Harrison feels that the amount of money the raises DNC is the important thing. When questioning him about strategies and results, his response was how much money he made. Hopefully the next DNC Chair will do a better job.
I want to say that the democrats before Carter, even Carter a little, actually cared about Dem voters in the most liberal way. Now we have a radical right or, despite Danny’s take, a Fascist party and a Conservative Party who uses liberal as cover.
It's just one recycled money grab every four years.
Donate to win the election (do nothing)
Donate to hold Republicans accountable (do nothing)
Donate to Primary candidates (do nothing)
Donate the year leading up to the General (do nothing)
Lose (because they did nothing)
Yes, because they are the System as much as the Republicans, and a Conservative Revolution a la MAGA poses no threat to the System as such. In fact, it entrenches the System. That's the point.
They are so synced up with Republicans on fucking over Palestinians—like, American ones, Gazans, whatever—that they make me consider joining Hamas. Which, ok, I wouldn’t, but mostly because I’m Jewish and that would be a whole thing
They're a center-right party. They're bankrolled, like they always have been, by the finance & insurance sectors.
Their primary mission is to squash anything the Progressive Wing tries to do for the people. Even worse, they allow hard right theocratic groups like AIPAC to primary progrsssive pols.
Yeah, I'm done with these fucking clowns. Don't donate to the dnc. Donate to local independent candidates that actually support the causes you want addressed. Start local and work your way up. Make the dems go the way of the wigs
I'm pretty far left. I voted, and for Harris. But for last 2 months of campaign I was pissed spending 15-20 minutes per day blocking Dem texts asking for $$$. Next day, I'd get new group, from same candidates asking from new #. Missed imp texts bc lost in the dem spam. I'm sure it turned many off.
It's an irritating American tradition that's occurred as long as I can remember. The DNC abuses left of center voters because they know the alternatives are so repugnant that they can get away with placating monied interests playing "Republican-lite" circa 1996
If the Christian Nationalists could turn the Republican Party into the American Taliban, I don't see why a coalition of everyone left of that bullshit (leftists, socialists, liberals, progressive democrats, whatever you identify as) couldn't take over the Democratic Party and make them work for us.
That's what I'm talking about. A party of people of all colors. Working for a prime directive from the bottom to the middle. President Biden appointed enough federal judges to drive Trump & the Maga-Gop Republicans into a wall
As a 2 tour Marine Corp Combat Veteran HOG, I do agree. That NO NON- MILITARY Civilian should have a weapon we use in war. Unless you have been in theaters. A civilian has not earned that right or community trust. Period!
Nope, just AR's and equivalent. I can't remember the last time a Combat Veteran shot up the same people they put their lives on the line for 🤔 vets call civies with weapons. Punks with guns. Vets have NO respect for them. Even if they manufactured guns! IJS.
I pray for the families in Madison today
I carried a rifle every day and sometimes it had an under barrel m203. Sometimes I carried a m249 sitting atop a Humvee turret. I served in an instructor capacity at one point.
>Unless you have been in theater
What a stupid and arbitrary disqualifier You might as well say unless you were fired on
The time is ripe for a left wing third party. I've never considered voting for a third party before, but after this election I totally would. I've come to hate the Democratic party almost as much as the GOP. They don't actually believe in anything. All their positions are just calculations.
I suggested reforming the Democratic party because the right showed us it can be done, and it would save a lot of time, money & labor.
It's extremely difficult to start a new party, and even more difficult to get "non political" people interested enough to even look, much less vote for it.
I'm not ruling out that a 3rd Party could actually make it in this climate. I think we need both - work to reform the Dems AND if they refuse to cooperate, begin a massive effort to get a viable third party established to carry out a democratically determined agenda headed by the candidates WE want.
bc you cant take over the Democratic Party as an institution, bc its not actually democratically controlled. and the coalition isnt unified. an overwhelming majority of Dem voters would have to get behind one anti-establishment program & a slate of candidates
If we all agreed to work together (there may be willingness given the current situation), could we bypass the issue of the party not being democratically controlled by withholding all support until they agreed to reform party rules and nominate progressives for every DNC position?
a lot of its been tried. unifying the left while it lacks practical political power & is harangued from all sides has been insurmountable. there are limited ways to discipline politicians beyond ousting them, and if you could do that reliably you'd be halfway there already.
