Should be lifetime. It's one thing to interfere in a catch; it's absolutely inexcusable to lay hands on a player and potentially cause them career-impacting harm just because you believe "this section of the wall belongs to me."
Did they even have tickets for tonight? Kind of a weak punishment if they didn't. Weak regardless. I mean, what do you have to do to get a lifetime ban?
The ESPN story I saw floating around reported that these jerks said they were told they were allowed back in but at least in that piece the Yankees did not comment. I'm still with you in hating the Yankees.
Does answer my question if the Yankees would let them in then immediately eject them again so they wouldn't have to refund the tickets. The Yanks didn't have to refund tonight's tickets, just say these people couldn't use them, but I guess it prevents them from making money on the re-sale market.
This is not new for Yankee fans. I remember fans throwing batteries.. lots of batteries at the Red Sox in 04. I know fans are rough.. Boston and Philly come to mind. But nothing like a Yanks fan that thinks they deserve to win and they're delusional - dressed in uniform like they're on the team.
I mean we all wear our team shirts, but these grown men are in full gear and in some sort of bro-trance like they're destined to win and the Yankee way means by any means possible. It's comical.
mlb had to step in to make them implement a ONE GAME ban? what a bunch of soulless cowards.