BREAKING: On a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court will not stop Louisiana from trying to suffocate Jessie Hoffman to death tonight with nitrogen gas.
Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson would grant a stay of execution. Gorsuch, based on a religion claim, dissents and would also grant a stay.
Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson would grant a stay of execution. Gorsuch, based on a religion claim, dissents and would also grant a stay.
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ALSO REPUBLICANS: “every inmate on death row is guilty, no exceptions! Government never makes mistakes!”
Cruelty is Happiness, Vengence is love, and Chaos is Peace.
The man wants to practice anapanasati on his way out.
1. What is your obsession with the death penalty?
2. Why are you insisting on using such arcane and cruel methods?
3. How the hell can you claim to be pro-life when you are supporting the death penalty?
Murderer no. Poor person in need of healthcare he/she can’t afford. No. Pregnant woman at risk of death if she carries to term. No. Sentenced alleged murderer who may now prove his/her innocence when new evidence comes to life. No.
(This is why Pope Francis often talks about preserving life from conception to natural death.)
Fuck him!!
They are going to let someone be executed by gas?