There is no way a single person could manage minim wage in Canada and escape poverty at 44 hours a week, we might have healthcare covered by our taxes, but housing costs are very high.
America, where the right to bear arms trumps the right to free health care.
That is utterly apeshit bonkers.
Which civilised country would prioritise guns over healthcare?
Looks like we need not only a higher/livable minimum wage but also a reasonable maximum wage to achieve that …. It’s ridiculous that anyone should accumulate more wealth than could possibly be needed to live comfortably for over two thousand years,,, that’s the nature of greed
It’s Hard To Get Ahead And Live American Dream In The World’s Richest Country—When The Only Gov. Subsidized Opportunities, Services And Huge Tax Breaks Are Given To The 1% Richest Americans!! GOPS YEARS OF TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS —EXPLAINED!! ACHIEVED BY GOPs WITH CONGRESS AND/OR SENATE MAJORITIES!!
This graph is not based on any real info. I can re-assure that working 23 hours a week in the UK at minimum wage will NOT “raise you out of poverty” (whatever the hell that means). The internet is full of such useless charts generated from thin air.
I feel like it's probably accurate but these places have significantly less available jobs overall than USA does. USA could actually be great again if anyone here actually liked literally anyone else on the planet. The country itself and the shit we have up to this point actually isn't that terrible
Like, it probably doesn't take many hours of work a week to make a livable wage in Latvia, unfortunately literally the only available job is Winter Olympics Athlete, accountant or President of Latvia I am assuming as they have the same shortages in the same industries we do but are smaller
And as for places like Australia, I know a few Australians personally and they think Americans (all of the Americas) are Poors compared to Australians. They literally don't understand why we all live in "trashed out caravans like bogans"
If you look at the source material it is the standard of poverty declared by each government which is a national average and does not reflect every region or experience. New York NY at $16.50/hr vs Kalispell Montana at $10.55/hr and $3,600 rent and $1,100 rent respectively.
Still 100% irrelevant. On that salary, you can’t afford a life “above poverty” in ANY part of the country, unless you own a property or have an inheritance. Even then, it’s a stretch. New York of Kalispell, rent eats up your entire income.
I agree with you that it doesn't afford anything but survival. I disagree that its irrelevant, we understand the problem is much worse than depicted, the stark difference of reaching average basic survival might generate enough discussion to create change. What does escaping poverty look like to you
Our government and people from centrists to the far right in power now consider shoes a luxury let alone a washing machine lol, I understand and agree with you. I envision our current middle class as the minimum standard of safety everyone should have. I appreciate the conversation.
How honest are your officials in reporting the true poverty line for your country? Ours are all liars that skew statistics and downplay the seriousness of the over 40% rise in shelter usage since 2022 and over 35% rise in unhoused persons in the same period. We have 16 million vacant homes
Perhaps not. But what I do see is that most likely the countries above the US may have some form of social healthcare and higher min wage that is relative to their cost of living. Folks could be much wealthier in the US if there was social healthcare
I’d agree the US is a very unequal country, and it needs a social health care system, but publishing misleading information won’t advance that agenda. We have fewer Billionaires per capita in the UK, but also many people who work all hours god sends to pay the rent.
I've seen posts here about the most expensive overnight stay has been a hospital room compared to a 5 star in Paris, or going bankrupt going to ER. Folks live precariously in the US.
The British NHS is about taking care of people, not making a profit out of the sick. That is just morally corrupt.
The NHS is far from perfect, but it’s ours and we won’t give it up without a fight.
And yet they embrace this precarious position that the system places them in. Any talk of creating a more progressive and civilized social safety net is met with rabid opposition. They will have none of that socialism to end up like Venezuela. Unless it’s corporate socialism, then they’re all in🤔
The sad thing is that regular people having a baseline above poverty would not HURT anyone. On the contrary, the rich would lead better lives. Poverty would essentially become a choice.
