This weekend, I took a deep dive into some of the atrocities on X and nearly unsubscribed. In the end, I decided that my reporting on extremism in America needs to be seen and heard by people on that platform more than ever. As much as I would prefer to do so, I cannot back down. Thoughts?
You’re just enabling Leon and the attention they crave. Without our outrage, they have nothing.
This codependency on “reporting” their horribleness is unhealthy for everyone.
It’s a cancer, and it needs to be cut out.
It makes sense that you report on what is happening over there nstead of "normal" folks just yelling into the void.
so now i know for a fact from personal experience that he's been manipulating information
you should stick with it over there, too.
I'm staying there just to peek in once in a while, but you can prbly have some impact.
As long as you’re simply putting information & don’t end up arguing with the insane asylum residents.
or adjacent strategies, like dual-posting via apps and integrations. Replying and actually carrying on exchanges is more complex, but there's little stopping you currently from at least having things published everywhere
With some code, possible to roll your own solutions, but they can be brittle, using a service allows them to be up at 2am fixing it vs you
If you're ever significant there, you will be squelched.
It is the classic collective action problem.
You do much more good by depriving the beast of its oxygen.
And get ready to do some blocking over here, too, I expect, as they chase you to better harass you. works pretty well
over there to report about what’s going on and how bad it is. Also, what they’re planning.
Don't give extremist free visibility. Twitter extremism is only newsworthy if you chose to make it newsworthy. Twitter should disappear from the mainstream discourse, and be considered 4Chan 2.0.
It’s going to be interesting, combating misinformation going forward.