There is a little pocket in women’s underwear. It’s technically a gusset but you can store (non-meltable) snacks in there. Or money. Or whatever else will fit!
they’re great. I’d always wanted them cuz they pop up in 80’s movies and shows a lot, I was so excited to find them. This company in Japan has been exclusivity making them since the 50’s
An enduring mystery, as there is literally no one who sticks their dick through it to pee. And anyway when you try it goes sideways and you just pee down your leg.
They do exist
Kinda like a bonus to the fake/tiny pockets they give us on our dressier pants or jackets. 🙄
which I have never before thought I could stick a house key in, but retrieving it demurely would be a challenge
Change for...the parking meter?