Glad they regret it, sad the did it, but we need more of them to wake up and stand up against this tyrant, so welcome but understand actions speak louder. Call congressman/women protest, fund someone running against this shit show, join a boycott, fund a protest, speak out, tell friends.
We need this. I am not asking those that voted for him to become democrats. Recognize the issue, apologize, help us take the country back from #krasnov, and then take your party back. This should be our America first priority.
Those are the cult members going down with the ship. We can’t save those folks. The others that recognize the cult for what is and openly speak against it are the folks worth saving.
That is the million dollar question. The man is old, losing his mind to dementia, and has a steady diet of Diet Coke and McDonalds. How much longer is he realistically going to be around?
What he has on the Republican Party has yet to be revealed.
The Republican Party, like the Nazi Party, should be shunned by good people everywhere. The party cloaked itself in religion in pursuit of power and has been a destructive force in our nation since Reagan's time. They need to go the way of the Dodo.
Agree, that any Nazi supporters should be shunned. However, there are people that still identify republican and don’t agree with what is going on. Those are fellow Americans willing to #resist with us. Let’s not push them away.
They can resist if the choose to do so. I will not be in concert with them because they cannot be trusted. They are all up in arms now because now they are being affected. They didn't care about protecting our most vulnerable citizens, and they don't care now. They care about protecting themselves.
40 years of hate media like Faux News telling everyone to be afraid of everyone else.
We need the Fairness Doctrine back. Ronny Rayguns got rid of the law which in turn gave Murdock a free pass to run his right wing fear-mongering networks unchallenged.
Although I think it’s important to include the GOP as they have allowed the takeover. They could have done the right thing. They are enablers so MAGA stench is on them.
Did somebody convince you at some point that using your imagination to come up with thoughts and feelings to assign to other people was in any way useful or valuable? You’re just creating custom characters that are easy to hate, but it has no connection to reality
Fuck that! It is terrible to be a Republican! They are not good people! For over 50 years they have blamed the other for Americas problems and keep progress from happening. They have never adhered to principles they pretend to have! /1
They have never had values! They have a list of pretend values. Lets take one of their values. Small government! Oklahoma one of the reddest states in America, their largest employer is the State Department. Our tax money employees 55,000 people in Oklahoma! Am I against that no, but they are! /2
Family values the top 3 domestic violence states Oklahoma, Kentucky, & Missouri that violence against both Men and Women. 6 of the 10 states with the highest rate of child abuse cases are red states. /3
Crime - The states with the highest crime rates include Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas of those states only Texas has a high immigrant population. Highest drug traffickers are North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, & Montana. /4
LMAO, what are you talking about? Dismantling the safety net, shrinking the government, and cruelty to “others” have literally been the 3 key defining characteristic of Republican theory throughout my entire lifetime, and I’m in my 40s
I think the MAGA party will disappear after all this. There were plenty of republicans that voted for Kamala this last go around. We are never going to get past this hurdle without welcoming those to the #resistance when they openly recognize their mistakes.
We will have to agree to disagree. Those republicans that have openly embraced MAGA, yep those folks can get bent. The others that recognize the situation and speak out against what is going on, I welcome them because we can’t do this alone. you’re absolutely correct!! The manipulation and deception was strong. The more we have on our side, the better to stop the madness of Cheetotini
Got ya, I thought you were going for that but wasn’t sure. I don’t think we have been completely even defeated yet. We got a lot more fight left in us.
I'm willing to tolerate the presence of anyone, provided they aren't spouting hate or being violent. And I'm a fighter so for me, violence is met with equal force. A post like this doesn't convince me you aren't fucked. But if you ARE coming around, I can be tolerant.
Likely no repair possible anymore. US is becoming a failed state ruined by criminals/billionaires. US people thought billionaires are interested in people. They are not. Their only interest is money and power. Europe is a last piece of freedom but heavily attacked by Russia/US/internal traitors.
I’m more concerned with the people that don’t vote because they rationalize that their vote doesn’t matter. People wanted shit, they got buckets of shit.
