The CIA would much rather die under a dictator than support any kind of leftist takeover. Those leftist groups they did support over the decades, were supported because it saw them as divisive and prejudicial ~to the left.~
And there are no leftists with power enough to make a go at it, anyway.
I’m sure there’s core membership that wants to use this administration as cover for their nefarious agenda, and sacrificing some agents is a price worth paying
The fucked up thing is, I've known some folks who worked at Langley, and they both told me that the place is just completely infested with old, very right-wing CHUDs.
And like... that's not right wing ENOUGH for these dickbags...
Watching all these things happening I'm convinced their only skill is writing divisive content that may or may not cause chaos, that someone they may or may not bribe would take advantage of. I don't think they're good at anything else really.
I feel all the stories are just that. Stories. The good storytellers get to write for Hollywood while also getting a CIA paycheck, ensuring the national heroic narrative continues. The mediocre storytellers writes pamphlets for USAID.
This is dangerously stupid. They don't stop having those skills just because we fired them, and that's a rare skill set. They could be worth a lot of money to a lot of nations that should NOT employ them.
But also, yeah fuck you CIA. How do YOU like it? Karmic.
I get that this is technically bad cause Putin or whatever but I really have a hard time viewing the dismantling of the American imperialist machine as anything but a net positive.
Well yeah, it’s only supposed to be something we do to them, not something that we do to ourselves. that’s why it’s funny, and you not getting it makes it funnier.
Take it you're former CIA cause you were found lacking in the "I" part of the acronym? You can't figure out the joke here? And having done so, and decided you don't enjoy it, you were incapable of thinking "huh, not for me, oh well" and carrying on with your day? Do you spew every thought out?
Like, step by step, tell me what you thought as you read the post, and then what you expected to come from you replying to it with something *this* vapid. What purpose did it serve? You *have* to realise this is genuine insanity.
You're still wrong. The coup has happened. We are currently ruled by lawless fascists who are successfully dismantling our governmental infrastructure.
At least they won’t lose anyone important—it’s just the ones the CIA has already marked for sacrifice. You can’t eliminate the major players; otherwise, who’s left to secretly run the government? They function without oversight, and everything they do stays shrouded in secrecy.
This is the same thing as people getting all upset that trans people aren't going to be admitted to the military anymore like as if that's a bad thing we should be restricting as many people as we can from joining the military. "Well if they want me to die at least let me die for them"
Not the same thing at all. The number one issue with a trans military ban is that it provides legal justification and precedent for discriminating against trans people in other ways.
Discrimination should always be fought against, full stop.
That's dumb as shit being excluded from something by the people who are doing the discrimination in the first place by keeping you from participating in the oppression is not the same thing as fighting discrimination of basic human rights. It is in fact supporting the violation of human rights.
"Did you know the Nazis won't allow trans people to join their military we should fight this discrimination because it leads to further discrimination" That's what you fucking sound like.
That's the dumbest shit since Zionist existed and they sold out any Jew to the Nazis that didn't support Zionism also Jews weren't the only targets But other ethnic people other than white exist in the military and still go around the world killing other people of color indiscriminately.
And yet, if we finally have big enough protests, the ones that are left from the CIA and FBI will probably still send in outside agitators so that Trump and Musk can declare martial law on us-and the DOJ will prosecute us. Seeems like the defense doesn't work both ways.
I've seen people explain that the CIA is only allowed to assassinate people overseas and domestic extrajudicial activity would have to be the FBI and I think that's just so charming
The only thing that would make it more “hilarious” is if it was being aided by operatives from some country in Central or South America, instead of Russia.
I suspect these orgs have less mission critical departments that can attract folks with greater work life balance or accessibility needs, if you're looking for a possible rationale.
Haha! Yes. It would be if it were true! These are only purges of lib loyalists, sadly, their work continues unabated to manufacture and cause chaos and war, mainly focus will be China and Iran, etc. Russia still as well, whatever peace they create can only be temporary until all hell breaks loose.
I think so too. This is all the minorities and LGBTQ people they've been trying to hire.
But the agency is undoubtedly going to become more overtly right wing
…I’m genuinely in agreement with those who have been saying the recent film “Civil War” may end up being one of the most important (and, possibly, prescient) cultural artifacts of this generation. No shit
You know, I'm not sure that threatening to fire a lot of CIA agents is a good plan for one's longterm prospects. If I were a part of a group that were about to do that, I'd be worried for the possibility that my odds of accidentally stepping into an open elevator shaft just dramatically shot up.
the fact it's a follow on effect for 70+ years of anticommunist propaganda put out through american media and fermented into MAGA is intensely ironic. MAGA doesn't have one conspiracy theory that didn't originate in a movie or tv show.
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Erik Prince. This was on Blackwater's web page about Prince, "He is open to the possibility of pioneering another Private Military Contractor". He and his sister are old friends with Trump and Co. He's probably just getting those things together and waiting in the wings.
Those at the top making these really stupid, shitty decisions are doing a great job at increasing the number of people with the skills and motivation to bring lethal retribution down on their own heads.
I know it's just a bunch of analysts, but its very funny to imagine him firing like 1000 murderous spies who generally operate without any central command and control.
And apologetic statesmen of a compromising kind
Such as — What d'ye call him — Thing'em-bob, and likewise — Never-mind
And 'St— 'st— 'st— and What's-his-name, and also You-know-who —
The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you
But it really doesn't matter whom you put upon the list!
I don't think the American right wing weirdos are in much need of money right now.
And there are no leftists with power enough to make a go at it, anyway.
And like... that's not right wing ENOUGH for these dickbags...
But also, yeah fuck you CIA. How do YOU like it? Karmic.
Yeah let’s make sure to piss them off and let what happens happen
Step 2: fill it trogolodytes and syncophants;
Step 3: all northern states are annexed by Canada;
Step 4: all southern states are annexed by Mexico
Discrimination should always be fought against, full stop.
Pretty sure most of the upset is over losing that access.
Why isn't Brain Worm Jr reminding him, I wonder... is he off on another raw milk bender?
Like, no one was surveilling?
There were no 'plants' in the Project 2025 focus groups?
No bugs set up on Elon Musk / Putin / Drumpf phone calls?
Or . . . Is this a CIA-aided & abetted coups?
Make fun of cowardly government spies/law enforcement today.
If real life were a manuscript, we'd throw it out for being too clichéd.
But the agency is undoubtedly going to become more overtly right wing
Such as — What d'ye call him — Thing'em-bob, and likewise — Never-mind
And 'St— 'st— 'st— and What's-his-name, and also You-know-who —
The task of filling up the blanks I'd rather leave to you
But it really doesn't matter whom you put upon the list!