Postdoc at MIT, previously U. of Toronto, McGill
You can mostly trust my posts on:
🌌 cosmology
📡 radio telescopes
🎹 piano
🎼 music theory
...take everything else with a grain of salt.
Fr/En | He/Him | | Somerville, MA
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I think the other detail is the questions were specifically of the type "what's the source of this excerpt". Still not a good look but it doesn't mean that 60% of questions in general would be answered wrong.
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J'ignore l'origine de cette photo mais c'est de la fiction... le gnosticisme est essentiellement disparu un bon 500 ans avant que les notes soient nommées. Leurs noms n'ont d'ailleurs rien à voir avec l'astronomie (malheureusement!), mais plutôt avec un hymne religieux en latin du IXe siècle.
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I only learned that recently when I did the math: I'm paying the same amount in taxes in the US than I would if I still lived in ON (it'd be a tiny bit higher in QC). And I have to pay $1000s/year on top for health insurance! Most of it is federal too, so it's not due to living in a blue state.
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Roughly once per year, someone different types in my email address, which contains my full first name, then write "Hi Victor,"
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I'll probably change my mind on comets when I see a good one! So far they've all been faint smudges :(
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Beyond broad regulations, it's mostly falls the prescribing doctors. There does remain room for "abuse" like going to the ER for minor stuff; it's a problem, and it's usually dealt with at the hospital level, triaging patients by urgency. Very different from an insurer denying coverage!
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I think the difference—and here I speak only of my Canadian & US experiences—is that those agencies establish guidelines but don't review case-by-case like US insurers often do. Once my Canadian doctor prescribed me something that fit the guidelines, there was no second guessing by the government.
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Works well in savory dishes alongside other spices e.g. in Indian or Thai food. Only weird with chocolate or other sweets and desserts for some reason.
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I eliminated A and C because if rotational speed either remains unchanged or decreases, then translational speed has to decrease ("smaller wheel"). Then I eliminated B and E because energy wasn't conserved, assuming all energy is kinetic/no dissipation. Does that make sense?
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Ah, c'était à peu près ma réponse! Mais je n'imaginais pas que le troisième objet était aussi une étoile.
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Peut-être des étoiles binaires à éclipse, ce qui explique que les creux principaux alternent en profondeur. Puis, un objet circumbinaire avec une période plus longue vient obscurcir une étoile, puis l'autre, explicant deux creux "secondaires" moins fréquents. Sinon, je donne ma langue au chat!
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Thanks for this! You've put into words exactly what I had been trying to respond to friends and family asking me "so what know...that JWST has disproved the Big Bang..."
(I swear the first time this happened, my reaction was "shoot did I forget to check the arxiv this morning?")
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Welcome Mubdi!
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Got one of those too, thanks!