I'll give you an idea where we're at. I get hate pretty much all the time for not calling for Kurtzman's job, I'm used to it at this stage.
But what I won't and will never tolerate are the death threats against him I've had to delete from the comments.
I don't know Alex Kurtzman but 1/4
But what I won't and will never tolerate are the death threats against him I've had to delete from the comments.
I don't know Alex Kurtzman but 1/4
Peace and long life. 😁
Sadly, I'm sure Bluesky isn't the only place this happens. 😞
🖖🏻 Peace, and long life.
I don't agree with some of his choices, some genuinely get me angry. Angry enough to think someone else should be in charge. Not angry enough to wish the man harm. That's simply moronic.
Disappointment about entertainment is no excuse for violence.
We just hold the line where we can!
As long as you're not one of the sad, sad little people calling for his death
Fandom isn't just toxic, it's irredeemably evil.
Anyway, screw em. We have plenty of Trek to enjoy!
You're a good egg John, thank you for being here :)
Sweet Jesus, just wow.
3 Seasons ST: Picard
5 Seasons ST: Lower Decks
4 Seasons ST: Strange New Worlds
2 Seasons ST: Prodigy
2 Seasons ST: Academy
10+ Episodes Short Treks
We haven't had such a mixture of new content since the 90s. Hundreds of hours of fun, thought-provoking entertainment.
Frankly, we need a lot less rage-baiting content. I'm sick and tired of every other YouTube video devolving into a parody of a Two Minutes Hate. That's why I tune in to TrekCulture.
The extreme threat reactions from alleged “fans” is so …(has no words in extreme frustration)
Have a tiny treat. You work hard.
Fans have always had weird and toxic folks tho.
(…also, the tease for Turkana 4 is *totally telling us* that they were involved in the fall of the colony…)
Trek hasn't been perfect since...well 1964 if we're being honest! But the patchwork of strengths, weaknesses, highs, lows - it makes the tapestry that is the franchise. AK is just the latest, he probably won't be the last, you know?
Can't stand Enterprise, but don't want to defenestrate the production staff, I just choose not to watch it.
And, yes: I used the word defenestrate.
It missed the mark. Yes.
But it’s a fuckin’ movie, not that big a deal, if ya get to the point of death threats and such then you are a parásociál psychopath, please seek help!
It’s super strange to get like this over Star Trek.
A franchise that’s spent many hours arguing over equal rights, rule of law, principles, and decency and a fan of this, is calling for someone’s death because they wrote a thing they didn’t like?
I just wish we could all get along, be at peace, and hold hands.
like the Star Wars fandom
*ducks for cover*
I think that says it all.
My issue with the violence that people shout their opinions with, screaming ownership, and throwing tantrums.
That's not critique.
I’ve come up with no good excuse for the other accent yet. Give me time and a rewatch.
“Relax, kid. It’s only a movie.”
If you haven’t seen hardware wars, fix that.
I’ve never understood it. Did I enjoy S31 as a whole? No, but… 1/2
'Take him to a tall building in Moscow' - referring to the deaths of folks from 'falling from windows there in recent years.
How is that meant to be funny? On every level that's sick
But even if I hated every bit "NuTrek", I wouldn't wish harm on anyone. That's antithetical to Trek.
It's a *show*, no-one's going to be killed by not liking it.
I just don't get people who get violently angry about a show that they clearly don't even understand the message of. Exploration? Acceptance? Nah - go straight to death threats 🤨
If people want to criticize, they can do so in a mature manner without the need for calling for one’s job or even their head. 🧵/2
“Oh here’s this person who has an opinion you don’t like and now you have a social mob eager to harass them”
It’s gonna keep happening till people/platform/power say this behavior is too rank to be permitted
Sometimes you impede or even close a shitty bar whose presence hurts the community. Til that starts happening?
Is that just on the twitter bin-fire or here and other places as well?
We're all here for you @seanferrick.bsky.social, we love what you do and we love who you are. LLAP. 🖖🏻
YT is where the death threats were, and any comment I find is getting deleted. Just *let* them say I'm 'censoring' them
I got told last year my mother should have had me aborted - and all because I defended Kurtzman over DSC.
