Literally saw a couple holding hands while standing as far apart as possible at Walmart yesterday. Like what is the point? What are you going for here?
Would such institutions also house people who don’t understand why standing directly in front of the elevator doors is bad? Because it feels like we’re talking about an institution for the treatment of people with incurable lack of special awareness.
Its just obliviousness. As long as the consequences of your actions only affect other people, you'll never change your behavior. Feedback is required for you to realize you're wrong in the first place. And self-awareness is necessary to feel shame.
When they're coming towards you, one is aman six inches taller and 50 pounds heavier who seems to glance at you just before you have a choice to either get out of the way or run into him. There is dogshit right where you will need to step to avoid.
Or the thing that makes them get to the top of the escalator and stop like there aren't 20 people directly behind them that AREN'T stopping?