Yep. I had a couple of family members decline to vote, because they didn’t “want to be blamed for either one”. 🙄 Are you freaking kidding me?! Cowards who don’t deserve the privilege of voting. Don’t complain, just remain a potted plant in a dark corner. They gave up their voice.
They don’t pay attention. They have daddy issues and see their Dear Leader as the hero America needs. Their ears and eyes have been shut the last 10 years. It’s not forgivable, but it largely has to do with utter laziness.
I was teaching Greek history - oligarchy & the attack on the working class. 1 of my students said, “thank God Trump will save us”. The next day, her friend said she’s worried about being deported & will have to go back to Mexico. She told her it was Trump‘s policy. The little girl was disgusted.
This person will decide to resist based on her OWN interests, not because the left is nice to her. She voted for a rapist after he incited insurrection and tried to steal an election. Fuuuuuuck Herrrr. Trust her at your own peril, but don't guilt people who know better.
Many of those people are going to suffer because of her ignorance and selfishness. I’m not disagreeing with you but understanding it from those affected is also viable. There will be many shades of grey coming
It's possible to be upset with someone's decision, accept their apology, and allow them to fight alongside you. 2 contradicting ideas can exist at the same time. I'm not saying get married to her and commit to her for life; I'm saying we need everyone we can get. Save the hate for active MAGA.
The thing is, how do you let the “wool get pulled over your eyes”, when you had another choice NOT to vote for a sex offender and a felon? Invalid apology, because that just tells me she lacks critical thinking skills, and the chances of that happening again are 100%
This is how you do it. I don't even need an apology or admission of a mistake, I just need Trump voters to admit they were lied to and that they believed him. As long as they are now in the fight to stop him, I can make space.
Trump's handling of Covid that cost almost a million American lives his rape judgment, his fraud judgment, his 34 convictions, his indictment for stealing classified documents, his insurrection, his inciting other political violence, and his obvious lies weren't enough not to vote for him. STFU
She did. But if we are cruel and unwelcoming to people who are switching to the side of reason, that won’t help anyone. We need her to vote for the right side next time.
That's nice. But she has to put in the work to show that all the racism, bigotry, hatred, misogyny - that she either loved or was ok with, is now completely distasteful to her. Because she was, at the least, ok with those things. It was obvious what Trump was - now really prove you are better.
Honestly fuck every single person like this. There is zero cover for voting for Turnip this time. Everyone knew who he was and what he planned to do, because he repeatedly fucking told us.
Fuck every stupid asshole responsible for making this happen.
The left had to move so far to the center to try to stop the country from going over the deep end, but the right couldn't help themselves and their latent hatred for everything liberal was unleashed by Felon47. The maga sheep followed.
I understand why maga wanted a change, and a sense of community but I don't feel sorry for them. David Brooks said it, Trump is not a conservative. he's got no ideology. He's a Narcissistic psychopath destroying everything that represents the left.
If I was a regretful maggot voter, I’d just keep my mouth shut and start working to save democracy. Someone so obviously immature and lacking in self esteem is not trustworthy. Let her prove it in the coming midterms. Until then stfu and get off twitter.
I've no fucks to give for these post-2024 Trumpgretters. They were around in 2020 as he let 100s of 1000s of Americans drop dead from COVID, and when he tried to advance openly racist, misogynist, transphobic and fascist policies in his first term. They're only sad now because it affects THEM.
I searched Tiara. Scrolled through the posts and found several of this same post by different people. Some were questioning if it was real or if MAGAs were just trying to make themselves look good.
Nope. There was no regret until it affected her. Trumps message was loud and clear throughout his campaign. She didn’t bother to read further than a headline. Her vote helped hurt us all. Fuck right off. It will take more action than a posted regret to make amends.
If this is true and I hope it is - how are you going to help? Are you going to talk to your MAGA friends? Are you going to protest, boycott, strike, help organize a town hall? Any previous MAGA supporter who has seen the light is welcome but we expect action from you. That is what America needs.
