If it's in a movie, it has to be real. That's why covid ended when we chased the little spider monkey with helicopters and took the vaccine from his blood.
(just a friendly note: using spanish as a standard to deal with latinos is a stereotype, and I'd advise against it. I'm Brazilian, currently living in Canada, I speak portuguese and my english is actually a lot better than my spanish)
fique à vontade para praticar português, se tem uma coisa que os brasileiros adoram é ajudar as pessoas a conhecerem mais nosso idioma e nossa cultura.
e sim, a gente sabe como esse filme acaba. e sabemos também que ele costuma ser sequências.
Aren't all these fascists obsessed with the Roman Empire? Remember when Eloon became Emperor Gluteus Maximus, but people made fun of him?
Ubi es, O Brute?
This! Of course it's completely reasonable and rational (and wise) to push back with all your might in response to a coup, but somehow I don't think they're considering that aspect of it.
Churchill was laughed at by the English Parliament for 5 years as he tried to warn them about Hitler. He was clear sighted enough to ascertain how ruthless and deranged Hitler was, so negotiating with him was useless. Psychopaths operate with different rules than the rest of us. Know your enemy.
e sim, a gente sabe como esse filme acaba. e sabemos também que ele costuma ser sequências.
Ubi es, O Brute?