Links, Grün, Atheist. Not always in that order.
I love retro computing and modern software development.
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That'swhy I'm for the abolishion of gender. People like what they like and are attracted to. I don't like every woman but the ones I like, I feel affection for. Could happen to a masculine body type or feminine one.
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Looks more like "Gettin in kids we're getting Macces"
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Luckily no. But that's because I don't follow any.
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Wenn der einzelne den Entscheidungsträgern *persönlich* in den Allerwertesten treten kann, dann villeicht. Aber ich habe wenig Hoffnung das eine kleine Petition (so ehrenwert ich das Thema finde) wirklich wa sbringt außer ein "wohliges Gefühl das man *etwas* getan hat (auch wenn's nichts bringt)"
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Try to let her speak with her hands. Let her turn to the current speaker if she's not it. If a person is dynamic or you want to portrait her as dynamic, then she needs to be moving and not standing still.
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Yea, if susan should be known (because she might've not been) for being "dynamic" then you have to portrait her dynmically. Even if it seems contradictory to the exact situation. But if susan looks like she wants to look dynamic, she hase to be in movement the whole time.
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Ich frag mich auch wen diese Petition am Ende interessieren wird. Dieses Problem hätte von vorne herein und wenn nicht dann schon lange angegangen worden sein und nun sollen ein paar tausend Unterschriften es regeln was die die was zu sagen haben nicht auf die Beine bringen wollen?
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The frightening thing is: If the vibes are just now bad, that might mean that thos epeople checking you were always bad apples but played a role for a more softer government. Because if those people were always good apples, they wouldn'T drag down the vibes like that.
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Well...a good third of all possible voters voted for him and the rest voted good or stayed at home.
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Oder die Linken, oder selbst die Mitte.
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Und auch die Aussage, dass „das Richtige“ nicht falsch wird, nur weil die falschen zustimmen, lässt sich mit einer Frage leicht ad absurdum führen:
Kann etwas wirklich „das Richtige“ sein, wenn ausschließlich die falschen zustimmen?
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She looks like Tiffany Aching (from discworld) would say "You're not doing any midwifery like that, Miss!"
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Das Wort "hoffentlich" trägt hier den ganzen Satz.
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Be safe then! And good luck that you find the good people around you!
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Exactly. America has too many people (apparently just about 50% of all voters) to support that guy(s).
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I don't think fundamentalists don't know that. I bet they don't care. We have to make them care.
Not sure how though.
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This sounds so much like "Saber Rider"
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Same energy
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Exactly. LLMs are LANGUAGE models. Not made for logic, barely even storytelling.
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I'm definitly not a gun nerd...but that sounds rad as shit! (good kind)
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To be fair, quite a few Lego-Knockoff-companies are cheaper and quality wise (more prints, less stickers, better bricks, better pseudo-glass bricks, etc.) than LEGO by a mile, or two.
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This became the norm in the 80th or around that. Yes, it's shoking (even in Germany where I'm in) for about a week or two. But then it's forgotten. Even here where school shootings are much rarer.
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Entlarvend, ebenso die Lindners. Diese Leute schreien uns doch ihre Haltung ins Gesicht. Trotzdem gibt es Menschen, die diese Egomanen wählen.
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I like RPGs (Like World of Darkness / Chronicles of Darkness) that have no level. Just a skill and attribute list and some powers you can buy for XP.
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Ich hoff's ist mir aber ein wenig zu schwach die 'berechnete' Mehrheit (wir haben in den USA gesehen was passiert) wenn die 2 von den drei PArteien stabil 50% haben bin ich etwas beruhigter.
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Wir müssen halt schauen, es bringt wenig wenn die mitte-links Parteien sich untereinander die Stimmen klauen, solange nichtmal 2 auf zusammen 50% kommen. Immo brauchen wir alle 3 Parteien um Blau dort außen vor zu halten wo es hingehört.
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Das traurige ist, das die sich auchnoch drüber freuen, selbst wenn sie's bemerken würden.
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heh. "Noch" impliziert das ich es früher mal tat.
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Well...sometimes I wanna use a second monitor on my big ass tablet ^^'
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You mean stilts.