Needs legal vs illegal guns. It has a very important cultural component that makes a huge difference. Most people who are legal gun owners do not buy to hurt some1. An illegal gun exists to do harm. The war must be on illegal firearms and their owners.
This isn't about illegal guns related to crimes. It's about guns being #1 death cause of children in the US. Every single gun related child death case in my deep red state this year was all committed from legally own guns of their parents.
Everything was cool until you got to drag queen that would cost Harris the election when she said she would give prisoners sex change operations, you people need to straighten your shit out and leave it in the closet not you, but whoever
Do you have any idea where the number came from or the time frame? Per gun violence archive, 1,682 children/teens died in 2023 and 1,379 so far in 2024. The data there is eye opening. Most teen deaths are teen on teen violence. Heartbreaking.
The strange thing to me is that no one, from any political party, has introduced a formal proposal for an amendment to the Constitution to address the perceived problem since 1993.
Owning the libs is all they have. When a person is poorly educated and has nothing to offer they need to fall back on the lowest possible thing they can to 'own people'. Often this means relying on their skin color.
They think it's more important to get rid of things they dislike, but don't actually hurt their daily life, and ignore a time honored tradition that kills them off.
It's not about ideology it's about power and money. The NRA will fund a challenge to anyone that so much as thinks about common sense gun control legislation. They have to because they know the majority of Americans want this and they need to spend to keep that from happening.
Where's my machete? Where's my homemade bomb (ez to do)? Where's my 5,000 lb truck? Where's my rock? You want to disarm the entire citizenry because of, what? Nut cases who commit 0.001% of the homicides in the US? It's like blaming the car because the driver was drunk. And then banning cars.
I've seen these arguments time and time again and they're dumb. Guns are made for one purpose. Killing. That's it. They serve no other purpose. You people love your guns more than you love children. That's all.
Yeah, guns are made to kill. A gun is a tool. 99% of the time used in self-defense. What's your point? Why is pointing out that cars, machetes, knives, rocks, fists, boots are NOT intended to kill, but are used to kill, so "dumb"?
What didn't you get about what I said? Guns are made specifically to kill. Period. Knives are not made specifically for that purpose. Neither are cars, machetes, rocks, fists or boots. Are you seriously that stupid not to see the difference?
Shouldn’t the last bit have an astrix with, not enough doors, not enough teachers with guns, not enough good guys with guns? All other countries don’t have the same problem, but funnily enough we don’t have guns.
From 2017 to 2021, 70% of crime guns traced by the ATF were obtained from a dealer. Overall, 99% of traced crime guns were initially obtained from a dealer, pawnbroker, or gun manufacturer!
You said majority of crime guns were obtained illegally that's not the case. 70% we're purchased!
Bans work!
States with LCM bans have 48% fewer mass shootings
& also see 61% fewer domestic violence mass shootings.
Without LCM bans high-fatality mass shootings were > 2x the rate of states with bans.
Do you have Trisomy 21? Unless someone is using a 3D printed gun or some kind of family heirloom, ALL guns are purchased at some point! Do you know what a "straw purchase" is? Good God.
20.8% of mass shooting from'09-'22 involved assault weapons, a Large-capacity magazine, (LCM) or both.
10-30% of mass shootings involved assault weapons.
40-60% involved LCM's.
Mass shootings involving semiautomatic rifles resulted in 97% more fatalities & 81% more wounded. Ban manufacturing & sale!
And what do they consider an "LCM"? Anything over 6 rounds? Lmao! And define "assault weapon." A fucking frying pan can be an "assault weapon"!!
Again -- The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by a demographic that makes up only 6.5% of the population. I don't even have to say who that is!
What the source for the number of children killed by guns? Because I’m guessing it’s the “children and adolescents” number that includes a lot of young violent criminals settling scores amongst themselves. Actual children (preteens and younger) die from guns at about the same rate as drownings.
Absolutist thinking isn't very effective. You could say the same of children drowning but banning pools isn't going to fly.
