Katie, you get it! Please keep telling the audience what is happening - orangie annd the felons are evil and do not operate with any morality. When pro democracy folks keep arguing morality and decency, it is thrilling to them because they don’t care and they get off on our pain!
Criminal-minded narcissists in power "create" their own mandate by invoking its existence incessantly, despite the facts, when there is virtually zero pushback from the largely complicit mainstream media. Bending the knee is now the rule, not the exception.
Unless you count what Lindsey Graham and Jim Jordan do in the congressional men’s restroom while Nancy Grace watches as a “mandate”, you’re right, there is none.
Noticed he's stopped talking about it now? He knows. Instead he's yammering on about MSNBC and CNN being "illegal" Jesus H Christ this should've taught these 2 networks they shouldn't have been bending their knees and kissing his ring. It didn't protect them
Cesar-44bce The senators claim to be acting over fears Caesar's unprecedented concentration of power during his dictatorship was undermining the Roman Republic. 60 to 70 senators were party to the conspiracy led by Marcus Junius Brutus Gaius Cassius Longinus and Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus
It's just another word the political idiots perverted in their vain attempt to pretend they are doing what the people want them to. It seems that neither side actually wants to do what's best for the American people.
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You are 110% correct Katie! We need to remind these filth that’s the truth! Oh yeah they wouldn’t recognize the truth if a dump truck called the truth ran them over!
Oralè Resisters
Trump has managed to turn a neutral country ( Switzerland ) against himself! #ChanclaTime #USDemocracy #Switzerland
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What Toyota owns:
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It's impressive and incredibly sad just how fast Trump was able to turn the world against us. Pushing everyone towards our opposition like China. It's crazy. It can't just be incompetence it has to be intentional.
Lets get less mad. Schumer specifically laid it out last night Y YES vote: with CR trump& elon CANNOT shut down SS & MEDIs. With govt shutdown they can OVER RIDE CONGRESS and do full shutdown of SS & MEDIs https://youtu.be/SJDHET0MAz8?feature=shared
My petition is at https://change.org. I call it: An Amendment to the US Constitution, Checks and Balances. Here is the link. https://chng.it/DBqPdkb5YV I have focused this petition to reflect my thinking on the current circumstances we find ourselves in. I have relied on feedback to satisfy the needs of others.
It is an effort to formulate a useful and effective petition. I just finished editing and reorganizing this petition based on feedback. I hope those who have looked at it before will do so again. Nothing has been edited out. I am trying to set it up to make more sense.
A 1.6% victory is not even close to be considered as a mandate. He received 49.8% of the popular vote. He is driven by greed and revenge against anyone who he perceives to be the enemy. That includes everyone that isn’t like him which is almost everyone on the planet! World domination platform!
If he thinks that winning the popular vote is a mandate for what Americans want the president to do why didn't he follow Hillary's proposed policies she ran on in his last term?Hillary won the popular vote by almost 2.9 million votes,not him. Get rid of electoral votes Dems would win many elections
Every fucking politician that wins by a few paltry votes (some even questionable) seems to feel he or she has a mandate.
Even when you win by a sizable majority you do what is best for every citizen. NOT FOR YOURSELF.
Tell us Katie what's the dems step 2 in this secret plan to shut down the GOVT> Because you can't amend a CR. A CR is just the Budget they voted yes on last year. And you can't limit Trump's Article 2 powers with regular laws. So How do you get back to a functioning GOVT.
Makes no difference now. Unless/until someone/something stands up to King Donald, he will continue to do whatever he wants. No matter how much chaos & hardship that brings to the USA or the rest of the world.
If it comes out of Dumpy’s mouth it’s a lie. Educated people know this his intellectually impaired MAGAts don’t and they are too stupid convince otherwise. Better chance getting them to run head first into a brick wall over & over then get understand or problem solve. It’s a blank stare & drool 🤤
He said it was a huge mandate. It is just part of his big lie. He repeats it over and over and then he believes it . Then his minions start reciting it. That is how it works. Lies=truth!
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
There is no country either.
Now it's just a giant ziplock baggie of spare change that the great white hope will take to Coinstar to get folding money for his next space trip.
Trump claims a historic landslide, but the numbers tell a different story. His 50.7% win is one of the narrowest re-election margins in modern history. Real mandates come with overwhelming support. This wasn’t one.
I'm more angry at the non-voters than I am for the Trump voters. The people who couldn't get their head out of their asses and pretended that people worried about Trump were just exaggerating. The people spreading "Holocaust Harris" propaganda while Trump is literally worse for Gaza. It was madness
Had Ds not conceded before the count was even near-finished; had we demanded a review of the purges, cured ballots, mail-in arrivals before conceding; had we demanded recounts in every red state like T* did, I assure you, any mandate was for democracy.
W T* was campaigning on sharks & YMCA 1/2🧵
& the people finally realizing Biden's economy WAS working (see 2024 Xmas retail explosion) & Kamala's hot vibe, Ds chose to concede without a peep to T* -winning the popular vote, after covid19 & J6 & rape & 34 felonies?
