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Misschien moeten we beter naar Oerlemans luisteren. Die vertelde bij Eva dat we het genuanceerder moeten zien. Alleen bleef het hangen. En de feiten rammelden nogal. Helaas was Voorhoeve niet aanwezig en pakte Eva niet aan
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It sure is a relief. Bit like Twitter in the old days
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Deze gezien? Binnen 20 seconden raak waar het gaat om zijn maatje, de president
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Ik dacht het ook. Toen leek het steeds meer gewoon CDA: heulen met cynisch of extreemrechts (nooit eens links) voor macht. Fuck christelijke kernwaarden. Daarmee verdween de associatie. Maar door jou is ie weer terug. Ze werken mee aan extreemrechts uithollen van de rechtsstaat
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'Eergevoelige mannen' is al een betere en minder dure typering
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Doet ook denken aan de Minions van Wilders
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Kon er niks aan doen. Moest aan deze Godwin denken
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And they import fertilizers, hardware and other stuff worth $212 billion. What will tariffs do?
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Fastfood en bewerkt voedsel altijd en overal. Normaal maken van troep
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Niet dienen van de rechsstaat gaat in geniepige stapjes. Tweede Kamer staat erbij en kijkt ernaar
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Yes true. A bit wobbly at least. I would like to quit the conversation with allphacuck. Bedtime here. Goodnight (later)
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There is no fact in what you state now. It is a scenario. My first statement is that America is throwing away a lot of goodwill and influence lately, since the Trump administration. They must have their reasons. But there will be new disadvantages. That is all. Time will tell
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There is a world between that and the mess Trump made. Trying to have conversations based on facts, your bio mentions. Please stick to that. We disagree. Give it up. Your arguments and rhetorical tricks are too thin in this subject. You are even repeating the same fallacy
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Terecht dat je hem niet 'journalist' noemt. Wat ie wel doet blijft gissen, met vermoedens
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You make everything simple and absurd. Of course there will be European soldiers there if part of plan, solution, consequences. Okay. Mirror. Will you guarantee no more Russian expansion after appeasing now? If war follows after that, you will come fighting here? Deal?
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If that is the way, we have to negotiate a little less naive or with less self interest as Trump is doing now. What a farce. He is pleasing Russia. A joke. What were they doing in Saudi Arabia? It was a different, rigged and broader deal for sure
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And one more thing added to that. Russia is continuously bombing civilians. And watch out for appeasement. That contributed to World War II
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Giving in easily to Russia is also not a good solution to that thread
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You are morally involved in the case. I am also but less. I see a lot of injustice all over the world. The circle of influence is low. I try to explain, more than to choose one unjustice area over the other
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That is a painful perspective on the case. Not the only one though. Zoom out and you will find more questions. Also questioning Russia’s aggression? Do you want to reward them for their actions? Thought about the consequences of that? Just give them what they want is peace?
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Ever thought about geography in this matter? And it is not that the Palestinian people don’t get attention. A lot more than for example Sudan and what is happening in Congo
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You had many benefits from that and things like USAID: influence and pieces of power almost everywhere. Goodwill. With disadvantages. Now you choose to get rid of the downsides. By throwing away a lot, demolishing a lot at once. And we are going to see the new disadvantages
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Or a uniting talk
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So weird people like this woman didn’t see it coming. Okay it is even worse, but half of what is happening now was predictable anyway
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You must be adapting too. This is the new reality. We know a part of your people is brainwashed and unaware of the danger you are in. Our bond goes further than what Trump et al. can demolish. But please stand up