A fan project to edit The Wheel of Time TV show into feature films.
S1 "The Eye of the World": https://www.firemerkstudios.com/wheeloftimeeyeofworld
S2 "The Dragon Reborn": https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vYNGeAjEP6srwHwN_B_WRDsS-jL-SVjF
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I'm one of the few folks who rate S1 > S2, purely from a narrative structure and pacing POV. I don't think S2 used its extra 10min per episode fully effectively, and the in-episode arc structures within each constrained 1h block led to a lot of padding.
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I channel (ha!) my circle of friends towards my fan edits of S1&2. It's a streamlined, more focused way to get into the series before S3 launches.
I think expecting two seasons' watch time commitment from most folks is a lot, especially getting through a challenging S1.
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His letter also sets up the resolution of the entire S2 finale.
"If you stand alone with a shield, much of your body's still exposed. But if you stand in a group covering each other with your shields, nothing can touch any of you."
The team is losing against Ishamael until they all come together.
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The canonical answer is, believe it or not, German shepherd 🤣:
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Rand is the best character in the whole series. He has the biggest burden to carry and the most transformational journey. What RJ puts him through and how BS resolves it is one of THE most epic character arcs in fantasy.
People are smoking if they think otherwise.
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Tiny plug in case you're gonna run short on time before S3 launches in two weeks: I made fan edits of S1&2, cutting them into extended films that focus on the main protagonists and their journeys. They've been generally VERY well reviewed.
Links in my bio if that sounds interesting.
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One week to the worldwide premier of Ep 1. Have you signed up for it?
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*takes notes for S3 fan edit 😉
Also there are a few continuity jumps throughout and the pacing is VERY fast. I really hope the actual S3 open has a minute or so of extra footage in between to flesh it out more and smooth things over.
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WATCH IT! It's just the first 11 minutes, it's gonna hype you up and I'm sure won't spoil your reaction episode.
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Jumping in here. I made fan edits of S1 and S2 that cut them both into extended movies (links in my bio). Half the length of the seasons and easier to watch, and you won't miss much.
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Leave the fucking US out of this please goddammit. You're not the only country in the world, other countries deal with their own struggles. Let Wheel of Time reflect its own world, so that we (all) can see ourselves in it through some lens.
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Uh, this is literally Liandrin and co escaping from the Tower with some key artifacts, that is mentioned in the books and happens off page, here it is shown on screen in a much more direct way.
The thing you're thinking of happens later in the books, and likely towards the end of S3/start of S4.
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Ep 1 will drop early on March 8th for those that signed up for it through Amazon. Google around, I'm sure the sign up link is still out there!
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Absolutely! They need to push this in front of all their other properties including RoP and ad buys on social media. This is what will get people to watch the show. The expense on screen is lavish, and people need to see it!
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Literally the best way to use BlueSky is to set up the Wheel of Time feed and DISABLE all the other feeds (Home, Discover, Following). That way you just get pure, unadulterated WoT in your app all day, every day. Zero distractions.
The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.
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The darkfriend social was poorly executed imo especially compared to the books. It was just...such a bland shareholders' board meeting.
Using the girl as the POV character was a misstep.
It would have been more powerful to use Padan Fain or better yet a sister as the POV, to drive home the intrigue.
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The cold open doesn't reveal anything, it's just setup. The reveal still comes in Ep4 when they read the poem intercut with Selene on Rand's bed and Lanfear being freed by Ishamael as a flashback.
It works perfectly at the open of the season as a bit of intrigue. I used it for the fan edit just so.
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Yes, especially in the Age of Legends (the age that we're talking about). They were powerful, they knew great weaves to create and destroy things, knowledge of which was lost in the Breaking. One weave in particular is very prominent in the books and likely S3.
Today's Aes Sedai don't know jack.
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There were a hundred companions that went with Lews Therin to the Bore to seal away the Dark One that were immediately and directly killed or driven mad. And there were thousands more throughout the continent who eventually became mad over time as the effect took hold.
The Breaking lasted centuries.
