might fuck around and make a banh mi for dinner tonight
I've never made one but I'm gay enough to believe I'd nail it in one try
I've never made one but I'm gay enough to believe I'd nail it in one try
or you can troll your friends and serve them "banh mi" in hotdog buns and watch them recoil in horror
That fish sauce though!! 😬
Everybody, vegan or not, loves it.
i love banh mi. so fresh
Floor is naturally high enough to get by in most spots but the ceiling scales nicely.
Looking forward to the follow-up results post.
I had a sandwich earlier today...a re-creation of a favorite when I lived in California, the Togo's Turkey, Swiss & Avocado.
And my advice to you is universal, and it's this:
Get the right bread and everything else takes care of itself. Good luck.