I don’t care if she’s a republican I care about her sincerity. I’ve seen these apologies before that turned out to be colossal jokes. So I never welcome until I see actual action. But that’s just me. I’ve always been too cynical and non trusting.
I wonder if Tiara is calling her Congress people? I wonder if she is participating in protests? I wonder if she is talking to her friends and family about the horror show she voted into office and helping them to understand what the musk/trump administration is doing to destroy democracy?
At this point I’ll take what I can get. I cannot understand how she’s surprised at what Trump has done or said because he hasn’t changed. But if we want America back, we need as many people on the right side as possible…whatever the reason.
Look, I’ll accept their help if they want to fight the current regime. If they truly believe what they did was wrong, then they will get out there & fight with us. However, I’ll never forgive them, be friends with them or trust them again. They knew who 47 is/was & yet they still voted for him.
This is EXACTLY how I feel. Like the enemy of my enemy is my not friend but I will take any help to take them out.
It's for America and all those who have died defending her before. As the adults in the room, we should all recognize that.
Yes. I’ll take the help, but don’t expect me to let you back into the fold. Unfortunately, these people are too easily misled by their own personal wants. You just can’t teach people empathy, so their selfishness will always take precedence over what is best for everyone as a whole.
I agree. I want them to help us fight this battle. Then when all is said and done,I won't forgive or forget what they did. I fully expect their views to stay the same which means they can't be trusted. But right now, our fight is with the biggest threat, the Russian assets in the White House.
You know the Republicans will put you on the front lines to make you cannon fodder. Maybe no longer inhabiting this world is the best way to purge the earth of stupidity.
Yea we hear and see you too...but YOU are why we are in this dumpster fire! We tried to warn you but all's we got in return were insults, harassment and bullying. You reap what you sow and you can fuck all the way off!
This is what we’re hoping for. We’re hoping for the wake up call to finally bring through past the mega Kool-Aid effect and get into the people on a level they can understand and then maybe just maybe they might be able to develop some empathy for others.
Gee, it’s nice you have regrets now. Because of voters like you, Trump and Musk are destroying our democracy. I have absolutely no idea how any person of good character could ever vote for Trump. You really SHOULD be ashamed, you and your ilk are taking us all down. I certainly didn’t vote for this.
I guess taking a woman's right to bodily autonomy didn't do it for her or his 34 felonies;his rapiness;his imbecilic rhetoric;his incessant barrage of lies;his peddling cheap made-in-Chinar sh!t,or even him saying he wanted to be a dictator etc...
I'm having a hard time empathizing with Tiara!
While, god willing, 🍊 can never run again, it's good to give people who've seen the light grace and welcome then. Because they become one less voter for 🛋️ and the rest of the MAGA politicians in the future
sorry, you did your fellow Americans (and the world) a huge disservice when you chose to ignore everything you were told, ignore the evidence in front of your face and not do your homework in the most critical election of our lives. you can all go f**k yourselves.
F her. I don’t want their apologies. I want actions behind those words. She didn’t say one thing that she’ll do to stop the course of history that she had backed all her voting life.
That’s what I keep saying. Mass protesting in the streets to demand their resignation…all of the Trump regime & MAGA who support him need to go. Our democracy won’t’ survive until Summer at this rate. We can’t wait until the mid-terms. And, if Democrats get in our way, they need to go too.
Sadly, now we have to do it the hard way. People will get hurt. None of us will get out unscathed. We could have done it the easy way. Now it will cost lives & treasure. Recovery will be much slower & costly than the destruction we are witnessing now. It makes me incandescent with anger.
Because that’s the kind of person you want to bring back into the conversation. The “I told you so” is null & void when someone has realised their mistake.
The hard work begins then - now you need to unite them because if enough of them rally then democracy is a lot stronger.
It’s not too late… we Dems can’t win by ourselves.. we HAVE to have the other side. So sooner than later we are just going to have to get over it and reach across. For whatever comes next we need a bigger army.. we the people all of them.. is what it is.. we have to get over ourselves..