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Many male Aes Sedai killed or burned themselves out. For the rest, it took decades/centuries for the female Aes Sedai to hunt them down. By the time all was said and done, the world was set back to the dark ages with society in utter shambles. No industry, no technology, not enough food production.
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If you watched the Wheel of Time Origins animated short that accompanies episode 1, you'll learn that the male Aes Sedai sealed up the Dark One in the previous age, but the Dark One corrupted the One Power, driving men mad, causing them to destroy the world (literal continent shifting).
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Strongest cold open of S2. I ended up using it as the cold open for my fan edit of the season into a film. It sets up the rise of the villains that gets paid off later.
IMO it would have been much better used to open the season in place of the Ep1 cold open, which was relatively weak.
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If you can;t join them, best to avoid the internet completely. There's no WAY you're gonna be in any WoT-shaped social media circles and not get spoiled.
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Mmmm all I can say is if you want the FULL backstory you should dive into the books. It gets parceled out over time, the worldbuilding is truly insane.
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It's worth it and S3 looks pretty epic based on the trailer. If you struggled to "get" into it, you are welcome to check out my fan edits (links in my bio). I cut both seasons into extended films that are more tightly focused on the main arcs and characters.
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The sad truth is, the numbers don't lie. The show doesn't pull in enough viewership for reaction channels to stick with it. When pReview'd is questioning the wisdom of continuing S3, it's really tough.
In the early days I REALLY hoped the show would get "New Rockstars big". But alas...
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Also you'll find us hanging out at #WheelOfTime #WoTSkies
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The best (and ONLY) way to use BlueSky is to set up just ONE Wheel of Time feed (bsky.app/profile/did:...) and remove EVERYTHING else (Home, Discover, etc.).
It cuts out ALL the noise and shows only what's important (Wheel of Time and nothing else!)
If your app looks like this you're doing it right:
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I've only watched it without subtitles. The first time when I didn't know what the next words would be I thought I heard "we". The next few times it sounded clearly like "he", no doubt.
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Originally Tam was going to be the protagonist, the "returning war veteran" but then a lot of that got transferred/merged into Rand, with Tam taking a more supporting role.
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If you want to refresh yourself for S3 without side plot points and a tight narrative focus on Rand and the gang front and center, have a look at my fan edits which cut each season into a film. Links in my bio :)
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Found it! www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/c...
This is by u/Galadantient. I've had lengthy contact with him for my Wheel of Time S2 edit and can tell you he is very technically skilled - the films should be seamless. Read the reviews in thread.
And if you have time for WoT, check out my edits in my bio ;)
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I mean...there's still PLENTY more that comes from Ishamael being defeated, pretty directly actually. And it plays into the themes of the series.
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There are fan edits of RoP S1&2 that cut the seasons into a movie each, which improve the pacing and fcus of the story. I haven't had time to watch them (was busy pushing out my own #WheelOfTime edits in that time), but the feedback I've seen online has been good.
r/fanedits on Reddit, or Google it.
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Take your time Lauren...the hype will still be there and the weekend gives more people time to see your excellent work. Looking forward to your breakdown, it is always THE #WheelOfTime analysis to watch.
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If you want a second rewatch after the first (who doesn't need even MORE Wheel of Time?), I may suggest my fan edits of S1&2 cut into films.
A tighter edit of the material which moves things around and focuses more on our main characters, it will be a new way to experience the story.
Links in my bio
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Comparison to the first teaser and to S1&2? A graph over time would be nice too 😉
I assume they'll push it out further with marketing spend to get it out as far and wide as the teaser.
Would be interesting to see the forward timezone countries' numbers after their first day.
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Yep the links to both edits are in my bio. Let me know if you have any issues.
Please do enjoy watching and drop any reviews/comments on social media, it helps spread the word and I'd love to get any feedback 😊
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My pleasure! If you had the chance to watch it please let me know what you think! I love publishing any reviews or comments I get and will continue to tweak and improve the edit(s) over time.
Always learning and always happy to take feedback 😊
#WoTSkies #WheelOfTime
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Don't forget to pin it as well, it will appear at the top of your screen. You won't ever need to use the Home, Discover or Following feed again. Wheel of Time is ALL!