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Ausserdem kann man den Gegner zwingen zu reagieren anstatt selbst immer reagieren zu müssen. Das bringt die Planung der Russen eher durcheinander. Plus Schäden und Zerstörung von Anlagen usw. findet auf russischem Boden statt
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101 Artillerie: kommen manchmal die Meldungen erst später durch und häufen sich dann?
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No, same for media, bipartisanship etc
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Yes, I read Carl Schmitt while I was studying German history at Humboldt Universität in Berlin. "Der Führer setzt das Recht." Or "I am the law.", as Trump recently said.
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Unless they are called Freisler
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If Ukraine's capable of ramping up production faster than Russia and Russia's consumption is higher than production/imports and its depots are depleting, Ukraine's position at least on this dimension should improve
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Would you be willing to do a piece on the relative strength going forward, with scenarios? I'm curious for example what it means for defense production/purchases, energy etc. BC with a ceasefire it would also mean: how does the relative strength develop based on the conditions?
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Schönen Unterschied hast du gemacht! Danke
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Was meinen Sie damit konkret? Dass die Ukraine sich ergeben muss, weil ihnen die Energieversorgung ausgeht? Oder was anderes? Und worauf baseren Sie das, oder ist das vor allem eine Spekulation?
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Hast Du link zur Quelle?
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It was voter suppression.
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What if they are not focused on that and care little? If you think you have a beautiful ocean in between, you might think it doesn't matter - especially if you think you are so strong and don't need others, they need you. What if you're fundamentally misunderstanding the mental model?
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The Harvard Crimson is out with a piece today calling for coalition of college and universities to stand against this authoritarian assault.
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Wie definieren Sie "entscheidend"? Wichtig um Tote zu verhindern, nicht entscheidend um den Krieg zu verlieren?
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Fiasko: eher nicht. Framing: Es wurde damit glasklar was die heutige US Regierung beabsichtigt - oder sagt was sie beabsichtigt. Was Signalwirkung hat für Europa und den Rest der Welt. Er betont gleichzeitig immer Vernunft & Verhandlungsbereitschaft und kann so nicht als Blockierer gesehen werden.
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Is there a source?
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It's not easy to change this because they are quite far in it, so rational arguments don't help much (belief consistent processing). I'm doing some work on this, if you're interested I'm happy to tell you more.
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Yes, definitely the US admin seems to be caught in reflexive control, a captured state. As opposed to connecting observations about reality to purpose and ecology, there is a very narrow frame where all three now largely overlap and no disconfirming observations or assessments are accepted.