Effective policy prioritizes the largest causes of harm that have a known solution & an effective means of implementing said solution. In the US, guns aren't in that category.
Yes, let's save them in the womb so they can be aborted after birth with a gun. REPUBLICANS, HOW MANY MUST BE ABORTED AFTER BIRTH BEFORE YOUR OUTRAGED?
I’m pretty sure the number of those who die from fascist Republicans keeping America from providing free universal healthcare & education to all of our citizens…
…you know, like every other first world nation in the world…
A lot of momentum, but it can happen. I would say "Who do you have to kill" to get this done, but I think we all know. Not that I'm advocating for that. You're welcome.
As usual, the Reps like to distort opposition. In this case by saying Dems want to outlaw guns 100%. Most want reasonable controls so homesteaders,... can still have what they need (not arsenals).
I felt like that for years after being carjacked at gunpoint. I have since reconsidered my position, and I do think people in rural areas might need protection from wildlife and also due to delayed response times. Must be regulated though so residency is not an excuse or cover for criminal intent.
They don't care about gun safety until one of their own is shot down. Yet they keep getting elected.
And it seems white men want to go back to the 50s when they ruled Supreme, minorities treated like crap and women had few rights. And somehow some minorities and women voted gop!
since the NRA received money from Russia, etc., and worked so hard for gun ownership, they should be required to put metal detectors in all the schools, not have it be taxpayer's expense...until there are better gun laws.
The right serve the wealthiest, and corporations, which most people wouldn't vote for.
So they use racism, misogyny and phoney culture wars as recruiting tools, and sadly, it works.
It’s not complex at all actually.
I used to think it was, but it turns out that Israel has been the sole source of ethnically fueled violence in the region for decades.
If they can’t accept existence of others, they should expect armed resistance. Period
I agree. And he will be known as such to me.
There’s no excuse for genocide.
Just because republicans are worse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t criticize democrats for the crime of century
No, that’s Netanyahu who is keeping a promise to his nephew Jared that he would have some fine cheap got a beachfront hotel. This has nothing to do with Biden but nice try fake Russian engagement.
Guns have been the number cause of death of children every years since 2020. But the pro-life evangelical KKKristians don't care, you know, to them, family values means gun ownership is more important that keeping children safe.
They’re just following through the tradition of their Christian God who murdered innocent children because he wasn’t got enough to force a mere man pharaoh to his will
But to them, it's a lot easier to target rainbow people than to establish gun safety measures, let alone working to at least mitigate the systemic causes behind gun violence
No books are banned
CRT, as written by Kendi, is philosophy, not black history
LGBT has rights (I know because I am one)
Affirmative Action harms Asian students
I agree with this one
Drag is inherently sexual
More children die from neglectful mothers than guns
The fact that you find a man in a dress inherently sexual tells us all a lot about what you think. You like those guys in dresses eh? No kink shame. You do you. Just own it. Your mental health will thank you.
Books are banned from school, republicans want to do away with lgbt rights, crt teaches black history, it doesn't, so kids being gunned down is okay because of bad moms?
Maybe if the talking heads that used to give the news would do this, Republicans might take action. After Jan 20, we should call them "Trump Endorsed Killings." He'll love that.
Hmmmm.....might be unpopular opinion but....if criminals followed the laws to begin with...then they wouldn't be what makes ya think making more laws is magically gonna make them "good boys"? I'm seriously trying to follow along, it just doesn't math out.
The world powers are going to play act a war, kill a LOT of everyone and when the dust settles it will be the wealthy, and thier subjugated, without enough of us to do anything about it. If the whole world doesn't act right now, we are all dead.
Above is Jefferson's response to this letter from John Adams
They both had similar views on "equality" and race had absolutely nothing to do with it. They would both have considered Romney the oblivious idiot he is and would have deported Trump already.
