And then following on from that, ignores the fact that those drivers who are poor/working class probably benefit more from the time saved in traffic than the wealthy bridge and tunnel crowd who are too good for the train
I've seen this one morph into mega-discourse by people saying that congestion fees will kill the lowly GrubHub drivers wages. Congestion Pricing/Takeout Every Meal discourse crossover event!
Discourse can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity! Or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop!... ever... until you are very annoyed.
I love it on principle whenever a metro gov’t puts a thumb in the eye of suburban commuters. Without fail all across the country, those ppl kick the shit out of cities in state level policy while enjoying all the things they produce
In Denver the southern suburbs make the city pay for a substantial “park and ride” metro route they very specifically don’t have to pay taxes to support. I hate the suburbs so much
I saw that lady who lives in Texas and owns property in NYC claiming that people making fun of her were poor bashing, and I imagine all opponents are like that
Guy who lived on the Upper East Side who paid $27,500 in rent complaining it costs him $10 to pick up his kids on the Upper West Side from his ex-wife’s house.
I'm in a different category: my social scene is filled with working musicians who live outside the zone, but the majority of their gigs are within it. They've been wailing about it, as they need to drive gear in to their gigs. I don't have a good answer for them…they're kinda collateral damage.
even as a relatively well off New Yorker, none of my friends had cars. but when i was in corporate law, all the partners did. it’s insanely expensive to commute into Manhattan by car, to the point where it makes sense mostly for actual millionaires
I grew up in Manhattan and we had a car so that my dad could get to the hospital (where he had a dedicated spot) for emergencies. That still makes sense to me but he also took the train 99% of the time. We mostly used the car to get out of the city.
Like “we have a car for Trips to GrandmaTM because getting the kids wrangled on the subway and paying four fares isn’t with it” makes sense but it also means you’re not actually spending very much for the congestion charge
Opponents are trying to conjure up images of disabled people struggling to go up hill in a snow squall. But if you are disabled you can use Access-A-Ride which will be MORE efficient without all the unnecessary traffic!
If you're on the QBB upper level you can exit the bridge without getting tolled bc you exit onto 62nd st, and you can also get on and off the Brooklyn Bridge without getting tolled by going directly to/from the FDR
i once went to visit a girlfriend’s mom that lived nearish the UN and it cost me a small fortune (by my standards at the time) just to park my car for 5 days lol
they will pay $500+ a month for membership at a parking garage, there are many in Manhattan (too bad, we have a 60 year housing shortage and could build apartments in that space instead)
To be fair, I can't think of that many places where garage parking is aboveground, and there would be code issues with building that much below-grade housing. It's not as if they are mostly standalone parking garages on otherwise buildable plots.
I figured. It still must be a giant pain in the arse though, if you’re using it for anything but travelling to or from work. But I never understand these people or the stuff they like.
In mid-town to park in a garage can be hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) a month. Street parking is free but limited and there’s alternate side parking at least one day a week. I swear car drivers into Manhattan are masochists. It’s the only way explanation.
The few times I drove in NYC finding street parking would take forty minutes or more, and that was 15 years ago so it doesn't make sense that these people are mad about a 9 dollar fee.
This is the part that is truly confusing to me. If you really, REALLY want to drive to Manhattan you still can AND your experience will be better with less congestion. It’s a net benefit to drivers too (but yes, you have to pay for said benefit)
$~300/month fee? How dare you.
It looks like the Queensboro bridge might drop you off outside of the zone on the way to the "mainland" but you can't get back without a toll.
So, it's basically $11,000 per year just to park your vehicle near your home and off-the-street.