Hypothetically, if we had a working coalition that agreed to compromise and managed to create a joint platform, what would stop us from saying to the Dems "these are the candidates, this is the agenda (a list of demands, if you will); you have X days to comply or we're doing this under a new party"
hypothetically, right, if you could unify enough people that make up the overall social/political left, working class & Dem base into a coalition, you could then make demands of the party. the party will go to its grave spending all of its resources & influence to prevent that from happening
I agree that so far the #1 obstacle of the left has been the left. But with the election outcome and current discourse around who the real enemy is, there may be a willingness to compromise on certain things in order to achieve a higher objective. I think unification may be more possible now
At this point the Democratic Party effectively exists as it does to prevent a populist left wing from coalescing and gaining meaningful representation or political power. It's the one thing they're able to do, the one way they're willing to exercise their institutional power
That could easily be done *if* people got out and voted during the party primaries. That's where voters have the power to decide who's even on the ballot, but almost no one ever bothers.
I naively thought they would stop constantly texting me for donations after the election. Honestly, seeing them hit me up for money the day after the most depressing election defeat of my lifetime pissed me off more than any gloating I saw by the Trump camp.
Geriatric multi-millionaires well past the age of retirement who crave power, want to enrich themselves further and have absolutely no idea what healthcare, childcare, housing, higher education, consumer goods or food costs.
I’ll donate money to the Democrats once they prove they’re actually gonna do something FOR THE PEOPLE with all of the fucking money they already have. Something tells me it will be a cold day in hell before that has even the slightest chance of happening…
The same deranged mindset that brought us "Ask not what your country country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" brings us this shit. They truly believe they are more important than anyone else, despite doing nothing to improve anything.
doing very poor messaging to incessantly beg for money is not "literally their job." they dont do shit for us bc they're so busy stroking off their billionaire donors 24/7, they can go ask them, the people they actually represent, and stop spamming my emails 5x a day
Again don't lift a fucking finger for these folks until you completely overhaul their party and make bottom-top along with going after corruption and injustice, not partaking in it.
Me, I do. I have the utmost contempt for all right wing voters. And the Democratic party being a right wing party, everyone who voted for its genocidal cop in a pantsuit candidate can go f*ck themselves with anything sharp and rusty they might have available.
you're so based and lenin-pilled. you must be deeply serious about politics and interested in building coalitions to accrue and wield power. we should all take you very seriously
I need this money to fight Trump for 4 years. "Yeah.......but there's no campaign right now and how are you using that money?" Oh so I guess you're racist and sexist huh?
Not giving another red cent to any fucking candidate. I financed a delegate to the convention, gave max for Will Rollins in CA-41 and what did I get for my money? Not shit. All my donations are going to LGBTQ center in Palm Springs for the next 4 years.
Didn't reach $1,000 for this season. Katie Porter didn't make it past the primary. Other candidates I actually cared about were also primaried. And I just said "fuck it" when they announced raising a billion for Kamala. Lotta good it did them ...
I don't like fundraising emails any better than the next person. But it's hard to fault Democrats for sending them. You either get yourself a couple billionaires or you do grassroots. Well grassroots looks like this.
grassroots does not involve speaking to people as if theyre dumb yet somehow wealthy children. Real ppl hav so many more political thoughts beyond "eek troomp scaewyyyy".. when "fundraising" is a dozen DAILY mass texts, written like an abusive 1st grade teacher.. it had me consider voting Republican
Grassroots have important messages and calls to action and what the money is for.
Political fundraising looks way more like spam email: dubious explanations, so rapid fire that it throws up red flags, multiple times a day?? That's spam.
Sounds no different than Trump's 25 emails a day for the last 8 years, esp. last 4, and his propaganda & Hillary's long after her loss, etc., etc., etc.!
If I lost that handily to one of the stupidest, most unlikable people on the planet, I would probably just shut up forever rather than begging for money, but unlike the democrat party I have a sense of shame.
All those messages going straight to spam has done wonders for mental health. I'm not even a member of the party anymore and they STILL found me this season.
They may not be able to conceive of an electable candidate. Even though they coined the term electable to defeat sanders. But they are friends with google 🙄
I think “contempt” is a poor choice of words. What I see is a lack of vision. They are our hope right now but I want to see them ratchet up the fight to get rid of citizens united… but also to explain their motivations in practical terms. The American electorate is both un- and mis- informed.
