Economists worry a Trumpcession is on the way
It’s difficult to budge Trump off an idea once he’s fixated on it and made it part of his brand.
This stubbornness is part of dementia, as is speech repetition. The mind loses its agility to update its thinking.
Narcissistic certitude also.
MEDIA: Trump’s dementia is obvious.
As much as I hate to say it, as rough as the last few years have been, this has to happen. The Trump “Republican” cult can only be destroyed by it being punched in the face by economic calamity and severe economic pain. It’s 100% responsible for what’s coming.
Everything he touches turns to shit.
I have said all we can do, as Dem is stand on the side line and watch. WELL IT IS HAPPENING
So Hooverville we will have.
He said he wanted interest rates to go lower.
Suspect that they will go higher.
He said he was going to bring inflation down...
To my knowledge, it's all crash and burn which I suspect is what they want bc during the incoming depression they'll be able to buy things for pennies on the dollar from desperate people.
Another shakedown of middle America to feed the rich!
Slava Ukraini
Utter stupidity or evil plan? Honestly, it’s hard to tell.
of these Americans voted for
hate, And Racism, Instead of Joy,
Unity,Freedom, and Hope for all,
This Orange did not trick anyone
He said it out loud they knew
what the project 25 was, but
They preferred hate, instead
Of the Good Black Women,
now we all pay💙
Buy ONLY local made products, Costco & other companies supporting the resistance.
I am no economist, but as soon as he “won” I started stockpiling essentials, cutting costs, planning for a recession
US citizens (Rep.) have no idea how much it is on the way ...
FY PREMIER TRUMP 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
You will learn the hard way and the rest of the world will have an example with your failure.
I hope you take it seriously now and start voting for public servants instead of showmen.
Well actually you were never supposed to be logical in the first place.
My Bad!
They haven't even factored in the east & west coast disasters, a probable pandemic, the rampant bank failures/corruption, a terrorist attack, possible WWIII because of Ukraine collapse, and AI.
Trump not only doesn't know the Pledge of Allegiance, he doesn't know how to color the American Flag!
The "Torygraph", which has endorsed the conservatives since the end of WWII. Supported Brexit. Endorsed Boris Johnson. And so on.
Same with the eating pets, 11 trans athletes, drag queens reading fairy tales to kids in libraries, schools teaching that slaves actually did NOT benefit from being owned by white people, science is good, not bad. The list is endless.
The not so fast economists
Recession is coming since the felon was elected
Now he’s finding out
Now Musk owns our 💵 printing machine
Top left hand corner says:
You can use this legal tender to pay your taxes & pay your bank back
You can also swap your 💵 for a T Bond & earn more 💵💵💵💵💵
"Once the pace of job losses crosses a critical line, the multiplier effects can snowball suddenly"