You're right though. The casual tossing of hatred and abuse, with absolutely no consideration of the long-term impact. it's foul.
And I’m sad to say Trek isn’t the only fandom infected with it.
As much as social media has enabled us to connect, it’s also enabled evil like this to fester and spread
But I dont hate alex kurtzman for it. To go that far is pretty bloody messed up.
I certainly can't see how anyone can think youre a shill. When there's been bad
I've not watched the interview yet. But I know it'll be honest and fair. As I know how you are this far, being so.
Anyway, there's some really messed up ppl out there
But this? NOT okay.
I'm sorry you have to deal with it.
I appreciate what you do.
People have commented on our channel calling for him to be thrown from a tall building.
And these comments were getting likes.
I think most of you know me, I'll chat, I'll engage, and we can happily disagree 2/4
I've been called a shill often as I don't rage bait. I'm used to that now, if you're trying to get a rise out of me.
But death threats to anyone, for any reason, because you don't like the Star Trek they make?
I’ve long loved Star Trek and maybe I’m naive still, but it’s always been a beacon of, “hey, let’s move ahead together, and not be a (genital or sphincter based slur) to one another, and if we do so, we will all be win, even if we aren’t saints in paradise.”
But what are we as a community if instead of discussing what we like, dislike, or want to see in the future - we're seeing people calling for the murder of a man, and others thinking it's funny?
People are shits.
I might part ways with a creative endeavour, and it might make me sad, but wishing harm on the creators is a way to guarantee mediocrity for fear of taking the big swings.
Personally, I’ve still to get through all of Disco, and I bailed on S31… but SNW is coming!
And I didn't expend energy showing the absolute worst of myself to the world. I just did something else. It really wasn't that hard
I've typed a few different responses here expressing my disappointment in the hate, but realized I was just adding to it by being angry with those who said hateful things. I'd rather take a cue from Georgiou and just send a hug, to you, to them and hope for the best. 🖖🏻
StarTrek is an institution! You don't even have to be into it at all to admit this undeniable fact.
but I'd rather have a franchise that's allowed to misstep and grow than one that gets cancelled after one season because the studio panicked over online critique.
And this isn't hypothetical - it literally happens every year
We are in very edgy times throughout in society and this transcends to art forms too (like this). SUPPORT #StarTrek
Such petty people.
That's why I never begrudge someone their critiques - whether I agree or not, that's not the point.
But this sinking into personal attacks, and death threats, is just beyond the limit.
Seriously, it's this kind of behavior that I firmly believe gave us the Star Wars sequels...
Infuriating how many people fall for it.
Hell no!
Should they be killed for it?
What a world where I've even had to type that
Some of the 'fan' responses to content they don't like is disgusting.
People content to hide away on the internet who wouldn't dare vocalise their comments in the real world.
I for one love modern Trek
If one is calling for the literal death of one of the people currently tasked with creating it, then it is time to re-evaluate your interests. That is wholly uncalled for.
Doubly so in these current times.
I'd not call for the *death* of anyone involved with a thing I enjoy though. That's just plain wrong.
That sort of negativity and dangerous behaviour - that's not welcome
It’s depressing and sad as hell it had to be said, though. What the hell is wrong with people?
Just nonsense carry on
These others - they deserve to be called out - but they're in the vast minority, I promise!
I agree you can dislike it, but let others enjoy it.
There is no reason for the death threats.
Don't like it, don't watch it. Watch the Trek you enjoy.
I don't like a lot of his work on the ST franchise, but at the end of the day, it's just a job, and it's only entertainment, FGS!
Why is everything ALWAYS cranked up to 11 these days?
Still, look, it's grand. There's always gonna be the ragefuls. it aint us
But not everything can be THE WORST THING EVER like you said... there's got to be nuance...
Still enjoying seeing you pop up on my screen every now and then :)
Thank you for saying it out loud.
I’m forever grateful for you, my friend.