But no, any suggestion at increasing standards of living are nipped in the bud by the majority of billionaires…
In the height of the fight over a $15/hr minimum wage, I did some research to see if it was enough to meet cost of living. In most US cities you need to be making ~$20+/hr to meet basic costs of living. There are working poor on snap and Medicaid because companies refuse to pay a living wage.
It actually gets nipped by the very poor, because they’ve been conditioned to hate anything social, even being social. They make the choices & are vehement that they don’t want Obamacare. I think you’re wrong about them not wanting to hurt anyone, they do, just not those who cause their misery
No, I’m afraid not. 23 hours at £11.44/hour is £263.12/week or £13720/year before tax. That’s £1116.49/month after tax in the best case scenario (no pension, no student loan). Can’t better than this.
Please tell me how you raise yourself out of poverty on this salary.
I can't help but feel that if 23 hours is what someone receiving benefits needs to work to escape poverty in the UK, they'd have too much money coming in to qualify for benefits, or, the benefits would reduce leaving them in the same poverty trap position? Being poor is expensive.
Didn't lead America to Socialism whatever you think that means or is but it's sure lead us to Oligarchs kleptocratic (Fascist Nazi Mobster Regime)😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
And, even 80 hours a week won't work for long enough because the worker's health will deteriorate, they'll end up in the hospital, and have huge medical bills - erasing any savings.
It’s about people on benefits, earning minimum wage. They still need to work 23 hrs a week to avoid poverty… obviously no benefits entitlement if working more than 23 hrs per week - and that’s the trap when lots of people struggle to avoid poverty, making them the “working poor”.
There are two side to this dynamic. One is minimum wage, but the other is cost of living. Healthcare costs are a great example of the incremental burden we put on our people.
Richest country in the world filled with the poorest people who don't want to be poor but for some reason keep electing the people who tell them they're gonna keep them poor 🤷♀️
In the U.S., one hour of work at the federal minimum wage will enable you to buy a dozen eggs. Maybe a dozen and a half if you live in the right area and/or get them on sale.
Maybe you do... Education without privileged class hooks & connects gets you alot of ass kissing. Its okay if u can delude yourself into wearing backward baseball caps & shades. I've seen my share of Junkie Wall St brokers, sudo intellectuals, beautiful people, keychain yuppies. Psyc Offices full
Stats show if you have a high school diploma you make more then someone with a GED or dropped out. May be harder for some but if you know it will affect your whole life maybe you want to put in the time. If you have just 2 years of college you will do even better. That was an avg. for U.S.
I would need to know the specific stats you are questioning to look up actual studies. I know for education that is what my son also says (he is a teacher)
No doubt open free education is key to any Nations' Progress. I would never discourage people from education. Seems to be a real obstacle to America's Constitutional form of Government.
Great, Where does he teach? Generally higher edu does pay better but there are many health & socio economic factors at play. It does depend far to much on gender & what people look like, sad reflection of critical thought but true.
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
The UK numbers are so wrong. 40 hours of work won't even cover your rent. There are people who work longer hours and still live in poverty. It's a shit hole. 🇬🇧💩🤮
No wonder more people want LEAVE the UK. Overworked, underpaid, overtaxed, burnt out.
Only the rich can leave after fucking it up. 🇬🇧💩🤮
The Koreans have a mostly culturally homogeneous population, where it is easier to influence public opinion to action. The U.S., however, is so heterogeneous that no one group can seem to influence broad actions as easily. Diversity is a blessing and a curse.
So true. It now takes at least two full time workers in a household to make their rent, health insurance payment (80/20 at that), food, clothing, utilities, vehicle for work, maintenance insurance, etc etc etc. Or if only 1 person, they need work 2 full time jobs to break even!
I live in Canada. I would need to see the math. I live in BC but looked at a cheaper prov, Sask. Poverty line is $22,416/yr for a single person there. Single employable person can get $955/month social assistance, work 30 hrs a week at $15/hr and earn $1,800/ out to $33,000 a year.
