If you grew up in a home with other people, you've been using gender neutral bathrooms your entire life.
See where I'm going with this?
See where I'm going with this?
That is normal Republican behavior.
It has ceased to be Fascinating after decades.
See where I'm going with this ?
This is just more right wing bullshit.
They're worried about a person's gender but have no issue electing a criminal rapist and letting him appoint sexual degenerates and pedophiles to government positions.
In public, nope. Especially when it involves children.
I don’t see why we waste time debating this when people can just follow the age old tradition of using their respective assigned toilets?
I was talking of shared public toilets with multiple stalls.
My personal opinion, they should use the women’s restroom because that’s what they have biologically. If another woman understands that the person is a transgender man, I don’t think they will have any issues.
I *have* seen cisgender women be harassed by people who think they’re trans.
Connect the dots yet?
And nobody is fucking taking pictures of you in a women's bathroom. If they do, that is in itself a crime, regardless of their gender or sexuality.