El Monterey Beef and Bean frozen burritos, lovingly microwaves and topped with store brand salsa and Frank's hot sauce? Those are my breakfast burrito of choice, and have been for years.
I baked a lot of fruit pies in college, and having a slice of fruit pie for breakfast became an exam-day ritual that I’m sure helped me keep my grades up. Now I just have pie for breakfast whenever there’s leftover pie
reminded of Danny Trejo explaining that he figures he can order anything at a diner for breakfast as long as he asks them to add an egg on top. Egg on top = breakfast.
What my husband always said, sometimes as he would go back for pepperoni at a breakfast buffet. The only time constraint was on caffeine consumption, there were something called caffeine laws.
"Breakfast Sushi"
Everything is permitted.
in this sermon, i will
or at least BOGO