We need to start saying this… beat up on hard core Nazi loving MAGA ..that the majority of American do not support …but the rest we must open the door with compassion..even if they are the most dipshit of people if they will vote with us we have to make room.. or we are doomed..
Yes absolutely
I’m guess I’m just frustrated that so many people I know have been like in a fog since 2015
And it just boggles my mind they don’t see what’s going on
The insanity
I’m with you too.I’m so fucking bitter.I’ll swallow it all down for now to reach across for their help to fight this.But if we come out on the right side, when the dust settles-I will NEVER let them forget that they made a choice to have a hand in it.I’ll never,ever forget.
I think if as a party we start listening to people and hearing them and then when we have power really do the thing …create a media that tells the thing to the people…... we’d win hearts and minds.. we suck at the telling part.. if we want to win and stay in power we need to do better..
As someone in a state who is run by a guy who keeps having his teenage staffers and speechwriters outed for direct links to Neo Nazi groups, this should have happened years ago.
It doesn't get shown and emphasized enough to whom they're linked to.
Yes.. 💯.. I think with Legacy media failing there’s a huge opening for independent media.. and I think it will start to take an even stronger hold.. and maybe Legacy media to save themselves will join… or disappear.. we will see. And I’m hopeful.. bc I really don’t have much else left..
Yes it does… I hate to say this… as a backsliding Christian.. but all of Jesus teaching.. not Church actions and opinions.. but the teachings come to mind on how to come together.. we have to unite and let those who are sorry back in…
Words of regret DO need to be met with action. But we need people to change their votes & get out to vote if they sat it out. If you just shower anyone trying to correct course with vitriol, how do you expect to win elections? I realize there is danger of no more free/fair election yet there may be
Nor will I. Never again. This includes a sibling and their family, as well as numerous close, old friends. I am a Boomer and probably 60% of my friends from the old days are Trumpers. We were in each other's weddings. But never again.
I had good American online 'friends'. I did cut with them, when they became MAGA Ultras... were in favor to attack NATO (occupy Greenland and therefore attack Denmark. Now a no go, sadly. They wanted to visit Germany (is) for a Danube or Rhine boat tour. Not gonna happen now. At least not with us.
I cut them off when he was elected in 2015. Back then those of us who saw him for what he was were told we were overreacting. I was born in Holland and my parents lived through WWII about a mile from the border with Germany I was raised on the stories about how it could happen. Then I saw it here
I love seeing other people say this! I say the same thing and am told that I'm going 'scorched earth' on people. You voted for a truly horrible human in hopes that he'd do everything he said he would and I'M a bad person?! Nah, I'll stay over here, on the right side of history, thank you very much!
I agree, but many will struggle with unity now - Trump voters mindbogglingly disregarded all the usual disqualifiers for so long, any awakening now is bound to be contemptuously judged as a long overdue visit by reality, due only to personal impact
TOOOOOO LATE. Damage is being done, even while everyone's sleeping.
None of those who willingly put that wool over their eyes cared! They didn't put cotton in their ears. Just didn't care! Your choices is why America is where it's at & where it's heading.
Lets hope you wont do same come mid terms
As Carville said, it’s the economy stupid. The more that it becomes clear he will sell them all out, the tide will turn. We will need as many as we can quash this coup.
Not all of them chose that.
One woman only heard that trump was going to fund IVF and she voted for that.
Sadly, she had tunnel vision and forgot he lies.
So now, she was fired and trump said no to IVF funding.
Selfishness was a prime motivator for them.
Words are hollow unless they’re backed up with action.
Show us photos of you carrying a “fuck trump and Elon” sign in your next local protest and all the following protest. That’s a start for your redemption
Guys I feel the rage too and it took a lot of soul searching oh ok and Robert De Niro to say what I was trying to get to…. We need them. We need them to fight with us so I’m putting my anger,hatred aside and giving them a CHANCE to prove they are regretful and willing to fight along side of us
There’s a big difference between someone expressing regret and humility as she is here vs someone throwing a pity party for themselves or asking for a pat on the back for every baby step.
