I followed the wire with the dilator to open the great vessel enough to accept the line. It’s like stabbing someone gracefully. Her ribs were so prominent. He watched, and I could see moisture welling in his eyes.
“I try to get her to eat, we loved cooking together.”
“I try to get her to eat, we loved cooking together.”
I’ve been at the deathbed of too many loved ones.
We are grateful to even learn people like you exist
among us. Thank you does not seem enough. ❤️
“She loves durian”
“Well, that’s a polarizing choice.”
“Yes. I can’t stand it. It stinks up the entire house.”
The line now slides easily home.
I suture it in.
I chide her in mock chagrin, he chirps in.
“So this on cleans up after himself too.”
“You look exhausted. I can’t imagine how much work this is.”
“It’s not work.”
“And durian smells good.”
“Cream and sugar?”
“Hell no, but our dietician could scrape some up as long as you don’t show me what you’re up to.”
It was a genuine smile.
“What was your name?”
I told him.
“I know she’s going to die.”
He cries now. Heaving sobs.
They say that the human ear is attuned to the pitch of a babies cries, but this call is in the range that I hear best.
“We will care for her to the very end.”
Just got home from your beloved river valley #Yeg
I was my mother's guardian. She had several chronic health issues, one being ESRD. She was not on dialysis yet, as she was the poster child of compliance, & had maintained>
I realized you had not told the stories for ages, thank you ❤️
- Grateful patient.