Occasional reminder that there’s no, “it’s too late, its over” for anthropogenic climate change. Every molecule of CO2 that doesn’t go into the atmosphere makes a difference. Preventing 0.1 degree of warming makes a difference. Every bit of climate resilience we build together makes a difference.
and I also did a TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/deb_chachra_the_invisible_networks_shaping_your_everyday_life
It's hard to see that in a jaded, cynical age, but it's still true.
It's a win for everyone but factory farm lobbyists and psuedointellectual nutjobs.
What's not "attainable" about *not* doing something, anyway?
Hence more attainable.
Inflation of beef prices should help curb consumption though especially as AG consolidation
boosts pricing power.
Reducing the US’s dependence on personal cars will immensely reduce the impact on all fronts. Public transport!
Consuming more but different isn’t the solution. We need to actually consume less.
Driving whatever car you have for another 5 years is *way* more resource friendly than switching to a new EV.
The excuses for not taking action despite the threat of climate collapse sound presumptuous to the ears of our future generations.
And we all know that for a long time. It's not about meat, it's about all animal products.
Tell them to eat less meat.
If all meat eaters would eat only half of the meat they eat now it's the equivalent of turning half of them into vegans.
Foodwatch & Co liefern ein anderes, realistischeres Bild.
Und weshalb Leute in ihrem Selbstbetrug befeuern angesichts der Drastik der kommenden Klimakatastrophe?
Hier ein Foodwatch-Link zur Lage:
Pro Kopf gaben deutsche Verbraucher 184 € im Jahr 2022 für Bio-Lebensmittel aus.
Wenn die Leute sich schwer tun, den Konsum von Tierprodukten zu reduzieren, dann werden sie ganz bestimmt noch weniger deiner Bitte folgen, komplett vegan zu. leben.
The ignorance of a few will ruin it for us all.
Perhaps there is no 'us' though. What we're probably into, long into, is damage limitation (for some, but not others).
There absolutely would be wasted efforts if we don't address what is or isn't possible based on costs (time, money, emissions) WHILE ongoing harms accelerate thereby increasing the number of said wasted efforts. It's just math. Let's be real, not hopium spreaders.
People don't seem to get this. Unfortunately messaging often sucks.
People get exhausted with fear-based ultimatums and guilt. Plus India & China.
But, every bit of sea level rise & hurricane intensity means more damage. Insurance companies are already pulling out.
Media's narrative of "missing the mark" does lead to folks thinking it's too late so why bother
We saw during COVID lockdowns how well the environment bounced back
Mother Nature isn't MAGA🤭she learns, changes, evolves, & wants to work w/ everyone!
Let's keep helping her - all of her!🌏🌍🌏🔵
[BTW I got your book for christmas. It is next in the TBR pile]
Am concerned, too, that someone's knot-headed experiment will be approved that will only worsen the effects.
It's not about committing a singular action that does a perfect job of causing/preventing something; it's about mitigating what you can, even if it seems futile.
In MMOs (massively multiplayer online games), there are huge bosses with
When that tiny percentage is spread out over a long time
And that made me realise a lot of things.
Humans will never recognize what's good for humanity as a whole!!! They are asleep at the wheel.
CRT isnt going to riin our living standards. We have nothing to apologize for. Developing nations have climate issues? Stop having kids
Electric vehicle penetration exceeds 50% in China for the first time https://search.app/P8dXBGWtZQiorYXj6
We improve things or they get worse, every day.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is today.
The ecosystem changes mean that the tree planted now may not survive in the current climate.
Much of the harms happening are irreversible
And may cross feedbacks/tipping points which make planting way less effective
The best time WAS in the past
Thus the crisis severity
Look at the OP.
The best time to deal with climate change was 20 years ago. But we can't go back, so we'd best start today.
That is already happening
We're losing more opportunities every day
Irreversible in many cases
And possible accelerants of feedbacks
Tipping points
We can't lie about this
Ever heard climate scientists mention that. How about economists discussing depreciation due to Planned Obsolescence?
However, IMO, we would have had to begin the process decades ago.
Are you off to start a nomadic food forest planting co-op??
If we're too collectively stupid to deal with Climate Change, without retreating into bullshit conspiracies or denial, what chance do we have when it comes to anything else?
I am attempting to balance despair -- at the sheer impossibility of fixing climate change -- with hope. It's an uphill battle.
People need to understand that living a clean lifestyle doesn't mean it's any less 'privileged' or comfortable!!
And actions were taken and the problem was almost rectified.
We *can* do things to affect change.
Signed - a hopeful optimist
This is especially true with America, which just elected a lunatic that claims human caused climate change “a hoax”,
and has used “drill, drill, drill” As a short lived rally cry.
Six Major U.S. Banks Withdraw from Net Zero Alliance Amid Political Climate Changes
with the infrastructural background etc.
Why Puerto Rico better ? 🤏
like this: CO2+H2O
Think permafrost methane, melting ice sheets, disrupted ocean currents, etc.
Just need the people power to push society in that direction.
However the real time to act was the 1970s when the oil companies deliberately lied to the world
But there are other things that use oil and derivatives
Democrats and Republicans both need an aggressively prosperous oil industry for a prosperous economy. There are no countries willing to sacrifice even a portion of their economies. Just big talkers.
We don't need oil for our prosperity, we need it for our global leverage...the oil hegemony.
I think you see the problem I see.
What WE need but don't have is power.
Their collective goal is to end the Western Oil hegemony
USA is the biggest oil producer in the world and where we get our global leverage. BRIC has been working to end that for 20 years.
By assuming the prior we may conclude that there is enough time on the clock, by the latter we observe that time is running out.
And as much as it's great to talk about CO2 until someone dares to challenge China it's just lipservice.
We must connect with working class families and communities again. We all have a role in building green infrastructure. We can do it!
Thanks for the reminder 👊🏻 💜
Oil and gas extraction is fuelled by consumption, so the more people choose not to fly or eat meat, the smaller their consumer base.
We are the system, so it's really important to change what we can individually AND insist on systemic political and economic change.
But I can’t upend the petrodollar. I have no hope because of GREED.
We've been chanting the "every bit helps!" mantra since the 80s but those of us who recycle diligently and use energy sparingly don't offset damage from private jets or industrial waste.
Of all the people reading this thread, who has stopped using fossil fuels? Who walks or bikes instead of driving?
We are a few seconds to midnight here, and nothing will change.
Deny deny deny deny deny that there’s a problem
We don't know because of uncertianties.
We do know tipping points are now predicted to start as early as 1.5 degrees...now.
We do know that harms predicted when 1.5 was picked were wrong...every IPCC moves the severity to lower degrees. Now, 1.5 =5.0 degrees
The next .1 may be IT.
I can only do my part but I’m gonna do it with everything I’ve got.
This will be the thruster rockets that kill humanity.
Change to EV
Drive half as much (remote work, kids activities)
Eat less meat, very little red meat
Stop frequent flying
Electrify heat and lawn equipment
^^really is a BETTER lifestyle too
Though other highly populated places are increasing consumptions/emissions so fast they are catching up (Brazil, India for example)
Few get how bad things are, why "we have time" just causes complacency
Few know how much we can change in our own choices, many of which IMPROVE lifestyles and health
I'm trying!
Also like your book about the infrastructure