I welcome the former. The latter can’t be trusted, but if they can be used, I’m not against it
MAGAs that are supposedly "so sorry" about voting for the evil 🍊🤡 & his regime must show the rest of America that they're serious by organizing a march to DC, stand in front of the WH, demand the clown resigns & not leave until he does or are forcibly removed. Doing anything less is not acceptable.
Everyone is living in their own media bubble. We really have no idea anymore what our friends, family members and neighbors believe because their media intake is totally different than everyone else's.
I agree. The time for empathy for these people has passed. The only reason for voting for him is bigotry and greed.I don’t even count stupid as even the stupidest could understand what he’s all about after hearing him speak for 5 minutes. Regret now is only bc they have personally lost something.
Somehow, we have to get past our anger and feeling of “I fucking told you so” and invite people like her to join the pro democracy coalition. We need every vote we can get in 2026 and 2028.
Sorry, too little too late. He revealed himself his first 4 years, and Maga didn't care, he spawned an Insurrection on January 6th 2020, and none of you cared. So many warnings…how could you have missed them. I understand once, but so many??Seriously! I don't feel very forgiving.
I’m glad she didn’t take all the MAGA insults personally and ‘dig in’ as so many Trump voters are doing.
All MAGA should be welcomed into reality.
Name calling and belittling MAGA does not change minds.
Dialogue and reasoning does.
In theory at least I know we need as broad a coalition as possible, but personally I don’t see how someone voted for Trump this time without being dumb as a rock, racist or evil and I have a hard time forgiving them
It's worth nothing, she had a decade of Trump making an ass of himself before November, and she still voted for him.
She only is sorry she allowed herself to be duped (read it again if you don't believe me). This is a classic non-apology apology to make her sleep better and does nothing for us.
Fuck her quite frankly. They knew what they were voting for, they were told time and time again and yet still voted for the criminal. No sympathy and no "understanding" for these people.
I agree with walking the walk if you believe you've made a mistake. Call your representatives. Speak with your family and friends. Protest and make your voice heard. I would feel tremendous relief if folks I know in my orbit who've been captured by this insanity did that.
Please explain how the hell you memory hole four years ago , or ignored the lies ,delusions insanity of a hell scape America absolute worst job president in history versus the greatest one-term job administration in history how did you ignore all that you chose to be willfully ignorant you own it!
At least in part ,but that is literally another aspect of your willful ignorance if you didn't realize how racist the rapist is. There is no excuse for having voted for him the second time none on the face of the Earth. I'm sorry I cannot forgive but I will feel sorry as your karma comes home.
I’m not sure. I know people who have left strict/patriarchal religious communities and lost their entire social worlds…it was because they learned more about the world and realized how they (and their kids) should be treated. But they are smart, educated people and still it took years…
They need to lead the protests against him. Form their own groups against fascism. Once abused it's hard to trust maga or former maga. They have to prove over many years that they have actually changed.
If we diss ‘moderates’, ex-MAGA etc we are stupid as shit. It’s not going to work to LIMIT inclusion like a frat club. We have preached that in other ways forever! Fascism is serious. We need as many resisters as possible on board. Converts frequently make the strongest advocates! I welcome them.
If there hasn't been a mass Uprising in protest from black people people of color and women that voted for Trump over what is happening with the military and the media I doubt they're going to change anyway
I'll never quite get over that they are/were willing to harm others to somehow elevate themselves. That said, I will work w/all who want to restore & strengthen our democracy
I appreciate this actually, most of maga are far too weak to admit what has happened to them! We need more of this because we need numbers, Harris voters +3rd party voters + non-voters and now ++ regretters = well over 2/3 of this country and a massive united front. LFG
We are losing our jobs, sleep, Money, and health due to your fucking stupidity sorry if I don’t care. Get out and March against the bastard and I might.
