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an educated, gen x, democracy loving, neurodivergent bibliophile, 9th generation American (circa 1610) My family has fought for freedom for centuries, we're not about to see it end now.
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Even if our Turncoat, American government usurpers won't help we still will. We aren't buying luxuries like $5 Starbucks, Panera Bread, McDonald's, Hobby Lobby, Chick Filet anymore. We're using our $$ to help fight injustice and autocracy everywhere. Fight on Yellow & Blue, Fight On.πŸ’ͺ🀟
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I'm sure youre correct but every American knows that only 48% of the public is taxed, The middle class ($400K-$18K per yr income) pays the most while the ghetto rich ($1 mil & > per yr) pay little to No Tax That's why it's asinine to give more tax breaks to those who already get thr most tax breaks
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Please, help Support Ukraine! Their Freedom is tied to every democratic country (that's democracy, not Democratic Party, for my slow fools, I mean folks)
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Donate to Ukraine.
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I'm not sure this post is 100% legit, but regardless of authenticity, it's message is completely valid & worth instituting Every UN member, including NATO countries, should stand against the usurpers of the American government. Boycott, tariffs, sale of all goods & services should be instituted ASAP
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Good!! Let's fight this war like the global family we are. If these autocrats & the oligarchs believe this global power grab is going to work out well for them, as Judas Priest says, "You Got Another Thing Coming." πŸ’ͺ🀟
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Now here is how a Real Leader presents himself with dignity grace and mutual respect for all Are you taking notes you poser usurpers of the USA? You should be as you are a disgrace to our country & everything America has fought and died for, every GOP supporter of yours is wallowing in pig shit too
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1K% agree.
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We finally found out where they got the bear for the movie, straight from the White House. How proud the rats and worms & maggots must be, they spawned a B movie star.😏
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Gives that sentence a whole other meaning doesn't it? 😏😜
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Trump promised Putin the entire northern hemisphere, that's why the grab for Greenland & Canada. He's made some Faustian dictatorial deal w/Putin to take over the entire Northern Hemisphere. Have they learned nothing? People fight for freedom and win 89% of the time. Next, shut off info, SM! & Press
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The dirty ashturds R trying to cut off support typical dictator move. Just reload reconnect & fight on it's going to get worse before it gets better Not saying this to dissuade U it's just how sh*t goes if U read US HX George Orwell, Parable of a Sower & Handmaid's Tale& After the Fall, On Tyranny
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I will look asap, can't now since my BS been hacked & can't find anything to help resolve. My original account was cut & cant access help. I'll figure it out. Power to the Revolution!!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
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This is so atrocious because they don't even understand what DEI means. This is a thinly veiled attack on every single minority, including women. Why? cuz whit'l tiny men wit lil tiny pea-peas fewl left owt we want in on da game but we don't want to play by the rules cuz day unfawer. I'm tewin Mom!
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This is the way to defend democracy
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Exactly hit 'em in the pocketbook! Works Every time They don't care though the Congress will push through the Great American Rip off next week they already got the House by 2 votes All Politicians Are Traitors, No One is Really on "Our side" they are in collision, we need to take USA back, its ours!
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Everyone, Buy Costco!!
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A tale of two retailers: Unlike Target, look for Costco earnings call on Thursday to rock the retail sector. DEI is good for people, good for business.
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Walmart & TikTok have been doing the same, I'm like, nuh-uh, no way mfs.🀣
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I stopped shopping there 12/24 & Walmart & Home Depot I have an annual subscription for Walmart & wondered why they precharged me for a year of service in December. When I asked they said it would be 30% less so I ok'd it then I found out they support Trump purchased zero from there since
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And his children are supposed to be of higher intelligence, but we see Alphabet Musk wipe boggers all over the president's desk on live tv & tell Trump, "you're not the president, you need to go home" Yep, bright as a bug light.🀣
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Because Elon is gay. Just say it. He's gay, which makes his attacks on gay and trans people all the more painful. Johnson, Vance and Thiele are too. If only MAGA knew they're putting a bunch of homosexuals in office, but they're blind & apparently have no "gaydar".😫
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Is He not the creepiest guy on the planet? I mean we had L Ron Hubbard who was admittedly very intelligent but Musk isnt even close to him He throws money around & hopes it sticks & lucks out sometimes but the longer you're in the game the more likely you'll lose He's created Nothing He's a grifter.
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I'm glad I'm not the only 1 to try & point this out to MAGA. The majority of his kids were conceived in vitro I love everyone but MAGA doesn't They vehemently hate same sex unions I believe it would be to our benefit to point out that Musk Thiele Johnson & Vance prefer to go in through the outdoor
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Withdrawl &, cash in bonds & CDs & stocks, instant depression. Don't buy Bitcoin, this is the Oligarch's big plan, to force us to give up cash for digital money, that they can steal at will "No one may buy or sell without a mark on the head or hand & the number is the mark of the Beast". Revelations
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Is there a good reason that I can no longer view the thread? Anyone else having this problem? 1st locked out of my account then posts not showing, now can't view the thread. Anyone?
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Btw, I'm not spamming anyone, I got on the Muskrat's radar and they locked me out of my original account. Anyone know how to reach Anonymous? they're our tech heroes and though my account isn't worth a flip, can always start anew, maybe they can glean some info from the hack?
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Much better than our morbidly obese "false" Prez. That's not body shaming, it's a legit medical diagnosis and yes I'm qualified to make it.
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This isn't spam, I've been hacked again, probably by one of Musks butt boys, I must have hurt his whittle feewings. Im here guys, was WhatdMffgoingOn until my account was usurped, now I'm here. Glad to know our gov't $ is going towards great cause: Stopping people sharing onlineπŸ˜’πŸ™„
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Amazing how that's rampant in Republican draft dodgers in the USA but rarely ever occurs any where else? Better get RFK Jr on it if his brain worms can make space for cognizant thoughts.
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Amazing how that's rampant in Republican draft dodgers in the USA but rarely ever occurs any where else? Better get RFK Jr on it if his brain worms can make space for cognizant thoughts.
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I wouldn't ever let him back. If he skis in my state he's going home on the luggage rack😈
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Just 42 days on the job, fire a few thousand federal employees, then celebrate by taking a luxury ski vacation. Must be nice to be a Republican. And Vance says that Democrats are elitists.
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