?
You must have SOME insight into how they are planning to use what they learned at harvard and yale to destoy our nation.
And here we are, slowly becoming submissive since all we have are the judges standing up for law and justice, without any power to enforce their orders. Scary how overwhelming this is, watching democracy crumble so swiftly and effortlessly, at the hands of one we thought an incompetent fool.
FSB is writing our script in Moscow. KGB became FSB. Putin grew up in this. Stalin knew how many hangings per village to pacify it. He formed Russia totalitarian with Ukrainian genocide knew the purpose of purges within groups and society as a whole. Putin's mentor thought Brezhnev skipped a purge.
He has a well designed team who is actually pulling all the levers. They have been working on this for decades.. FOTUS was just dumb/evil enough to be their ultimate tool of destruction.
Didn’t SCOTUS decide that presidents are immune fr prosecution for illegal acts committed while pres if he deems them to be in the best interest of the country? If this is true than Trump can do as he pleases unless we take him to court to prove otherwise. SCOTUS created this monster.
True, Trump’s orders don’t come with built-in immunity for the perpetrators. Presumably he’d pardon those people like he did the J6 terrorists, but w Trump, it’s not a given. Also I can see that the immunity decision doesn’t preclude impeachment, but does it preclude senatorial conviction?
The President of the United States has immunity. Laws do not apply. The Heritage Foundation folks tell him how to use it.
It’s too bad President Biden didn’t take advantage of that, knowing that he could throw MuskaRat half the Frump family, and many others out of the country.
would lock them up for ~3 years & allow time to investigate all the other illegal criminal shit 💩 they have been doing & have done & are doing & plan on doing.
& our 14th Amendment Section 3 should have kept the failed insurrectionist off the ballot initially.
The heritage foundation wrote Project 2025. Trump campaigned that he didn’t know what it was, & probably didn’t. Many of them now run his administration. They are the ones writing the executive orders. Trump is the puppet that signs them. Read it, then you can make sense of what was going on.
Let’s pray that once a number of these blatantly illegal & unconstitutional moves by Trump reach SCOTUS, that SCOTUS does the right thing to protect our Constitutional Republic & uphold the Rule of Law! If they don’t, I guess the MAGAts will be chanting “Long Live King Trump”!
This is so insulting. How many of us were screaming about this for years while Merrick Garland treated Trump's mountain of crimes with the urgency of a jaywalking offense.
National security? Between Musk & his cuts, creating distrust in agencies & screwing over Allie’s Trumps destroying National Security..Think Allie’s Trust Trump with shared intel?
Who can stop him? He doesn’t care what the courts say. It’s frankly terrifying. It seems some (retired/fired) military/fbi/cia officials need to decide if they will truly support and defend their oath to the US - our of they’re going to allow the Administration to violate the Constitution.
Problem is undereducated white people are immune to knowledge. So, to answer her question, no they’re not waking up. They will have to lose everything (home, job, transportation, food) personally before it dawns on them that they voted for this 😡
Good thing we have an impartial SCOTUS who will stop all this - and a House and Senate who will flex their muscle to provide the check the constitution provides for.
2024 ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!!! WAKETHEFUCKUP AMERICA!!! Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying election integrity through audits and data
If the president has absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts, why would Trump abide by ANY court order? It makes no sense. Trump can do anything he wants to; order anyone to do anything he wants them to do. It’s sickening.
It’s funny that you view your candidate losing as a power grab! Lol. Trump is doing exactly what America elected him to do. The liberal agenda is over. It’s fun to watch the Democratic Party implode.
😅 As if!
SCOTUS will double down on presidential immunity & allow the destruction of the administrative state, because that's why Leonard Leo bought them their judgeships! They will still have jobs, even DEI hire Thomas, who I expect will resign so FOTUS can replace him with a younger corrupt judge.
Or Americans take to the streets in protest again! Three EQUAL branches of government has made us successful so far. We don’t need that tossed out the window because Trump wants to be a dictator or a king - what day is it? Sunday, must be King day
To understand what is going on, one must understand Putin's past, present & plans for the future.
It would not surprise me if 3/4 of DC on both sides is under his control directly and/or indirectly.
The successful Putin system:
What are these politicians afraid of as they watch the overthrow of our government and the oncoming police state? Silence is complicity!
We The People ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We will not be silent!
"Silencing one voice creates a ripple that quiets many," said Bear. "When we allow even a single truth to be hushed...we begin the slow, steady erasure of all that could be said."
If we don’t take down as many Congressmen and Senators in the 2026 midterms and end this fiasco in the Whitehouse we will certainly have no chance! Vance can not be the heir apparent!
We need to vote in these Special Elections for 4 Democrats. Taking the House is critical!
at this rate, trump ain't leaving office til he's dead.
who will stop him?
supreme court
republican congress
weak ass dems
plus by them musk will have a few trillion from our treasury to effectively bribe every living voter
Wow... I had this discussion with my husband the night of the election. Statistically it was impossible for him to win all those states. Good to know that there are people smarter than me that can show the numbers.