This person will need to remove themselves from voting rolls
Once you vote as a fool
You can’t comeback & expect us to say oh you seen the light
You need to enroll yourself in a full accredited deprogramming program in voting for criminality period
It’s only fair to rest of to be conscious voters
I know of a few people who had the attitude of “l always vote R” but I don’t understand it. Was this person completely uninformed, or was she ok with “others” having their lives ruined? I need to know more before I pass judgement, but so far I’m not inclined to feel kindly towards this person.
That’s the thing. I don’t want apology / groveling, etc. I want them to say they would vote for Harris and Dems if the election was today and that they will not vote for any Republican and vote only for Dems in the next election.
Let's focus on the things the materially impact everyone - at which the root cause is corporatations and the mega rich.
We win on those, and with that power, while we deliver on those issues we can protect and advance our social issues as well
When these come to jesus moments I want to know what it took.
Nothing has happened since January that was not on the horizon since 2016. Where the line is now...for me.... is past redeemable unless they realize they were brainwashed and see fairness and societal growth should be supported .
And rather than sit in their own wrongness and shame, more than half of them will immediately look around for someone to blame and try to take it out on them.
Tiara, too little too late. We kept telling you this was going to happen. You should read Project 2025 or Agenda 47 to know what is going to happen to USA by Convicted Felon, rapist and racist TSF and the Republicans. Don’t feel sorry for your remorse all of you MAGAS are going to feel the pain.
This lady is still young and likely indoctrinated by her social circle. It happens alot with conservative young women. At least she understood what was wrong before it affected her directly. That puts her ahead of a large percentage of conservatives.
Are you sure that's a real account? You're one of a literal handful of people I trust but in 2019 I saw lots of "I used to be a republican but am voting for Biden..." videos which seemed off then I saw the same thing posted by a relative that went "I've always been a Dem but am voting for..." so 🤷🏼♀️
I am seeing more and more of these. It's unfortunate that the majority of regret posts are centered around how Trump and DOGE are impacting them individually, and still no concern about their families, neighbors, friends, or anyone else in the world.
I hope she gets her a$$ moving: calling, protesting, writing, donating to the fighters. The apology means very little without the action to back it up. But it is a start.
She sold her soul to the devil now wants forgiven. How much more proof did you need before the election? We painted out exactly what he would do and we all were right about the time frame of his attack on the country! I'm sorry i can't forgive you! People are suffering for real, i doubt she is!
Come on in ,the waters fine!
We need those admission and regrets to rise up and return the whitehouse to sanity! If ppl are willing to accept that,I can gladly accept them without prejudice! Hope to see morr!!
You only have 2 teams. A red team and a blue team. Most of you don’t care who the captain of the team is. You’ve been on the same team forever and you just vote for your team!
If she’s a lifetime republican then she voted for that pos in 2016. Wasn’t that disgraceful 4 years enough to show that trump was inadequate for the job? So, no, your regret isn’t enough.
I feel this way about it too. If you are making some post to communicate your regret, spare me. I don’t care. It means nothing. You want to post about your efforts to right this ship, that I will care about.
If they're willing to understand how much contrition they should offer then we should welcome them back, but unless they're willing to see the true nature of their mistake, then they can fuck right off and keep suffering with their regret.
Here's the deal you can either be right or we can put this country back together. As Democrats and Independents we should embrace they realize it was a mistake you can't un-ring a bell but you can sure move on and fix the situation. I do not understand.
It's Too Late
United we stand, divided we fall.
What he has on the Republican Party has yet to be revealed.
It's not bad in itself to be republican. It's bad to be a MAGA and a Tramp cultist.
A switch of power once in a while is good for democracy.
We need the Fairness Doctrine back. Ronny Rayguns got rid of the law which in turn gave Murdock a free pass to run his right wing fear-mongering networks unchallenged.
Reagan, maybe?
As European I didn't think about them. But you are absolutely right.
No disagreement about Nazis.
Divided you fell.
It already happened.
In my eyes, this is the husband apologizing and crying...saying "I'll never do it again" to the wife with two black eyes and a busted lip.
