The way of the cross. The way of Jesus. The way of humility, service and preference of others. The way of dying to self & rising with Christ. There’s no other following. This has been the stunning forfeiture in this generation’s discipleship & we have borne its fruit. In repentance we regather joy.
Who do you follow? Jesus or Christ?
Men's fear of adult women's sexuality leads to religion with all its horrific murderous consequences.
Auschwitz is the final proof that there is no God.
Theodicy bluesky end.
For Lent this year, read about the death of Hypatia. See how much the "good ones" matter in that story.
I don't think you even realize how much of your complaint is based on Christian thought and contribution.
You don't even partake in the real eucharist. Jesus said that if you follow him, you'd be able to handle venomous snakes. But because all you have is grape juice and crackers, if you tried to take a snake bite, you'd die!
There are very good, thoughtful Christians out there. But most of the so-called Christians are worshipping an idol.
Your religion is barbaric and should have been abandoned 2000 years ago!