Social assistance isn't taxable and I doubt they're paying a 50% tax rate on their $21,600 earnings to get them down to poverty level. And they're certainly bringing in a lot more than I am as a retiree on my pensions. And I can't earn anymore without clawbacks.
millionaires pay 0 but I hear lower middle class is being drained of 🤑🤑🤑🤑
Americans don't understand middle class don't have to work for a living. The above are general approximation numbers
3) The US hasn’t been realistic in poverty metrics…pretty much ever, sadly. So this reporting to OECD by various agencies & departments is very generalized and very much undercuts the notion that someone here can “work their way out of poverty.”
I’m not convinced at all about the U.K. numbers, as the amount of benefits you get as a youngish single person is not enough to keep a roof over your head, let alone anything else, and if you work you have wage deductions.
That is usually the case. These politicians want work requirements for benefits and then deduct dollar for dollar from the benefits. It’s a treadmill until you drop.
Is better you get a loan and invest with the government company and within 15 days you make much profit,then start up a business with it , thank God for me today,I make much profit on a daily basis
Genuinly surprised at Japan and (especially) South Korea being so high up, considering when I think "Capitalist hellscape with awful work Culture" it's these two that show up in my mind.
The graph is not only pretty inaccurate, but doesn't take into account what "poverty" means in that particular country or what regular working conditions are like in that country..
The U.S. has many many problems. If they ever get out of fascism, there need to be radical reforms. None of us need to accept the status quo in this world. Change comes from people power.
Seems a bit strange. I know from experience that living on benefits in the Netherlands is not living the highlife but it sure wasn't poverty. In fact in some things I was better off not working. Which definition of poverty did you use here?
You’re right, but the thing is that wouldn’t even matter because of lobbyist money. We need to require all of congress to be payed minimum wage, remove lobbyist money from politics, and during their time in congress their taxes need to be increased.
The problem with Congress is over half of them are millionaires. We need to make it easier for more financial levels to run for offices and have a fair chance at election
Exactly, if we lower Congressional pay, counterintuitively, only independently wealthy Congress people can afford to hold office—forget running. This is because of the costs associated with having places to stay at home and in DC. The rich can absorb excess costs, like an unpaid internship.
To surpass the federal poverty threshold, an individual earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour would need to work approximately 1,760 hours annually, equating to about 34 hours per week. This calculation is based on the 2023 poverty threshold of $14,580 for a single-person household.
The American "Dream" is a joke. This system rewards those who take advantage and casts aside those with a disadvantage. Why do we deal with this shit because "they" said so. The rich eat the poor and we have let them for countless generations. When will we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!? We will see...
We work our lives away most never get vacations or time off 6 to 7 days a week 60 to 80 hours a week 16 an hour if lucky that is most people's lives. It's servitude to a master you're so tired that job is all that exists while your bosses and their bosses enjoy life you are strapped to a machine.
Giving you some idea why the US is no longer one of the best places in the world to live. Add to that our daily mass shootings and disastrous health care system, and you realize a 78 year old grifter with a bad comb-over isn't going to do anything to make America great. The destination is 3rd world
The American Slave class. You can never not work. They want it that way. When you're too busy surviving you have little time to organize against the Oligarchs and Fascism.
This chart is bogus. First off, who is working minimum wage AND getting benefits? Second off, what is poverty? Who defines poverty? Many countries have different CoL areas within themselves. Thirdly, do you really think in Japan you can live on roughly 397usd/month?
America - the new third world country.
Lack of education
Lack of healthcare
Lack of vaccinations
against deadly viruses
Lack of political stability
Lack of fresh clean water
Lack of clean air
Lack of housing
Homeless out of control
Lack of human decency
Lack of a middle-class
Etc, etc, etc
This is the US. Every engineer, doctor, lawyer has the highest salary in the world but at the expense of the lower class. People think they're smarter by not paying taxes for welfare until they get shot in a robbery.
