About once a week I think fondly of my personal icon, the elephant who trampled a woman and then came back later to trample her some more at her funeral.
Reposted from
Shiv Ramdas Rice Lord
conversation I had with a ranger at Corbett National Tiger Reserve
me: whats the most dangerous animal in the jungle? Tiger?
him: elephant
me: what about in the water
him: elephant
me: you don't understand, I mean aquatic animal
him: no you don't understand, don't fuck with elephant
me: whats the most dangerous animal in the jungle? Tiger?
him: elephant
me: what about in the water
him: elephant
me: you don't understand, I mean aquatic animal
him: no you don't understand, don't fuck with elephant
They will chase you down, murder you with their Giant Mouth Daggers, and dismember your body. Not because they NEED to, but because you were there and they WANTED to.
The level of arrogance humans have is astounding..don't fuck with elephants
(psst..each month TWiEvo [This Week in Evolution] is live & you can ask them yourself)
They also detect seismic activity with their feet to sense when a thunderstorm or predators are coming. #ElephantFunFacts
This is the first time we've observed them burying them in the dirt, as we do our dead.
It's not a new phenomenon, but a new insight into an old phenomenon.
You're reading the article as,
'This is the 1st time elephants have done this.'
The other person is reading it as,
'This is the 1st time people have seen Indian elephants do this.'