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Of course he is. That's why he is giving those tax cuts to the billionaires while expanding the deficit, so it can be balanced faster and better. He is a very smart man, the most smart man ever...
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Fucking disgraceful! But hey, my right to bear arms is more important that the child's right to live, unless it's still a fetus, or the unborn, like some imbeciles would say.
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I kind of used to feel the same, people don't care because they don't feel they have to. Nowadays I think it is more because they are comfortable enough with their status quo so why change? It's also called privilege, I believe.
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If what is at stake won't affect you, you will give a damn to the results. You have to care, and you are right, it's not the party's job to make you care, you either do or you don't. Those comfortable enough with their status quo and not feeling it was at risk didn't care, and didn't vote.
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After all that is going on, I really don't think it was laziness. They couldn't be bothered to vote because they didn't care what the result would be, and their internalized racism and misogyny didn't allow them to get their asses up and vote.
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Zelenzky is a true leader, not like the one we have that wants to be a king/dictator.
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404 error on your link.
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How sad to discover that misogyny runs deep in this, our, country. 😞
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A racist and misogynistic cult.
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The ones that didn't vote at all together with the ones that voted for the criminal deserve the misery that is becoming our country. The rest of us don't deserve it, but here we are, waiting for our grocery and gas bill to go down while we watch our country disappear.
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He's an idiot. The same happened with the Colombian fiasco.
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He, and everyone that agrees with him should be treated as traitors. What they are doing is taking the government by force=coup. We were so close to celebrating our 250 year anniversary.
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The delusion of this one is strong!
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Those millions of fucking morons were too racist and misogynistic to get their asses up and vote for a woman regardless of how great she was. They pick fear and hate by allowing them to win. Now we all suffer.
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That's all moot now. We can only keep the information so future generations know we tried to do something and also for them to know what happened.
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But everyone knows global warming and climate change is a conspiracy created by the left to control people. Who wants a healthy planet, and for what? 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄.
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Would MAGAs blame him for dear leader failures? Or will they end up submitting to his billions?
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A common man that wants to be the savior because he wants to be the master.
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Oh, but it is going to happen, regardless of what you believe. Believe them when they tell you who they are.
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Men need to learn to keep women's bodies out of their filthy thoughts and words.
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Why would they? That would mean they have to take responsibility with how they use their penises, and they would never do that. Besides, they will lose a means to control women, and they will never allow that either.
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F#ck no! Let's send him to a deserted Island where he can't harm anyone.
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It's going to be ok, now that abortion is banned, those schoolkids killed will be replaced by all those saved by their murderous mothers. The hypocrisy is really baffling.
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Being autistic doesn't mean you lack empathy. He is a horrible person, most autistic (or on the spectrum) are wonderful people.
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You are right, poverty and disease are the only things that trickle down 😞
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And all those that couldn't bring themselves up to vote for a woman so decided to stay home because getting a rapist and criminal didn't sound too bad.
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May not be that MAGA, but it certainly is enough racist and misogynistic. A lot of people decided that having a criminal rapist wasn't as bad as having a black woman as president 😞
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Central America, not South America. The highest mountain in SA is in Argentina called Aconcagua. It is the highest mountain in the Americas, the highest outside Asia, and the highest in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere with a summit elevation of 6,961 metres (22,838 ft).
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Because they don't really care. The only thing they care about is that they don't have a woman as president. Racist and misogynistic the whole bunch.