I’m surprised that secret service allowed the two co-presidents together into a vehicle known for spontaneous combustion at a high frequency. Perhaps they are just as sick of these two idiots as the rest of us.
Musky odor has launched a 7 figure ad campaign against this supreme court candidate for Wisconsin's supreme court. Why? Because he has a legal case in Wisconsin and he wants his way.
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins. https://www.crawfordforwi.com/about
So how many liberal folks r gonna blame Dems when their SS ends due to budget shutdown? Eh? U want them 2 fight repubs? But elon will END SS and BLAME dems! R u too? Be on alert! B educated! ( historically govt shut downs DO NOT END SS& MEDICARE )
If you want to know what the pure definition of dumb is.
It's some guy who hasn't done nearly as well as D Trump or E Musk.
Both multi millionaire and in high positions.
Basically calling those people dumb. 🤔
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
Donate so she has a fair fight in this election. It's imperative that she wins.
Too bad Jimbo didn’t take the same lesson when it comes to our Constitution.
Thank you my friend! 😂🤣😂
It's some guy who hasn't done nearly as well as D Trump or E Musk.
Both multi millionaire and in high positions.
Basically calling those people dumb. 🤔
Both of them were given their money by their daddies
No they weren't. 🤨
Pitch perfect!