Yup. I ran the numbers ~6 years ago to show my niece and nephew how many hours per week they’d need to work to support themselves working minimum wage to encourage them to consider college. I also did w/o benefits. I think it was ~110 hrs/wk for enough income to buy insurance.
I've worked 90 hours in a week and I've worked 72 hours in a week.
I do not recommend it.
Add to that the hours being a mom that week: All of them. That's two full time jobs and a whole household to keep up with to not be a "dirty, lazy bitch."
Most full time retail jobs right now throttle full time employees between 32 & 35 hours.
Add to that they use just in time scheduling so they can no longer get a 2nd job, because that would decrease their availability, & they'd lose benefits.
True but the Republicans don’t care ! They are greedy and immoral and corrupt! Their convicted felon leader is a traitor and all he cares about is lining his pockets!!
Notice his butt buddy putzman's country not on the list, along with Iran & n. Korea, meaning no matter how long or hard you work, there is no way out of poverty in these countries. The rumpleskin wants that here in the US, after he kills off 1/4 of our population.
How I feel about my country is one thing. Surviving in it is another.
In my state, Livable Wage (whatever that means) is more than double the minimum wage which is more than 150% x federal minimum wage. It’s all very rigged, like a ship, like a Network State.
Lots of people in #ReformUK #Labour #Conservative want to up end this table and force this country below the US. Only the offering a way our of the race to the bottom.
Maybe to become working poor but to escape poverty? Some USA states you have to work more hours than are in a week (NH, HI) to afford rent. Let alone living.
And this was from my project 3 years ago. Prices have gone up. Min wage has not.
To the government, you are below the 'poverty line' at >30k/yr. As you stipulate, even 30k a year is woefully insufficient in some areas. At the minimum wage of $7.50/hr, 40 hours a week is only $15,600/yr.
You are 100% correct that even this line is painfully low with current costs of living.
Every country is poor, it’s just America is the worst of a bad lot. Nobody on benefits should be in poverty, everyone has a right to receive money that covers their basic needs and that includes bills. Benefits should not force people into poverty
Berlin & Hamburg used to be nice places till they followed America's KKK Nixon & Ganzo Regean down it's lawless Anti-Constitutional Corporatist Neo Liberal rabbit shit hole
I’m sorry to hear it. 😢 I love my country, but I know how deeply flawed it is. From the very beginning we built on a foundation of hypocrisy; we had lofty ideals but consistently betrayed them. And this shit 💩 carnival 🎡 hellscape is the hideous result.
#Capitalism How do we tell the difference between an economic theory and a cult doctrine? Perhaps, an easy tell would be the presence or lack of discussion about real economic failings? Real people talking about real problems. Should be easy, shouldn't it? We've all had access to best educations.
And what if you are retired and too old to work? I read about another leader in history that felt the poor, the handicapped, the old, the educated, the scientists, teachers, and journalists were dispensable. It was another time without empathy, compassion and full of greed and jealousy.
Well, we all know Elon believes a normal workweek should be 80 hrs by default. Meanwhile the guy guzzles Ketamine & never stops posting to X. He's always hopping around making speeches about how great he's doing at Doge & how everyone else sucks. Same w/ Trump, when do these rich guys actually wk?
This is really powerful - you need TWO full time jobs to not be categorized as poverty - and then working 81 hours makes you potentially lose out on critical benefits.
I was poor 15 years ago working full-time (37.5 hours) a week earning “a living wage” (ha! Utter nonsense!) & you aren’t eligible for benefits if you don’t have kids or disabilities & those don’t cover basic living costs for those groups anyway.
They don't value life after all what is life without wealth and power? This is their world view and their heirs view through osmosis. They don't understand that ALL empires fall and ALL people die they fight against it dragging us along with no regard for the future of others only they matter.
Because their children will inherit their obscene wealth and will be able to afford to move wherever in the world they want that still has clean air and water.