Oh no, we are our hope. The dems that are elected will tell you that. Biden ran on certain things, but once he was elected, he told his voters that he couldn’t fulfill those and to vote harder. So no, papa Joe won’t save us. Neither will Auntie Kamala, nor “Big Dad Energy” Walz.
Truth. But it is the collective “we”. I’m struggling to zoom out and get a view of US and so it feels like almost everyone is okay with our slide backwards.
Sadly many Democrat voters will probably fall for this crap and give more money to a party that, like the Republicans, only really cares about the very wealthy. And I'd be amazed if the Democrats hold Trump accountable for anything, since they didn't do so the last time he was president.
This is just par for the course for Democrats. I'm bleeding through my savings looking for a job about a decade back and they are writing letters about my having a chance to schmooze with George Clooney at a 10k-per plate fundraising dinner. How about a cheaper dinner so I don't have to win?
No. All the way back to Rahm Emmanuel calling progressives retards to Clinton comparing Medicare for All to a pony, to Amy Klobuchar announcing to everyone in the primary that Americans would get nothing and like it to this very day when so called ‘liberal independent’ journalists punch left.
And I have to wonder if Dems being so inept at politics is because they get more donations when they are. No one can look at Bernie's crowds at rallies and Hillarie's crowd and say lets do all we can to help Hillary win the nomination. Ya I'm bitter 8 years later.
Anyone remember when Trump scammed his own followers with a hidden automatic payment function you had to uncheck to opt out of? Or when he raised money for “legal fees agianst eleciton cheating” that went right into his own pocket? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/us/politics/trump-donations.html
Me too, but I answered the email (knowing it's a do not reply) noting how fucking Im fed up with this scheme and the whole point of the Harris campaign was just to get a huge amount of money from the donors, and they should they shit together before asking money again. Since not a single mail...
If Jon Ossoff runs in 2028, I’m looking forward to volunteering for his campaign but no cash from me.
Also, we can't afford to give up Ossof's Senate seat.
I get that the DNC at the top is clueless a lot as to what works on the ground, but come on.
Donate to win the election (do nothing)
Donate to hold Republicans accountable (do nothing)
Donate to Primary candidates (do nothing)
Donate the year leading up to the General (do nothing)
Lose (because they did nothing)
Other than AOC, Crockett, Tlaib, Omar and a few others, they will do everything to fight the Left side by side with the fascists.
to their own base
It’s remarkable-and more
will be revealed⏳
Fine. They are the Performative Left Wing of the System.
Their primary mission is to squash anything the Progressive Wing tries to do for the people. Even worse, they allow hard right theocratic groups like AIPAC to primary progrsssive pols.
Might cause serious misunderstanding.
"Vote for us or the country gets it!"
So shotguns and handguns are off limits too with that logic
I pray for the families in Madison today
All Marines.
I'd argue that YOU have no business with a weapon with that being said.
I'll treat you the same as I treat anyone else who advocates disarming me and fellow law abiding citizens.
>Unless you have been in theater
What a stupid and arbitrary disqualifier You might as well say unless you were fired on
It's extremely difficult to start a new party, and even more difficult to get "non political" people interested enough to even look, much less vote for it.
1. The dems are already established. This saves yrs of time & labor.
2. Change can come from simply replacing key DNC personnel.
3. People "not into politics" will vote red/blue only. They won't even look at 3P.
4. There's precedent for takeover now with the Reps.
The party never fails the people, the people are to blame for failing the party. — DNC Logics
Fighting Trump, being the opposition party, is literally their jobs, we shouldn’t have to pay them extra to do it
Gagging at gnats (dem fundraising text) and swallowing camels (Trump’s incoming fascist admin) is pretty contemptible.
Which is the only reason to keep voting blue ... but it is getting to be quite tiresome.
Didn't reach $1,000 for this season. Katie Porter didn't make it past the primary. Other candidates I actually cared about were also primaried. And I just said "fuck it" when they announced raising a billion for Kamala. Lotta good it did them ...
Political fundraising looks way more like spam email: dubious explanations, so rapid fire that it throws up red flags, multiple times a day?? That's spam.
I call it; We, The Fools!
Good news, you still have a few months to donate $50 to Kamala's Resist PAC.