I write vampire and werewolf horror-erotica, dark fantasy, and random fun smut. Visit me on:
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Great to meet you too. I want to read your work! You and I sound like we are on the same wavelength.
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Absolutely. That's why I write so much Werewolf and Vampire stuff - one of my stories is about two people who would be perfect for each other, but their monstrous natures (he's a werewolf, she's a vampire) destroy their romance and everything around them.
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I love the degradation of the human moral compass, being replaced by something Other. I love the idea of ethical imperatives the character once held dear falling to the wayside in the face of new power and a lack of accountability.
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I'm so glad I found you! I also write pull about people (of many stripes) becoming monsters, and I love reading about it. I'm working on numerous WIPs and would love to read your work for inspiration. Thanks for keeping the genre dripping with blood and hung with guts 🖤 🐺 🦇
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The notion that *you*, the Vichy Democrats, are calling someone else corrupt, rings rather hypocritically to me and everyone else who knows just who you are #traitor #capitalist #fascistabetter #DINO #trumpgirl
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Your credibility is shot. I'm going to donate $$$ to your primary challenger; if you face a Republican, I'll donate to them because #vichydemocrats like you deserve to lose your jobs. #traitor #DINO
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I am as well; the lawlessness, the weakness, the fecklessness is making me extremely angry.
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WHY DO YOU STAND READY TO WORK WITH FASCISTS?! Why don't you RESIST the Fascists? Oh! Right! I know! YOU'RE A TRAITOR #fascistabetter #traitor #vichydemocrat
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Easy to vote along with your whole party when you're not censuring a 77 year old Black man standing up to white supremacists, isn't it you fascist abetter. #vichydemocrat #DINO #traitor #centrismisdietfascism #racist
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You can't escape the heat from censuring your own colleague. I'll say it again, as one Jew to another: you're a traitor to the USA you pig. #fascistabetter #vichydemocrat #traitor #DINO #downwithcentrists #centristsfavorfascists
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You're a vichy democrat. You voted to censure Al Green for standing up to Donald Trump. I'm going to remind you of this. #vichydemocrat #fascistabbeter #toolittletoolate #fecklessdemocrat #downwithcentrists
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Is there a Tree of the Knowledge of Tomato and Fennel?
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I'm enraged that he's president. I'm enraged that centrist politicians failed exactly like the left predicted, and that the left still gets criticized for somehow making them lose the election. I'm enraged that the center is so sclerotic and myopic they can't respond beyond 'roll over and play dead'
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I don't understand why it's so hard to get leaders who aren't extremely old; is there some statistical anomaly where younger generations haven't produced any besides AOC here in the USA, or is something more sinister going on?
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100%. I feel like their fate was so in line with what they were trying to say it isn't even ironic; it's post-irony enlightened centrist boogaloo or something, I dunno.
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Waddup, love your art, would love to share some of my Vampire: the Masquerade / Requiem fiction sometime.
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We're in this situation because of weak, milquetoast democrats like you. Down with centrists #bolsheviks #vichydemocrat #fascistabetter #DINO #MedicareForAll
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Oh so, you gonna stand up with your little pingpong paddle and your cute pink blazer and look all noble, Bera? Better keep your butt in your seat so you don't get censured by your own party #Dino #traitor #fascistabetter #vichydemocrat
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Oh like you took issue with Al Green standing up to Donald Trump because you're too much of a lickspittle to do it? #dino #traitor #fascistabetter #vichydemocrat
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Oh like you took issue with Al Green standing up to Donald Trump because you're too much of a lickspittle to do it? #dino #traitor #fascistabetter #vichydemocrat
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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You're a traitor for voting to censure Al Green, #fascistsympathizer #traitor #DINO
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The people wish to see the juicy fruit of your labors.
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What did you manage to think forth?
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It sounds a bit like Mummy: the Curse actually. I think you are returned to this life very powerful but have only a limited time to fulfill your mission.