Analyze how we live, work, and invest in cities. Seem to have developed some (rental) housing expertise. Also like to talk about offices and CRE.
Find me on LinkedIn for my job title and formal posts. This site is for my own Blue Sky thinking.
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Should we not be looking at the costs of serving all the people who will live in Dunbar, what they’ll pay in prop taxes (the more future people the less current will need to pay) and the costs of local infrastructure, and go from there? Should taxes be higher? Should we add more tax payers?
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“There’s never been a famine in a country with a free press”
Amartya Sen who won the Nobel prize for economics.
Solving world hunger—focus on press freedom globally (and more modern versions on the internet)
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Trump hasn’t cut their service yet?
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Currently in Montreal. First time in Winter. This has been impressive. Both the weather and the sophistication of the response. My teens really liked the sidewalk plough zipping up and down Rue St Catherine’s yesterday.
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Trumpism is like Peronism in Argentina in the mid 20th C. It did not end well. Arg still trying to recover.
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Thanks! Really helpful.
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It’s not really about the border.
It’s about performance of power and about placing a sales tax on Americans by another name to enable everything else he wants to do.
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Such a cool map. I used to live by Metro Revolución (blue line, apparently on one of the original causeways).
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While I’m not sure about everything on the list, David Eby is a lawyer and well positioned to lead this needed initiative.
he should understand the legal issues required to make this happen.
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I’m not a leader or a bar tender, but I invented the Amistad.
Involves Mezcal, tequila, maple syrup, and BC blueberries. And a lime (lime from fridge, no idea of origins). Plus smoky cocktail rimmer made locally and purchased at farmer’s market.
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Not really. There were/are some Trump sympathizers, but they are also very pro Canada. Pro Alberta. There are some commonalities between those in Canada frustrated at the status quo and the similarly frustrated Americans who voted for Trump.
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And say what he really thinks in French.
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One issue. Syrup keep sinking to the bottom. I wonder if making a diluted simple syrup would help? Maybe with the blueberries?
Serve with stir stick (or spoon) for now.
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If you’re not skiers, you could learn. They also have cross country skiing, snow shoeing, dog sledding, snow mobile trips, an ice rink, a tube park, a toboggan park, etc. great family vacay spot
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Spring break? Sun peaks is awesome.
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And if that output hit affects employment proportionally, then one can also estimate how the tariff affects different parts of the country (given detailed census data). Just for illustration. Actual employment effects will differ.
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it’s been a different song and dance every semester.
I hate to say this, but you could be dealing with RESP issues for a while
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And I thought banks would be better than our situation. My parents set up an RESP for my kids and nieces (the grand kids) with a private RESP company when they were born. Oldest 2 now in uni. We’ve spent hours on buggy website, on hold, etc trying to get RESP funds to the students.
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Why can’t disabled people go up hills? I see people who likely have disabilities going up hills all the time, on mobility aid scooters, in regular wheel chairs, racing wheel chairs, electric wheel chairs, e-trikes, etc. all using the bike lane.
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If only you could make it gluten free. :-(
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(Study to do—good thesis for someone).
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An interesting study: rates of drivers licenses in people living at addresses where there is transit service at 10 minutes or less vs more—and maybe number of services or routes.
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Terrible news but I like the way NS news wrote the headline. A car did not hit this child—a driver did. (A person driving did. )
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Whether you took Astrazeneca? The misunderstood vaccine?
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Carney will not take a job in which the PMO marketing department can make up (unsound) financial / fiscal policy on the fly and force him to implement it.
If he comes in, there will have to be new ground rules.
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She’s the former journalist. Might have some skill and connections in this area?
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@mikepmoffatt.bsky.social - so Van City takes the most tax on the least expensive homes. And then wonders why there is an affordability problem.
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Source? (For rolling back these stupid ideas?)
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- The bike lanes
- The Grouse Grind (and great hiking so close)
- Skiing 30 minutes' drive from the city.
- Coffee on Commercial Drive
- Great food options for people like me with both gluten and dairy allergies (this is not easy everywhere/elsewhere)
- The abundance of trees
- Beaches
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We have Gord Downie in a Jaws shirt, I think, on one side and a Ford (Doug? Rob?) on the other riding a moose. What does this mean?
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I used to work for Transport Canada Road Safety (student researcher long time ago). Often asked about “ Safest”. for the occupants answer was “the biggest thing you can afford to drive”. But this is not safest for society.
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Interesting but yeah: I don’t recall seeing new transit when I’ve visited Sydney since 2000. Seemed like maybe more harbour ferry type transit?
Adding mass transit to/from the airport was a requirement of the IOC in the negotiations before the final bid and vote.
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Brent, what do you think about the role of catalytic events to show people another way? Hosting The olympics?
For those who haven’t lived through the Olympics in your city—transit investments are huge; and then everyone has to use it as no private vehicles allowed near near venues.
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Maybe it’s just their office, where you replace compass cards. But some of their stadium operations moved to waterfront. Also check their hours, I remember they used to be really short (like 10-4).
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Who is doing the dying? People inside the Tesla or outside the Tesla?
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I thought lost property moved to waterfront?
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Shovels. Look for shovels. Lots of signs. But that doesn’t mean the proforma works.