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Welcome to The Abyss. This is where I merged, and became one with Phantasma. No one can stop me now. Die! Watch my bad stuff
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49.) Beast Wars Second 8/10 This was legitimately really nice. Doing a bunch of fuck all only to lock the fuck in at the end is a format Exkaiser made me realize was really good and this does it well.
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48.) Beast Wars Second: Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger! 8.5/10 Why did Primal not use his Matrix Blast in Beast Wars is he stupid?
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47.) Futari Wa Precure 8.5/10 This is like if Kingdom Hearts 1 was the lesbian one rather than Birth By Sleep
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46.) Sarazanmai 7/10 This was like fine. I think it doesn't commit enough to anything.
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45.) Breakage 9/10 This was fun. Shockingly not slop feeling for "Guy games good enough to get the cute gamer girl" plot.
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44.) Ozma Meets Fire Bomber Macross FB7 7/10 I do not know why I can't hate Macross 7 anymore. It's bad in a stupid way i guess.
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43.) Fireball Humorous 5/10 This probably funny as fuck if you're a japanese child
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I mean it's not like Macross is some creator owned thing. Someone already has a monopoly on somebody else's art they just have a monopoly on some other company's art.
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42.) Macross Frontier Rewatch 9/10 Luca's entire plot and a bit too much self awareness keeps me from full fucking with this but it's still really good.
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41.) Great Dangaioh 8/10 This is kinda like if Diebuster was good.
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40.) Ace Combat 2 8/10 This was cool. I think the way to get secret missions is dumb but other than that it's good. I really like the music.
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39.) Gaogaigar Blockaded Numbers 9/10 They made two shitpost episodes of gaogaigar and put them on a ps1 disc.
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I think i'll think about Gaogaigar a lot more this time then i did last. I just hope I don't think my way into disliking it.
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It comes so close to doing like Yuki Yuna "don't worry suffering is fine because at the end God will bless you with everything being fine : )" ending but it being for literal babies and not fully leaning into that makes it feel less bad I guess.
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The ending of this honestly remembering it fully now has always kinda felt weird to me. So much like "Hyper destruction" that I felt the show had been avoiding well only to end with "WE LOVE STRAIGHT MARRIAGE ALSO EVERYONE IS ALIVE" it feels so oddly limp.
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Gaogaigar was the only brave show I watched before watching them all with Eva, A lot of my watch of them was me connecting the dots on what this took from them. So much of what this does feels like intentionally playing them up, hyperbolizing them, but idk if it feels conclusive.
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38.) Virus Buster Serge 1/10 ugly boring thoughtless slop with no interesting ideas or thoughts or anything.
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37.) King of Braves Gaogaigar Rewatch 9/10 I do not think there is a show that could come closer to pissing me off, that scrapes against so many of my ick points when it comes to this genre while somehow pulling it off, other than Gaogaigar.
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36.) Sol Divide The Sword of Darkness 6.5/10 My name jeff
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35.) Macross Zero (Rewatch) 8/10 This is like if Arjuna was good. Neat short ova it's cool and looks really nice. I like Sara she is cool.
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brain powerd
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which one? I've never been able to find a good one.
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This "Why Mylene the bus driver all the sudden?"s Mylene into a date rape plot that is never important in any sense or really mentioned after and it's still good. How. Why? Huh. idk man whatever.
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34.) Macross Dynamite 7 8.5/10 Why is everything but the show good why.
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33.) Godzilla 1954 (Rewatch) 8.5/10 I think the reason I slide off this consistently is that I find the Serizawa stuff much more interesting than the rest so the rest just kinda feels like fluff.
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32.) Macross 7 Encore 7.5/10 Died 1994 Born 1995 Welcome back Tekkaman Blade Twin Blood.
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31.) Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me 8.5/10 Why was this like actually really good. I wish Macross 7 was this instead of bad.
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30.) Godzilla: The Planet Eater 8/10 This is like if Lelouch just hated chud Godzilla instead of his chud family
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29.) Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle 6.5/10 This is kinda boring but in a like "part two of a three parter" way not a bad way. robots were cool.
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28.) Macross FLASH BACK 2012 7/10 This was more interested in Minmay as a character than dyrl
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You can not truly understand a lot of art unless you see a wide range of stuff rather than going on depth into a specific niche alone. No genre history is unaffected by stuff outside the genre. No kid's show is inspired only by other kid's shows.
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I wish people realized that there is never really any pride in being a "category fan" of any sort. No one is inherently smarter and more media literate because they only like stuff made for kids or adults or cause they like a specific genre.
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All music is in this show is the backdrop to battle, at most it's a weak reclamation of the aesthetic of mecha action by cleaning it up. It's nothing, this show does not think art can actually change anything. It can move a mountain but not a person.
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I think all art is on some level a discussion, it is the artist and the viewer both making it, this show doesn't agree, the idea of the viewer interpreting anything doesn't matter. Art to macross 7 is a show of force the same way military might is, it is a way to impose will.
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The protodevlin are explicitly not people, they are demons functionally, they are evil bad guys that love killing for ???. They just like it I guess. But don't worry you sing at them for like 50 episodes and eventually they give up for no real reason.
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Imagine a Macross show where "The power of music" as a concept isn't at all about it's actual cultural impact or even personal impact, it's just magic. It's not magic as metaphor it's just magic. The Protodevlin don't represent anything real so it's just magic.
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27.) Macross 7 1.5/10 Man with no personality proves that music is important because it kills vampires that don't like represent or mean or say anything at all or even have a personality.
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26.) Macross 7 Plus 5/10 It was better than the show.