wat car do you drive
do you hate it or love it
does it give you issues
how much do you drive on average per week/month
do you hate it or love it
does it give you issues
how much do you drive on average per week/month
500-1k m/ a week ish.
fairly cheap parts to do autɔ work at home myself.
reliable for various tɛrrains :3
a staple for every gaƴ
i LOVE my car
it is a shit box but its worth it (to me)
i drive WAY too much, literally at least 10 times a week (at the very least)
hate it love it
yes omg i legit js got the engine like fixed up two weeks ago grr old cars..
i drive it every like weekday (to go to class and stuff) amd some weekends
No issues so far but ive only had for 2 yrs
it's a decent car, I just hate how long it is. it's annoying to drive it in a city with small roads
the car doesn't have any issues, unless u drive over 150km/h. it burns oil really fast
I drive about 560km every month
Love it cause the whole theme of the car is black and red, very emo esq
There were some recalls on it I had to deal with which were annoying, and the valve body crapped out after only 50k miles but otherwise nothing notable
I drive between 150-180 miles a week, long work commute 😔
It's a BMW i3🔌
Not a big fan of the appearance but I LOVE driving it! It drives really smoothly, really responsive and comfy!
No issues except for a very sensitive gas pedal :')
When there's no snow, I drive maybe once a day
idk tho i don't drive