WE NEED AS MANY PEOPLE ON OUR SIDE AS WE CAN GET. If we want them to act like humans with souls and empathy then we need to too. 💙
I have regrets is reserved for a shitty purchase decision, not tearing apart the country.
What is she going to do about it?
I'm fuckin sick of these people hi-jacking the flag, shitting all over it and calling themselves patriots!
If she is really remorseful, what is she doing to alter her action?
Admission first but that ain't enough
Woman president you should be happy!
That’s the only time they ever care.
I’ll never ever forgive.
If that makes me a bad person, fine.
Fuck every stupid asshole responsible for making this happen.
It's for America and all those who have died defending her before. As the adults in the room, we should all recognize that.
Except what values does she have that align?
I'm having a hard time empathizing with Tiara!
They wanted him, they got him.
Democracy is hanging on thread
It’s going to take a massive uprising to have a chance
Because that’s the kind of person you want to bring back into the conversation. The “I told you so” is null & void when someone has realised their mistake.
The hard work begins then - now you need to unite them because if enough of them rally then democracy is a lot stronger.
I’m guess I’m just frustrated that so many people I know have been like in a fog since 2015
And it just boggles my mind they don’t see what’s going on
The insanity
It doesn't get shown and emphasized enough to whom they're linked to.
Time to welcome back every single one waking up.
Healing will take some time though, as will the reconstruction of demolished bridges.
None of those who willingly put that wool over their eyes cared! They didn't put cotton in their ears. Just didn't care! Your choices is why America is where it's at & where it's heading.
Lets hope you wont do same come mid terms
No, baby, you all get to wallow in that slime forever.
Something something about something on fire and taking a piss ...
One woman only heard that trump was going to fund IVF and she voted for that.
Sadly, she had tunnel vision and forgot he lies.
So now, she was fired and trump said no to IVF funding.
Selfishness was a prime motivator for them.
Show us photos of you carrying a “fuck trump and Elon” sign in your next local protest and all the following protest. That’s a start for your redemption
But if they’re willing to fight side by side with us then I’ll fight with them
I welcome the former. The latter can’t be trusted, but if they can be used, I’m not against it
And secondly, these turnarounds are the people who can convince others. They can relate, the have been there… they speak MAGA.
They knew what they were voting for. Trump was not subtle about what he was going to do.
Who knows who harbor feelings of alt-right, white supremacy.
All MAGA should be welcomed into reality.
Name calling and belittling MAGA does not change minds.
Dialogue and reasoning does.
“Contempt for the conmen, compassion for the conned”
It’s in the context of Brexit but the same thing applies to Trump.
She only is sorry she allowed herself to be duped (read it again if you don't believe me). This is a classic non-apology apology to make her sleep better and does nothing for us.
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
To cultists, facts don't matter, morality doesn't matter, only the word of their master.
The question is, how do you deprogram half a nation from the orange cult?
1) call their elected officials and voice their disapproval
2) speak up to friends and family
3) stand in the midst of any future protests
They will only get upset when they’re harmed.
Every crime show has a detective talking about a killer “They’re not sorry for what they did - only that they got caught.”
Once you vote as a fool
You can’t comeback & expect us to say oh you seen the light
You need to enroll yourself in a full accredited deprogramming program in voting for criminality period
It’s only fair to rest of to be conscious voters
That’s how we fix this.
We win on those, and with that power, while we deliver on those issues we can protect and advance our social issues as well
Nothing has happened since January that was not on the horizon since 2016. Where the line is now...for me.... is past redeemable unless they realize they were brainwashed and see fairness and societal growth should be supported .
Come on.
We know this play.
It’s a classic.
You really ought to read what people write.
Thank you for reaffirming my faith in humanity…
THIS ⤵️ is the REAL enemy we’re REALLY fighting
We need those admission and regrets to rise up and return the whitehouse to sanity! If ppl are willing to accept that,I can gladly accept them without prejudice! Hope to see morr!!
Were these folks living in a cave?
Earn respect and live truth.
But now what is she going to do about it?
"Oopsie" doesn't cut it.