the indomitable human spirit*
*unwillingness/inability to learn how to play mahjong no matter how many hours i put into yakuza
*unwillingness/inability to learn how to play mahjong no matter how many hours i put into yakuza
How do you feel about visible cards or dice-rolls in video games, such as in Tharsis, Citizen Sleeper and Baldur’s Gate 3?
I really don’t like it, as to me it harms the immersion by drawing too much attention to the artifice.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is, of course, based on DnD tabletop gaming, but the dice don’t literally exist within the game’s world, so to show them exposes the fakeness.
At least after I was done I was assaulted by the love of my life again
Doesn’t matter I still love it.
It's definitely the way to do it (via a lot of enforced gaming)