Canceled big cat of the furry fandom. (2006-2023)
Have a question? Feel free to ask! If I like your question, I might answer it. :)
Harassment will result in a block.
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Big same, friend.
We are the old guard, the ancients.
The rise in popularity of the furry fandom in normie culture has brought them in and subsequently, their toxic behaviors and politics.
The furry fandom is no longer our place.
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Democracy is still the best system we have for decision-making, but it’s important to remember that being in “the majority” does not make anything correct. It just makes it more popular and favored.
Rights for individuals (the smallest minority) must be protected most of all.
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Because populism in reality is just as despotic as communism in reality.
Most individuals don’t actually want full autonomy over their lives, because that imbues with it a set of responsibilities that they don’t want.
People en masse are easy to manipulate & control & that’s exactly what happens.
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If you’re that worried about CO2 emissions, you should plant a few trees. That’ll help. ;)
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They don’t talk about that because it doesn’t matter, lol.
You can pay a government worker to dig a hole and then pay another government worker to fill that hole back up again, call it a service, and it will add to GDP, regardless of the fact that it added zero real value to the economy.
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What about it?
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Most of these problems are a result of over-regulation of the free market and the degradation of the money supply, forcing businesses to cut corners and raise prices to stay afloat.
Markets balance themselves based on supply and demand, and yes, some people buy more than they need to sell later.
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Being “working class” does not preclude you from being a parasite. In fact, it makes it more likely, as you do not have resources to cover major life events or emergencies without insurance.
Those with capital (typically) are living off of value they built themselves. It’s called upward mobility.
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I don’t force anything on anyone.
Nor do legitimate businesses, which are run by employees that have made employment agreements with the business they are employed with and subsequently trade their labor for value until the employee no longer wishes to be there at which point they can leave.
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Employers offer a secure and brainless way to consistently make money.
Meanwhile, they take great risk to themselves and their personal assets that they or their family have accumulated through years of effort to offer you that guarantee.
In return for the risk they take, they get the profit.
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“OH NO, evil capitalists are engaged in unregulated buying and selling of things they own!!”
“The inhumanity!!!”
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I agree that we should rid ourselves of parasites. I include socialists in that definition.
Anyone that desires to use my labor, through forced taxation, to fund something that is against my interest, is my enemy.
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Your ideology is fundamentally flawed.
This is a brain exercise for those that can think independently of those around them.
If you would like to open a Telegram chat, I’d be happy to describe why. I used to be a socialist too - until I learned Austrian economics.
It’s the real deal. Look it up.
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Did you know that… by taking a paycheck… you are also….. profiting off of your labor?
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Please tell me why you can have a socialist commune inside of a capitalistic society, but not a capitalistic commune in a socialist society?
Is it because capitalism is just “starved of socialists” to feed on? Or is it the other way around?
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Ask for a raise, then?
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My bank account started at zero just like everyone else. I worked 40 hours a week just like everyone else. I saved 50% of my income for 6 years, UNLIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, I invested that hard work into assets that grow in value over time as opposed to partying.
You’re an envious Marxist. Nothing more.
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A capitalist is someone that wants to buy or sell things free of government control.
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I take money that I have earned and saved through my own effort, invest it in a promising idea that creates jobs so that you can get a guaranteed paycheck while risking all of my investment for the possibility of profit, assuming my investment plan is correctly planned and allocated.
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PLEASE educate me then.
I can’t wait for this.
Please, tell me how you can simultaneously have no control (anarchy) and total control (socialism) at the same time.
Unless you are talking about smaller structures of total control within anarchy that compete for residency, then IDK wtf you mean.
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Tax is forcibly removed from me after my contributions to society (work).
Profit is the result of an investment that has yielded a positive benefit to the person who took the risk on that investment in the first place.
Your worldview is twisted and has been entirely debunked.
Go read a book.
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No. I extract value from the economy through my own effort, research, investment of capital, and deep understanding of financial markets and how they operate.
Your ridiculous and uneducated arguments have been quite entertaining to me.
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Bro you said anarchist socialism. You couldn’t have picked two words farther apart. That’s like saying you believe in stop go.
Pick. A. Lane.
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I don’t have a boss. The only entity that steals from me on a regular basis is the US Government. They call it ‘taxation’, but it’s just a really nice word for theft.
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You sure are good at telling me what I want and value.
Please go on, internet person.
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Hahahahaha, yeah okay bro.
Pick a lane.
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No. I haven’t voted in the last two elections, nor am I likely to in future elections.
I want the state dismantled and all of the corruption stamped into the dirt.
You want a leader. I want to be left alone.
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You know you can ask your boss for a raise, right?
Like…. your work is transactional. If you aren’t doing something valuable enough to ask for a raise, maybe you should go learn a skill and become more valuable.
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Please describe how I am a fake libertarian. I am very interested in how my very libertarian stance appears as far right to someone on the far left.
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You do realize that is exactly why I am a libertarian and against a state monopoly on violence, right?
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Thank you for proving my point.
I have included the screenshot for reference in case you decide to block me now.
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Thomas Sowell is way smarter than you will ever be and says things more true than the slop you’ve been typing up.
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I love reminding the Nazis that forced everyone to “get vaccinated” and “show papers” to interact with society this very thing.
I hope we get a 2.0
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When did I do that?
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It has never existed because every time it has been attempted, millions of people died from starvation.
You can’t distribute your way to prosperity, communist.
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Who said I was a conservative?
Y’all sure do like to assume a lot.
Imagine not categorizing someone into one of your collectivist “buckets” and treating them like an individual.
There’s this thing called ‘nuance’ and it means that sometimes, things that appear the same are actually different.
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I don’t vote anymore. Both parties are full of collectivists and I don’t want any of them in positions of power. When I see someone I like, I’ll vote again.
DEI is a weird mix of gay marxist racists that want to mutilate and sterilize children. I’d love to see it all burn to the ground.
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I respect your freedom to be incorrect. :)
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*** they’re
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What content?
I asked for three to five reasons why Marxism is good and you repeated yourself.
You have no foundational understanding of economics or how the real world works. If you did, you would not be a Marxist.
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Keep worshipping your golden calf.
Reality will be difficult for you.
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The only reason someone would believe in Marxism is because they DON’T understand economics. It is 100% pure religion and ideology. There is no actual substance.
Please lay out 3 to 5 points why Marxism is good and I’ll happily describe in great detail why you are wrong.
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I don’t, haven’t, and won’t. No worries. Your echo chamber is safe from me.
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And Leftists won’t let me wear my fursuit at the furry convention because I don’t subscribe to their pre-selected set of beliefs.
Instead of listening to my position on anything at all, I am immediately deemed a nazi far right extremist.
I don’t want to wear my fursuit around any of y’all.