We’ve had our heads down, just trying to get by. A lot of the younger people can’t take the stress of engaging in politics, at all. It’s too much to handle, on top of raising a family and/or putting down roots in an affordable home. We weren’t all paying attention.
Exactly! Tally the final number…more ppl voted against the dumpster than for him! Not to mention he’s admitted publicly (more than!) once that the election was rigged for him to win.
1. In addition to these stats saying that Trump has no Mandate; they say something else equally important:
They say that, while Trump was unpopular with 92,000 voters... Harris was EQUALLY unpopular...
2. Democratic Party: before we get to 2026, you better get your head out of your ass.
We HAD winning options. YOU chose Biden; then threw him under the bus and went with possibly the only other candidate more likely to lose than Joe.
Katie - because they closed the @msnbc.com studio in Miami, is that why you can't host another show? Do you live in Florida? Wish you were one of the new hosts of the Weekend Show!
All of his talking points are based on “look at me, I’m the eternal victim, but now I found other bullies that hate themselves, so you better watch out!!”….Im so sick of his sh*t.
I think Bernie should become leader, he has fought for US and has been an unwavering voice for progress in this country for decades now.
God Katie, maybe there is? I mean, if Chuck Schumer is going to sit on the sidelines and permit the rest of the Democratic senators do the same? I need to confirm that my representatives voted according to what they committed to, but beyond that, I’m not sure what to do. The one thing I know: 1/2
is that almost without exception, the Democratic Party is largely a group of cowards. They equate laying down&playing opossum in front of the worst authoritarians we’ve ever seen as in some fashion ‘bipartisan’, and that’s just bullshit. Trump thanked Schumer. That alone was reason to vote against!
I’ve dropped the f-bomb more since MangoMan’s inauguration than I did the entirety of his last term. It’s so easy to make a complete sentence using just that word. 😉
Thank you! It was a close election. A squeaker. The smallest popular vote margin since G W Bush in 2001. Why are Democrats allowing this bullshit myth of a mandate?
I think a civil war is now inevitable. The judicial system is non-existant, thanks to that POS of Merrick Garland, only certified by Trump's AG.
It's the natural course of the event. Trump, Musk, and Republicans won't survive.
Is impeachment off the table?
Repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it’s true.
Talk about the WHY.
Why Republicans repeat lies.
They’re not “bonkers.”
They are intentionally trying to make citizens disbelieve THE truth, & only trust THEIR “truth.”
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We all know there is no mandate, but I like to be reminded every day.
Trump has managed to turn a neutral country ( Switzerland ) against himself! #ChanclaTime #USDemocracy #Switzerland
#NoPride4Utah #NoPride4Toyota
LGBTQ kick to the curb
By Toyota! #NoPride4Toyota
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Toyota Housing
Even when you win by a sizable majority you do what is best for every citizen. NOT FOR YOURSELF.
You do not compromise with Putin.
You do not negotiate with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!!
Then we can give him his little man date.
Like for instance the meaning of "a calendar day".
His ego needs more
room to expand, hence his coveting the Countries of happy, rich neighbours.
No mandate? Sure… But also no opposition.
remember we were warned ... repeatedly
the wolf will come clutching a Bible and wrapped in the flag
What are we talking about? I've been on a news blackout for a couple days because it's been making my anxiety and fear worse.
Now it's just a giant ziplock baggie of spare change that the great white hope will take to Coinstar to get folding money for his next space trip.
Trump claims a historic landslide, but the numbers tell a different story. His 50.7% win is one of the narrowest re-election margins in modern history. Real mandates come with overwhelming support. This wasn’t one.
Any possible wind of a hack should require an investigation!!
Translation I will go after anyone, I feel held me accountable and refuse to prosecute any Republicans.
31% voted for Trump
The36% who didn't vote because Harris is too (Black, female) voted for Trump
it doesn't matter if anyone sees a mandate
67% of voters put us here.
W T* was campaigning on sharks & YMCA 1/2🧵
Sure. that makes sense.
* All 7 swing states
* The popular vote
* The electoral college
would she have a mandate?
Trump is a detestable pig, but its time to move on and fight him on real issues instead of your bullshit
Just a friendly reminder . . .
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
And then we get an actual criminal in the Oval Office
for NO ONE 37.7%
77,303,573 votes
for Trump 31.6%
75,019,257 votes
for Kamala 30.7%
244,666,890 total eligible
voters in 2024
They say that, while Trump was unpopular with 92,000 voters... Harris was EQUALLY unpopular...
We HAD winning options. YOU chose Biden; then threw him under the bus and went with possibly the only other candidate more likely to lose than Joe.
We need massive, sweeping change in this party.
“Other/None” won the election with 39%
@aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
It was closet election in US history.
Just more lies from the lying party!
He hopes to imprison his enemies and the political left now
This is FULL SCALE Putin Playbook now
It's the natural course of the event. Trump, Musk, and Republicans won't survive.
The sooner we burn the WH to the ground with Trumpy tied up inside, the better.