I do not mean to be unkind, but you have fully lost the plot.
Reposted from
Just Kevin
More proof that @newrepublic.com is a Republican opsec operation to undermine democracy for the GOP.
Because there are only more Arabs in Egypt, no Jews.
That's how McConnell and Tuberville did what they did. Weaponizing the rules — with a minority.
Leaders Schumer and Jeffries are complicit, taking donations.
The "play dead" plan is worse than the "Border Bill" gambit. There are people being dropped in countries they've never visited, youths disappeared for tattoos.
Waiting for 2026 is immoral.
Lynch, Khanna, and Moulton are either traitors or defeatists, and need to go.
And I don't think recognizing that the senate is biased against the popular will is defeatism.
April is a bad time to drop out.
And you havent even mentioned the oldest democrat in the house.