I remember briefly watching basketball when Baron Davis was doing ridiculous things like scoring one-handed from half court and the Warriors lost in the playoffs to some utterly drab but technically disciplined Utah team and I thought, well, this sport is stupid, won't be watching this again.
Exactly, I'll think of some gimmick mechanic just for you (or just let it happen, depending on my whim) but I'll almost never say "No you can't do that."
The comments suggest this was about sports, for which I will say though I don't care much for sports, I wholeheartedly agree that a ref saying something awesome didn't count is one of the greatest fun-vacuums in the entire endeavor.
I know you mean foobaw, but this is also how my D&D table works.
Player: I thought of something cool! [explains]
Me, as GM: That IS cool. TOO cool, in fact. So, you will get PARTIAL coolness now, and when you hit levels X/Y/Z, you can build toward maximum coolness.
It's my first time as a GM! Fortunately, the player is a longtime friend (but also a newbie to the game) so there's a lot of leeway to fudge things in the service of fun. :-)
I think it’s really good if your table can keep up, but a table with one or two very creative players and the rest who struggle to think outside the box can build up annoyance quickly
thankfully this is the referees approach when a runner lowers his helmet and blasts someone. let a former player levy a fine on tuesday, but keep the flag tucked.
Player: I thought of something cool! [explains]
Me, as GM: That IS cool. TOO cool, in fact. So, you will get PARTIAL coolness now, and when you hit levels X/Y/Z, you can build toward maximum coolness.
Everyone: *high fives*