This development is a horrifying and further escalation of the very topic I wrote about yesterday evening: The Trump administration’s move from governmental changes to individual attacks focused on political opponents.
Especially since we don't know where he is. Telling the government they are wrong is our most essential freedom.
And every AIPAC paid pol will go along with it.
And there's no good reason whatsoever to assume this limits itself to immigrants.
They are literally arresting and disappearing people for political dissension. This is North Korea shit.
Crimes Resulting in Deportation Without Conviction
Even without a criminal conviction, green card holders can face deportation if their actions fall under certain categories, such as:
Terrorist Activities: Associating with terrorist organizations or financing terrorism carries severe consequences, including immediate deportation.
Good job, "hero."
they didn't make a real difference, but they're about to get torn apart by white nationalists anyway and its all just so tragic
Worse the Gaza movement agitated against the democrats. He got the government he wished for so stop whining.
Radical left actions have consequences.
The Gaza movement hated on Biden. Genocide Joe. So you got the change in administration you wished for.
Deal with it. But leave this fake equivalence out of it.
Send them to gitmo.
Blaming voters for not being convinced to vote for you is like advertisers blaming audiences for not buying their product.
That's entirely on the advertiser for having an uninspiring or inauthentic message.
It's kinda like asking MLK Jr to condemn Malcolm X instead of listening to King and taking his grievances seriously
Absolutely. The fact you wouldn't in order to stand for what's right makes you a coward. The fact you're using your cowardice to defend the obliteration of the Constitution makes you a fascist.
Both together makes you pathetic.
That's what freedom is. "We hold these truths to be self-evident" wasn't some pussy parochial dogshit given to us by the US State Department. It's our conditions of what a government must be.
His wife is a citizen and 8 months pregnant.
And yes, if I were living in a country who's weapons were being used to kill my friends and family and turn my home into rubble, I hope I'd be brave enough to do those things.
When it goes to court, I hope consequences, sanctions, some sort of real/serious punishments are meted out to Rubio, Trump and those responsible for these corrupt actions.
Doesn't that seem kinda weird that Palestine national would be in America leading a big disruptive lockdown type protest against our government? Is that normally allowed?
I keep trying to convince myself we’re not doing fascism but we are definitely doing fascism.
I think bluesky needs to do its thing. I’m gonna send my message now and I hope everybody else does.