Minnesotan in exile - aspiring socialist - suburban flaneur - occasionally tolerant of social media
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How often are detection loops used in the Netherlands? In US implementations (including Portland) they’re typically used to default green time to cars and only give green time to bikes when they’re detected
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In my professional judgement, jersey barriers come with the severe risk of automotive paint scrapes and side mirror molding cracks. We must protect cars at all costs! Sincerely, An Engineer
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In my experience, truck aprons like these are extremely uncomfortable for pedestrians — it basically feels like an extension of the street.
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Yes, of course they’d rather let it go to waste rather than give the democrats a win
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Note, for example, what they don't focus on...like, that one soldier who got paid leave for PTSD...or that one military contractor who made a tidy profit on something...or how much Trump spends on the banquets he holds attended by his rich friends. Weird, huh? No mention of those things.
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Currently, white South Africans, who make up approximately 7.8 percent of the population, own around 72 percent of the land, while Black South Africans, who constitute 81.4 percent, control only about 4 percent, according to the latest available data.
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Faster service would be great but there didn’t seem to be many realistic options in previous studies to significantly increase speeds in the Willamette Valley. Do you have thoughts about where speeds could increase?
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That’s great. ODOT has been running Cascades into the ground for decades. The Willamette Valley doesn’t need high speed rail, it needs clockface frequency that is on time more than 60% of the time
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Not ONE member of the media in the press conference even asked about the investigation process or the NTSB. They all just played into Trump’s bullshit and helped him fan the flames. They hurt so much more than helped.
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No but it’d take a lot of work to overcome centuries of us colonialism & interventionism there
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I would join!
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These aren’t uncommon in the upper midwest, for example the Gitchi-Gami state trail north of Duluth or the trail along hwy 12 between Madison and Sauk City
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This one seems to have not made it to its 50th birthday
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Is the $25m really for project planning? Or actual construction? I get that this is a complex corridor and they’re aiming for something transformative, but $25m seems like a lot to plan only 1.5 miles of streetscape