But if musk is so afraid of being assassinated that he wears one of his kids around his neck, how much worse is it going to be when his kids are grown-up?
the very nature of being a billionaire is centered around exploitation. they exploit, steal, and deceive to make a quick buck. why would they care at all about their children when they aren’t making them money by being alive?
That is utterly apeshit bonkers.
Which civilised country would prioritise guns over healthcare?
rich nation by enslaving people.
The NHS is far from perfect, but it’s ours and we won’t give it up without a fight.
You read it correctly.
But no, any suggestion at increasing standards of living are nipped in the bud by the majority of billionaires…
The OECD ain't good enough?
Please tell me how you raise yourself out of poverty on this salary.
Didn't lead America to Socialism whatever you think that means or is but it's sure lead us to Oligarchs kleptocratic (Fascist Nazi Mobster Regime)😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
No freedom.
No prosperity.
No meritocracy.
Only a haven for the evil rich.
America is a neo-feudal nightmare.
#usa #americandream #delusion #evil #rich #neofeudalism #america #nightmare
No wonder more people want LEAVE the UK. Overworked, underpaid, overtaxed, burnt out.
Only the rich can leave after fucking it up. 🇬🇧💩🤮
We have the richest poor ppl on the planet in the US
Think 1% billionaires pay 0,
Americans don't understand middle class don't have to work for a living. The above are general approximation numbers
1) The Data was last updated in 12/2024. In that data, Estonia, Netherlands and Latvia join the US with 80 weekly hours at minimum wage.
2) The Data is based on “jobless couples with 2 children.” So it’s 80 weekly hours per couple/household at minimum wage.
You can’t receive any benefits in the US while working 80 hours a week at minimum wage.
You’ll never get out and the system is designed that way.
That is just the apartment.
Min. wage was 7.25 last yr.
That is 3+ jobs. No overtime.
Try juggling that schedule.
Jobs want full avail & you still won’t get insurance.
Two weeks? Two years? Two decades?
Is this as a single person?
A person with a family?
Two earners?
It’s lacking important details; but I have experienced poverty and trying to escape it in the US. It’s nearly impossible.
The graphic suggests you will escape poverty. That seems to say if you work 80/wk while in poverty, you will find yourself out of poverty eventually.
I’m here to say, that is not the case.
Yeah. It’s WAY too optimistic.
Then you’re really screwed.
I knew it was bad, but not THIS bad!
GOP reps-you've got all the power--you up?
Old criminal men shitting in their pants brush painted as genius & strongmen 🤑😂🤑😂🤑💩😂💩🤑😂💩🤑🔥
...but didn't know it was THAT bad...sigh
No wonder there's more poor people than millionaires...
It’s not far off but for up-to-date & fully accurate info that includes more countries as well, you can see the full thing 📊 here:
Lack of education
Lack of healthcare
Lack of vaccinations
against deadly viruses
Lack of political stability
Lack of fresh clean water
Lack of clean air
Lack of housing
Homeless out of control
Lack of human decency
Lack of a middle-class
Etc, etc, etc
I do not recommend it.
Add to that the hours being a mom that week: All of them. That's two full time jobs and a whole household to keep up with to not be a "dirty, lazy bitch."
Add to that they use just in time scheduling so they can no longer get a 2nd job, because that would decrease their availability, & they'd lose benefits.
its corporate feudalism
In my state, Livable Wage (whatever that means) is more than double the minimum wage which is more than 150% x federal minimum wage. It’s all very rigged, like a ship, like a Network State.
And this was from my project 3 years ago. Prices have gone up. Min wage has not.
You are 100% correct that even this line is painfully low with current costs of living.
A 30k in 2000 is something else as in 2025…
Thoroughly Shameful!!!
I was poor 15 years ago working full-time (37.5 hours) a week earning “a living wage” (ha! Utter nonsense!) & you aren’t eligible for benefits if you don’t have kids or disabilities & those don’t cover basic living costs for those groups anyway.
Rather them than me.