One more thing about this piece of bullsophistry by Barnett and Wurman on birthright citizenship.
To the framers of the 14th Amendment, people who had, by bad actions, failed of allegiance, obedience, and amity were not a hypothetical problem. *There were hundreds of thousands of them.*
To the framers of the 14th Amendment, people who had, by bad actions, failed of allegiance, obedience, and amity were not a hypothetical problem. *There were hundreds of thousands of them.*
By this “logic,” tens of millions of us would lose our citizenship.
If violating the law at point of entry is the allegiance-shattering act, how can a child not even necessarily conceived at entry be deemed in violation?
I assume this is addressed with a quick wave of the hand. Or do the authors address it at all?
A-ha! It seems like it should also exclude the children born to an invading army!
And then, a-ha! Maybe that means overstaying your visa, like being part of an invading army, means your status as a parent keeps your newborn from being subject to the jurisdiction.
Shoot, in a timing screw-up, poster boy Trump implied that swearing an oath doesn’t mean he is subject to the law.
We need some professional version of a Walk of Atonement for people like him, but with exile at the end.
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Has no one taken 8th grade American History but us?
Fascists making our currency work for Fascism
Who’s have thought?
You know what there's not a hint of anywhere in Reconstruction? Stripping the children of Confederates of their US citizenship.
In the case of Musk overstaying his student visa, well he his rich and white
If the model of citizenship being built in wasn't jus soli but rather this pseudo-contractual allegiance stuff, they might very well have addressed that elephant in the room And yet.
It's weird to think that the Reconstruction Framers *created* corruption of the blood penalties for children of an unimagined future category of visa-overstayers, but not for those of rebels.