They need to go older:
1. Put the adapter on the turntable so you could play a 45 instead of a 33.
2. Rolled down a car window.
3. Got seltzer bottle deliveries.
4. Attached a UHF loop to the back of a TV.
1. Put the adapter on the turntable so you could play a 45 instead of a 33.
2. Rolled down a car window.
3. Got seltzer bottle deliveries.
4. Attached a UHF loop to the back of a TV.
5. Got milk deliveries
6. Owned a black and white TV
What a difference to the enormous thing I watch now. 😳
Why did they spell vinyl wrong I'm so mad
* Have diagrammed a sentence
* Learned cursive in third grade
But I thought that was a little too inside-baseball-y.
We had a 3rd grade teacher who retired a few years ago— she was the last one who taught cursive.
8. Waited to use the phone while the other people on your party line finished a call.
9. Walked home from half-day kindergarten by yourself.
Used an 8" floppy disk
Used a 5.25" floppy disk
Used a 3.5" floppy disk
Ever referred to any of the above as a "diskette"
2. Broken into your own car with a wire coat hanger
3. Bought a pack of cigarettes for your parent, when 10 years old.
Doctors who made house calls.
Milk delivered to the house.
Police walking a neighborhood beat.
I only like seltzer when it’s in a chocolate egg cream. 😋
- Had a party line telephone (which sounds cooler than it actually was)
- Used a card catalog at a public library
- Heard the announcer say "In Color" on TV shows before our household saw the shows in color