If Dems loose that’s proof Trump & Musk R cheating in elections.By then costs will be way up,which is what he won on,& he will have totally alienated minorities. Only the braindead will miss his destruction of consumer protections..Add his constant attack on constitution.
Neither can be jailed. Trump has full immunity to do what he wants as president, thx to the Supreme Court, and he would just pardon Elon. The game is rigged, and we're just bystanders to America's "great" return to white oligarchy.
Guess there's nothing to worry about then. This is just normal. It's just the capitalist system behaving like the capitalist system has done for decades, here and in other capitalist democracies.
Yea, that's what I was saying, just don't do anything. It's not possible at all that I was saying this will always happen over and over unless we get rid of that system, no it's much smarter to just pretend 1 or 2 people cause all the peoblems.
I get what you're saying, but I think the rhetoric backfires.
Because this is unprecedented. It hasn't happened over and over. It wasn't happening last year. It wasn't happening a decade ago. Or 20 years ago.
So you're saying not a single other western capitalist nation has had a fascist get elected to power on the promises of dismantling government agencies and deporting anyone they don't like?
So he can make natural born Americans stateless? Or just birthright immigrants etc? Like only have 1 or 2 generations on ground there? So many headlines are so extreme it's really hard to tell what is what anymore.
There’s an unspoken threat in his “inherent authority for national security.” It implies he could order the execution of anyone he deems a threat to national security.
It’s the next iteration. And he always goes beyond what the law allows.
Well, it is physically a part of the two continents that have been given that name, yes.
I would point out the following:
- asset forfeiture is a system the police have used for a while now to take money from regular U.S.-ians who, legally, cannot get their money back because the courts have set it
up so that if the person files suit to get the money back, they are forfeiting their right to the money. Only the money is allowed to sue. Does that sound crazy? But civil rights lawyers have been talking about it for YEARS and no one in power has done anything meaningful to end it.
- Legally, there are apparently 7 ways that a U.S. citizen can be declared no longer a citizen. They include swearing allegiance to a foreign nation. (No. 7 should have gotten the J6ers kicked.)
Elon has generative AI. Jeff, as of 3/28, is making changes to Alexa (he also owns
a diplomat, I would not put it past Donald to bestow that on him the moment it becomes necessary. Someone would have already informed him of the potential need for it, and with P2025 reliant on Elon's "work", they would have already considered this. Prepared for it.
Trump will do whatever the fuck he wants because WHOS GOING TO STOP HIM
The Constitution is a dated bit of paper that like government, cannot stop what he’s doing. It is meaningless because enforcement isn’t there anymore.
Thanks. ☺️
Sorry for the delayed reply; I was finding links for a different response (sourcing is important to me)
RISE UP NOW, Americans.
For The People?
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
I'm pretty sure that's how Trump took it... because he is demonstrating that daily. He full and truly believes he is above the law... and we have let him.
This shouldn't diminish the seriousness of the situation.
I'm just tired of posturing as unimpaired for posterity.
I hope America stands 🔥
He works straight out of the 'how to be a malignant narcissist & tyrannical leader' playbook. Anticipate, instead of react.
Once you know the tells & nature, they're unbelievably easy to contain & counteract. Silent diligence is your advantage.
Elon's barely post-pubescent posse creating a video of the person doing 2, 3, 4 would also do it.
Fake documents for 1, with Vlad, Kim, Benny signing them.
You'd be disappeared/dead before you could fight it.
He was the most living puppet of the 13 families.
A PM decided to cage a citizen and no one is doing anything about it.
Show it to them.
To me, it's the face of religion.
He put me on digital surveillance, I told them to do the same.
They put every Muslim here under digital surveillance, they used to post on social media that they are going to kill jews, so they put a drone above them and neutralized it.
He heard a conversation of mine, saying that by pounding on the ground you can hear if there's a void.
This is how they learned to discover their tunnels.
"When everyone wanted you dead, I kept you alive (R's design), and this is how you repaid my live".
So I ended up in a financial stress, asked my sister for help, my brother in law first, she said no, that she can't, that she lives on a budget, total bull.
Ask her how every Monday & Thursday she flew somewhere around the world.
My brother bought an apartment.
My aunt told me straight up that she's stressed, barely help me out with 200 Shekels.
It's why it's in R's hands.
“This authority is often interpreted to include the ability to act in emergencies, although it is subject to checks and balances from Congress and the judiciary.”
Apparently, the Judge (judiciary) and Bondi (DOJ) are at odds in this case.
Liberal = Free
Democracy = diversity, equity & inclusion
Facts = truth
These are universal truths and unequivically good.
Then he will know he’s equaled Putin.
He wants to be dictator.
His heroes are dictators.
1/3 kept screaming it
1/3 embraced it
and 1/3 was either too apathetic to vote or felt performative 3rd and non voting was the "moral" choice
Truth be told, if it weren't for Clinton bombing Iraq, Bush creating ICE, Obama reestablishing mass deportation, and Biden funding Israel, Trump wouldn't be nearly as capable as he is now.
