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Thanks for all your efforts. A well deserved vacation.
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post this should be advertised on X!
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I don’t see a direct compensation, nor a us commitment to new military support. But indirect? Ukraine/fund commits to exploiting natural ressources (deposits of minerals) on commercial terms, implying diversified supply and us access. Ukraine gains by us interest, so less Russian influence.
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There is so much beauty in the world.
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And you need horse riders - it would be suicide for me getting off the horse.
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Can anybody see if these two are good horse riders?
Horses must be a logistical challenge. Water, food, care, rest, etc.
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Trump is a clown who isn’t funny.
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Glückwunsch. An alle!“
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post Has the pressekonference been broadcasted in Belarus? Thanks for your journalism, I am sure it also reaches the laughing and clapping journalists in the room.
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And you go through the loss documentation, so you actually knows about it. Great!
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Thanks, sounds like a qualified guess. And thank for all your efforts, your account is one of the few Ukraine/russia SoMe sources I have followed consistently during the war.
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Wonder why destroyed/total ratio is so different between Russian (47/49) and Ukrainian (13/23) losses.
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Thanks for all your work, much appreciated!
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post It would be really interesting to see a graph on average age at death (y-axis) dependent on time of death (x-axis) by rank (line graphs). Do you know if any source has similar timeline overview but based on estimate average of all Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine?
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and ditatorships, kleptocracies, tax evasion, and and and….
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Den Grønlandske strategi er ikke løsrivelse da historien viser at afhængigheden vokser med de beslutninger der indgås med den danske regering (lånegarantier, gældsætning, lufthavns udvidelser, etc.). Man ønsker der skal være “konkurrence” om Grønland.
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Vi kommer snart til at høre følgende tre udtryk, som jeg vil oversætte:
-samarbejde (f.eks. uddannelse og sundhed) betyder fri adgang til dk+us.
-investeringer betyder tilskud.
-dual use infrastruktur (f.eks. søkabel), betyder Forsvaret skal betale for investeringer i Grønland til civilt brug.
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Dette er symptomatisk for grønlandske politikere; “det grønlandske samfund skal også have gavn af forsvaret”, f.eks at det kun er grønlandske virksomheder der må servicere baser osv. Det er altså ikke nok at få gratis forsvar.
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Uddannelsen sker i Kangerlussuaq da man gerne vil have Forsvaret til at holde liv i bygden da selvstyret reelt selv lukkede den med en urentabel beslutning om at udvide Nuuk lufthavn og gøre den til trafikknudepunkt selv om regulariteten er meget dårligere.
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Der er lavet en “beredskabsuddannelse” for grønlændere i Kangerlussuaq, så en fribillet til militæruddannelse, men hverken forpligtende for frivillige eller Grønland om at stille med deltagere. Hvorfor kan Grønlandske politikere stille krav til forsvar af Grønland, hvordan tager de selv ansvar?
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Der er heller ikke værnepligt for grønlændere, skal Grønland forsvares er det unge danskere der risikerer at betale den ultimative pris.
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Og nå ja, bloktilskud og alt det andet på ca 5 mia samt forsvar og redningstjeneste. Grønland bidrager ikke med noget som helst i rigsfællesskabet, den almindelige dansker har ikke glæde af Grønland i Rigsfællesskabet.
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Man vil gerne have - og får - gratis adgang til det danske uddannelsessystem samt SU og adgang til det pressede danske sundhedsvæsen samt statslig subsidiering af investeringer i Grønland.
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Grønlandske politikere fra alle partier og langt de fleste borgere vil gerne have frit valg fra alle hylder, lidt ligesom Orban i Ungarn eller andre pariastater.
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Good point. Thanks for all your efforts.
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post could the explanation be that losses to a higher degree is now caused by long range strikes and open source intelligence doesn’t have visual access to these?
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post thanks!
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post can you please tell when this happened?
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post please tell if you have an estimate/source on total number of active officers in the Russian army? E.g., no of active lieutenant colonels? This would help a non military person to understand the significance of the number killed in Ukraine. Thanks for your work.
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Orban and Hungary out of EU, opportunist.
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Ich konnte den Link zur Pressekonferenz nach dem Spiel auf YouTube nicht finden. Könnte mir bitte jemand mit dem Link helfen?
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I hate the hindsight comment's “here is some generous armchair advice for you to do it correct”. First and foremost the lad wanted to do the right thing and probably ended up jail for it thanks to some idiot filming it - give the idiots advice, and the guy some credit for risking his life.
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Did assistant to Lieutenant Colonel Polikarpov to Lieutenant General Igor have an assistant Lieutenant Lieutenant?
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You will fail with a hat like that.
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I like the way your eyes roll around in your head.
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“crap”, what a cliffhanger 🙂 looking forward.
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The more we know, the better we understand what we don’t know 🙃Confused on a higher level!
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And continuously improving results from season to season with first Brønshøj, then Horsens, then Midtjylland, then Zurich, and now Mainz where important players as Gruda, Barreiro, and van den Berg left last summer.
#Mainz05 #WOBM05
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I can add to Bo’s reply that he also did this every season with Brønshøj Boldklub as half the team left end-season to higher ranking and professional clubs. So Mainz is not a special situation for him, this has always been his condition.
#Mainz05 #WOBM05
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Ok, I get no reply to my comment and will unfollow.
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post I am confused too. You don’t have any relationship the “no context Brit’s” group on twitter? But you use their avatar and copy/paste their posts? Can you please elaborate?
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Thank you!
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Thanks I will take a look at the article.
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post who stated the quotation “I am very…”?