Oh it isn't just that... I like the distinction you made. They don't care about the kid after it's born. Also, they love to see a good death penalty. It's crazy. Don't care for the kid after birth, and it's a possibility they might end up on death row. Why can't we take care of them all?
It's all rich coming from the party wailing behind their flimsy, "What about the children?" shield. But the second said children may voice not wanting to die for the gun cult; even through their mounting deaths, it goes from "What about the children?" to "What ABOUT the children? Eff them kids."
Until the gun violence threatens the capital owner class’ children, they won’t care. We are replaceable pieces in a system designed to grind us to the bones to produce power and wealth for them.
Awesome post! How about those of us who were disappointed on November 5 keep our eye on the ball in 2025.
This is no time to walk away from the arena and cede control to the troglodytes who are now the GOP "leadership".
Kids should be learning living skills, hunting, fishing & Farming, not striving to fill Offshore Accounts of Demons, who want to Kill our Mother Earth, for the Greed of Money.
From the CDC database there were 2,526 firearm related deaths in the USA in 2022. That's a pretty massive and depressing increase if your memes numbers are real.
Once when I was picketing a school that wasn't hiring union you know what one of the liberal teachers yelled at us? "Think of the children." Yeah. That's what I think about every time some a hole uses the children argument. I got your children for ya right here pal.
And multi-billionaires defunding cancer research for kids.
BTW most of those "children" are actually 18 and 19-year-old adults
But don't let the facts fuck up your virtue signaling
Our children in UK are safe from gun crime.
They are starving to death due to RW politics. But not guns.
Nyc Sullivan act
1934 federal NFA
New York State firearm transportation laws
Nyc firearm transportation laws
Nyc illegal firearm discharge laws
& likely
New York pistol permit law
Bans work!
States with LCM bans have 48% fewer mass shootings
& also see 61% fewer domestic violence mass shootings.
Without LCM bans high-fatality mass shootings were > 2x the rate of states with bans.
10-30% of mass shootings involved assault weapons.
40-60% involved LCM's.
Mass shootings involving semiautomatic rifles resulted in 97% more fatalities & 81% more wounded. Ban manufacturing & sale!
Again -- The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by a demographic that makes up only 6.5% of the population. I don't even have to say who that is!
Effective policy prioritizes the largest causes of harm that have a known solution & an effective means of implementing said solution. In the US, guns aren't in that category.
…you know, like every other first world nation in the world…
…would be exponentially higher!
Blame them
Or is it just you love blaming brown people and immigrants like your buddy trump
And it seems white men want to go back to the 50s when they ruled Supreme, minorities treated like crap and women had few rights. And somehow some minorities and women voted gop!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could do something about it Mr. Vice President??
So they use racism, misogyny and phoney culture wars as recruiting tools, and sadly, it works.
Instead of shitting on democrats for being democrats try engaging people about the genocide in Gaza in a positive way. It's a complex issue.
I used to think it was, but it turns out that Israel has been the sole source of ethnically fueled violence in the region for decades.
If they can’t accept existence of others, they should expect armed resistance. Period
There’s no excuse for genocide.
Just because republicans are worse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t criticize democrats for the crime of century
For the unborn: Legislation
For the already born: Thoughts and prayers
CRT, as written by Kendi, is philosophy, not black history
LGBT has rights (I know because I am one)
Affirmative Action harms Asian students
I agree with this one
Drag is inherently sexual
More children die from neglectful mothers than guns
Also 0
It was a rich white guy.
They both had similar views on "equality" and race had absolutely nothing to do with it. They would both have considered Romney the oblivious idiot he is and would have deported Trump already.
Republicans will then see that they won’t get their NRA pay any more and might think about protecting children
With very best wishes from Jane in Hampshire, U.K. 🙏✊💖
[so so sad]
Just ask the women who have bled out in Texas hospital parking lots.
This is no time to walk away from the arena and cede control to the troglodytes who are now the GOP "leadership".
It is time to resist, and persist!!
It is TRUE