To put it another way, MORE people who did vote,
voted for someone
than the
There was NO mandate
There was NO popular vote
There WAS Russian rigging however
just enough to make the numbers work for them without attracting too much attention
almost NINETY MILLION eligible voters chose to not vote
There was less than a ONE% difference in votes for Harris versus CHUMP
Chump is working for Russia &
it will backfire
for him and his snivelling coward henchmen
It's complacency.
That, and people are fucking exhausted and they're beaten down.
And they were also suppressed by Republican gerrymandering.
Millions of people didn't get their vote counted.
We must conform to law & order as much as possible. We don't want another J6.
But then we in Canada are prepping for anything and everything.
Do if you don't at least majw an effort to get your country back then a repeat j6 will be the least of our problems
Next dumb idea?
A placards or merely being present isn't enough. You don't think?
100 million of you just being physically present is too hard for you?
I d9nt think these guys are familiar with existing case law.
"Anwar Nasser Abdulla al-Awlaki was an American-Yemeni lecturer who was killed in 2011 in Yemen by a U.S. government drone strike ordered by President Barack Obama. Al-Awlaki became the first U.S. citizen to be targeted and killed by a drone strike from the U.S. government."
Its the ones forced to stay who should be concerned
Time for a total rewrite
Project 2025 idiots, maga, GOP...they all got to go.
#Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.
The non-citizen stuff is sort of inferred…by….the Supreme Court.
Any got any specifics?
I pray that fvking moron dies in his sleep tonight.
All Politicians, especially SCrotUS will have targets on their backs for allowing this.
Civil War & Revolution are coming
Your oppression is their profession
You must have SOME insight into how they are planning to use what they learned at harvard and yale to destoy our nation.
However, the Constitution died 2 months ago. It appears that in a pensive moment you may be beginning to see it.
while we enable hard won democracy to slip through OUR fingers...
Maybe Canada will adopt US....
#Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.
It’s too bad President Biden didn’t take advantage of that, knowing that he could throw MuskaRat half the Frump family, and many others out of the country.
would lock them up for ~3 years & allow time to investigate all the other illegal criminal shit 💩 they have been doing & have done & are doing & plan on doing.
& our 14th Amendment Section 3 should have kept the failed insurrectionist off the ballot initially.
Not the time to accept defeat
Do you know who enforces federal court orders?
The executive branch of the government, i.e., the president.
Democracy wasn't a passive gift. 'WE' fought to govern.
Nobody has ever been evil enough to try this.
Psychotically cruel without decency, morals or ethics.
and unconstitutional.
Tramples the laws that made us Americans.
The “ship” is sinking and sinking fast.
So what are you going to do about it? In a functioning democracy, he would have been arrested for treason, and yet.....?
The way he changed CIA, FBI and military already might have it to late as is!
Complaining that no one’s listening to them as the constitution is being destroyed
Without the GOP protection, trump is in prison!
The GOP is different from the German Nazi party in what way(s)?
Right? Right???
Seems pretty good - sometimes adds in comments like "this will cause unrest", etc
Only 33% last week ...
Is everybody else stupider than me?????
SCOTUS will double down on presidential immunity & allow the destruction of the administrative state, because that's why Leonard Leo bought them their judgeships! They will still have jobs, even DEI hire Thomas, who I expect will resign so FOTUS can replace him with a younger corrupt judge.
relative told him - "The country HATES Elon Musk."
It would not surprise me if 3/4 of DC on both sides is under his control directly and/or indirectly.
The successful Putin system:
It's fear mongering and they will test their limits until there is no end.
#Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.
"Silencing one voice creates a ripple that quiets many," said Bear. "When we allow even a single truth to be hushed...we begin the slow, steady erasure of all that could be said."
We need to vote in these Special Elections for 4 Democrats. Taking the House is critical!
who will stop him?
supreme court
republican congress
weak ass dems
plus by them musk will have a few trillion from our treasury to effectively bribe every living voter
You don't even have till 2026.
You may, just, have until about April.
Because this is unprecedented. It hasn't happened over and over. It wasn't happening last year. It wasn't happening a decade ago. Or 20 years ago.
It’s the next iteration. And he always goes beyond what the law allows.
No, he is not. He said it to you out loud, and you ignored it.
so what did You do that worked?
That I'm not in a cult?
Sieze anyone’s money
Deport anyone
Cannot be arrested or charged with a crime.
I would point out the following:
- asset forfeiture is a system the police have used for a while now to take money from regular U.S.-ians who, legally, cannot get their money back because the courts have set it
The fun version
Elon has generative AI. Jeff, as of 3/28, is making changes to Alexa (he also owns
You'll have to prove you weren't somewhere. How good are you at proving a negative?
- Diplomatic immunity has long been an option. While Elon is not a traditional choice to be
If nothing else, the "who should play James Bond" question should have shown his continued involvement in Amazon:
Amazon officers page, archived: