This isn’t a strategy for governance, it’s a strategy to obtain the power the right currently has. Emulating the right is the opposite of what any dem is asking for.
It's clear Dems have become the new Republicans. They need a new name because too many people associate Democrats with progressive policies (for some reason).
“No Kings. No Tyrants.” - the most patriotic position you could take. I don’t need a weekend retreat with $2k/hr political consultants to hand you that.
And people wonder why the democrats lost. They have been ignoring the voters wills for a long time while placating and compromising to fascists. They have done little during trumps term and no, I won’t hear the “they are minority” excuse as that don’t stop the republicans from getting their way.
Once you accept that the last election, and possibly previous elections, we’re not free and fair and therefore do NOT actually represent the will of the People, you can be free to run on change
And against the Rich.
That is a breathtakingly accurate description of the Dem status quo & also the reason they are where they are.
A good start to rejuvenating the Democratic Party might be to purge itself of their current crop of consultants and operatives.
It's what they want to believe. They're not stupid, they're corrupt. They don't want to help us. They want to be Republicans while bashing Republicans occasionally. It's all an act..
What about their big dollar donors — go see what they want to get a hold on what the corporate democrat consultants want… the candidates are just talking mouthpieces.
I wonder what "traditional American imagery" means for these ppl. Are they talking about slavery, police brutality, not giving POCs the right to vote, supporting depot regimes abroad, committing war crimes and CIA coups?
If Progressives and leftists aren't smart enough to realize the concept of 'relative choices,' then there's zero reason to try to placate them. How are those Dearborn, Michigan voters who really stuck it to Harris and the Dems looking today as Israel refuses to allow any aid into Gaza?
That will be because the deck gets stacked against us and elections become shams, not because we organically can’t do it again. After all the damages of today come home to roost there will be backlash of sorts in ‘28. Whether it matters is another story and then the idiots will finally understand.
There's plenty of room in the electorate for a party for working people to capture a lot of support, but the problem is we have defaulted to the Dems as that, but they're not. They're bought by the corporations and oligarchs too. They're both capitalist parties, so they'll never really help.
I guess it hasn’t hit you yet that the current regime doesn’t care about rules and is letting an unelected oligarch vandalize and fuck with everything. You don’t think that will extend to elections? What happens in Russia & Venezuela could at this point happen here…
these Democrats, who currently lead the party, are betting that they can win elections from backlash alone as a moderate conservative party that offers their base nothing, ensuring that they can never build any sustainable long term power or momentum, continuing on this same trajectory
Democrats still need a good competing message. All indications they are going more right.
If they are all out for fighting fascism with everything they have they’ll never have my vote again. Their current plan of doing nothing and going further right is a deal breaker.
Try and imagine being one of the people who choose to stay home and not vote in the last election.
Imagine what they are thinking looking at the Democrats behavior right now and ask yourself how they are going to vote next time based on what they see.
There’s a lot that could change in four years. Including the people who they want to target being so angry at the GOP they retaliate. But I really think they’re going to rig it now - it will be just a sham like other authoritarian hell holes.
IF they're going to act like Imperialistic Colonizers ya, they will lose and lose and deserving! People are tired of seeing their pay not reflective of of living. The bottom is going to fall out, but for the wealthy it's going to hurt so much more since most are either there or at the very edge of.
After the 2030 Census, reapportionment is going to make it so that Democrats will need to sweep the Midwest and go 2 for 3 in Georgia, Arizona and Nevada to barely win. 2028 is going to be the last “winnable” election for two decades.
Third Way Dems have been high as fuck on Bill Clinton for 35 years and are totally incapable of learning, largely because they are used to getting that sweet sweet tech money.
If anyone wonders why the Dems are doing nothing, its because their strategy is "be the Republicans". There is no real difference between the parties except who wants to be MORE cruel to minorities. They're both capitalist parties, nothing fundamental will ever change with them.
Since most people are not rich the small dollar donors would be more representative of the broader electorate. They're just saying "might not be representative" to convince themselves that their interests as rich people are what they should run on. They don't care about actually winning.
Dems should listen less to their most engaged and supportive voters and instead listen more to billionaires who want to rip the copper wire out of the country's walls
It's Third Way: corporate hacks and defense contractors who want fat tax breaks. Poor people, crack the whip/work til you die. OK with allowing a few human rights, but not TOO many. Gays OK, but don't ask don't tell. Abortion: only rich teens who have been raped by their dad. That kind of thing.
So basically continue going after Republican voters and screw the rest of us who want them to work on shit. Republican voters just want you to be mean and make them pay more for shit they need.
Note the key word: "moderate" Democrats.
This is a policy statement by DINOs who want to take over the party. Even the term moderate has been hijacked by right-wing rhetoric. These people would belong in the #tradGOP, if it existed any more.
Democrats are a broad church but they're not stupid!
Yep yep that was my first thought! Was this gathering hosted by The Bulwark and Lincoln Project?! "expunge the far left, all hail Liz Cheney" - winning working class message
Their entire gripe is that the Rs are saying the quiet part out loud. They just want them to kill their opponents where nobody can see it, not to materially change what they're doing.
I respectfully disagree. Dem *leaders* are too old or cautious, set-in-their-ways, and reactionary. But most Dems (with the exception of PA Senator Fetterman, a bait-and-switch politician) are reasonable and progressive thinkers who want to improve the lives of Americans. They won't be taken over.
well thats what i mean, if theyre the leaders of the party, and theyre out of step with the party & its base, they've taken control. and they show no signs of changing course
The "DINOs"--the Clintonite right--took over the party a few decades ago. They dominate the party apparatus and are the controlling force among its federal electeds. This is just a group of them who (mostly delusionally) see their grip on the party weakening and are arguing for tightening it.
Acting more like Republicans has never gotten us anywhere. The Republican Party is successful b/c they label the entire Democratic Party as evil for so long that the message has stuck. It’s not about individual candidates. It’s defamation of all Democrats. it’s now cultural. it’s mostly lies though.
What's missing is issues-Sensible gun laws, protect health care and get more people covered, consumer protection,
jobs that pay a living wage. That should be messaged and not considered "far-left." The swamp is here now. Point it out.
Pressure on our too conservative (and corrupt) SCOTUS.
Too hard?
Ah yes, because political parties don’t exist to represent the preferences and will of their members nor to win elections. They exist to fund pollsters, media consultants, photographers, and tour bus rentals.
Want Dems to win? Stop playing nice. Expand the electorate, take over state legislatures, push bold policies, outflank the media, build unlikely alliances, run candidates who fit their districts, and lawyer up against GOP tricks. Power isn’t handed over anymore—it’s taken.
The Democratic 'leadership' needs to stop conflating small donors and ideological purity tests as if they’re the same thing. Let’s not forget, it was the elites who pushed social justice purity tests to undermine progressives and alienate swing voters. Time to refocus on unity and real progress!
why do democrats think they can out republican a republican? if someone wants to vote republican…they just vote for the republican, not the corporate proxy-I mean democrat 😏
Because they ARE the Republicans who were run out the Repug party by Trump voters who saw thru their shit. So now they are trying to infect OUR party. Solution? Don't vote for ANY incumbent that doesn't endorse Bernie Sanders' platforms.
Who do they think those donors are? Oh nm, this is the group that treated President Biden so poorly. They more than any left people, pushed this nightmare on us.
The takeaway is the GOP should cater to the preferences of the right wing of the Republican Party while the Dems cater to the left wing of the Republican Party. Got it.
The "far left" advocates for:
Universal healthcare
Paid family leave & vacation
Subsidized child/elder care
U pre-k
School meals
Free instate tuition
(All 100% taxpayer funded work/life benefits that DoD employees & their families get but taxpayers don't)
No private prisons
Public utilities are public
Reduce the military budget
Reform police and training
Fix voter suppression laws
Break up megacorporations (especially groceries)
I’m so sick of these pussy moderate consultants. They are so out of touch! The Democrats need to get serious like the GOP has been for the past 25 years. They need to grow a big set of balls, a massive dick, and take it to this authoritarian government once and for all.
MLK warned of the moderate democrat.
Saying luke-warm acceptance is more bewildering than outright rejection.
The self righteous tone of asking the oppressed to continue in their oppression until a more appealing method and means can be acheived for redressing their strife.
Are the losers involved named? Their playbook is literally designed to strengthen MAGA. Democratic voters who want to actually win and defeat MAGA should do everything possible to defeat them all.
They should definitely do these!
Their handful of social democrats should then abdicate to join or form a party that takes up Bernie's platform and so wins all future elections.
This is the same boneheaded bullshit that got them in this mess in the first place. Sucking up to big money donors over those small dollar donors. I don’t know any middle-right democrats. Pandering to the right and his milquetoast campaigning is what lost Sherrod Brown his senate seat here in Ohio.
It’s part of it. Here in the Cincy area, the opposition ads ran on tv nonstop. Distorted trans and immigrant ads all hyped in a way to scare people and not a peep out of Browns campaign. They never challenged the lies. They ran old school talking points tv spots, lauding his pro union stance.
This is either incredibly STUPID or incredibly CORRUPT or BOTH.
It is a quintessential example of the Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over again and each time expecting a different result. It’s what these corrupt fools have been doing for 15 years at least.
"dominance of small-dollar donors" is the kind of shit that on its face should ruin your career and credibility, putting aside the idea of them getting ejected from the town they live in by an angry mob, which i will not mention.
Some have been preaching for decades, that it’s foolish to put your vote behind anything but one of the two parties. Precisely what those two parties desire. Time for government by community, caring for each other, talking and debating about policy with friends and family alike 🤷♂️ #NothingToLose
For far too long a small, tight-knit cabal of small-time donors have dominated the political landscape, shutting out honest businesses like Palantir who only give because they want what's best for the country.
This 👇🏽 TOO LAZY TO READ THE WHOLE THREAD replies with racist comments aka Trump Talking Points & then BLOCKS. 😒
Trump Talking Points: Blame a BLACK WOMAN who's ancestors were genocided— for a 75+ year conflict— & Equate Black Woman w/ NeoLib-Dixiecrats-Confederates.
Yes. I have blocked that other, so many on here believing Trump et al Talking Points.
Colonizers are the ones who state that no-one can have Native BLOOD unless they have their name written IN a colonizer list, prove blood quantum with garbage colonizer DNA tests, or a 'skin tone.'
I'm sorry that y'all got into a block off. But like i said when I thought you were talking to them and not that other guy... can you really BLAME people for being heated right now?
If you're really gonna sit there and pretend the Harris campaign was flawless and deserved to win... that's messed up.
The Democrats told them exactly what Trump would do. The republicans told them exactly what they planned to do, but they either didn't think he was serious, or didn't think the system would allow him to do it.
105 million eligible adults didn't even care enough to show up.
And it's not 'some people' it's enough people that if they all wrote in someone like... idk Lebron, or John Cena or Rogan... that person would have beaten either kamala or trump by like 20 million votes.
Scapegoat whoever you want for the L, but if you want to WIN next time, don't repeat mistakes.
You're the one blathering on & on about it. I said you're blaming the wrong people. I'll scapegoat YOU then. I SAID THEY BELIEVED TRUMP. That means that they didn't believe HARRIS or Democrats. HELLO?
It's not just that. It's that Dems, under the hegemony of the Clintonite right, aren't offering anything. People had just lived through 4 years of that kind of regime and they hated it (as usual).
People hate the status quo, sentiment which, with Biden in office, was entangled with his presidency, had no interest whatsoever in seeing such a garbage regime continue and Harris--being stupid and politically inept--positioned herself as just more of the same.
The house and senate are completely different and we only have 10 blue dogs right now. We had 54 in 2009. Republicans having congressional majority under Clinton was an issue.
Surprised they don’t embrace what people want… improved Medicare for all, living wages, end of monopolies (Amazon), renewable energy, free state universities . Things that will build this country up!
I am a small dollar donor. Not going to lie, I agree with most of that. Not so much because I agree with becoming more right wing but I agree with we’ve got to do something different to get MAGA out of power. That means becoming more centrist.
Harris ran as a centrist, didn’t mention any progressive policy or lgbt issues during her campaign. The closest thing she ran on that could be called progressive was the price gouging stuff that she dropped immediately. Won’t even mention M4A. So should they just be Republican lite at this point?
I sure wish there were a left leaning party.
And THIS is the Democrats conclusion???
Do they realize that their complete LACK of media & messaging highlighting work done & in progress is key disconnect?
The party is a fiasco and needs a new 2025 FDR. He was so right about party apparatus.
And against the Rich.
Trump is aligned with Russia!
Putin is the greedy little goblin always violating his neighbors’s boundaries, people, assets, and committing war crimes on behalf of baseless claims.
A good start to rejuvenating the Democratic Party might be to purge itself of their current crop of consultants and operatives.
i'm gonna die, aren't i?
We need a new party.
1000s of seniors, and you could tell they were seniors by the handwriting and all, sent what they could-we got checks for $1.00 even.
Democrats hell-bent on screwing the small doner.
That's all.
If they are all out for fighting fascism with everything they have they’ll never have my vote again. Their current plan of doing nothing and going further right is a deal breaker.
Imagine what they are thinking looking at the Democrats behavior right now and ask yourself how they are going to vote next time based on what they see.
They are not going to vote for the party that is currently called the Democrats
"Hi DNC!"
If we are lucky enough, this is NOT THE FUCKING way to win them.
It's just one large uniparty to fuck over the public for them to gain fiat and power.
Oh, now I get it. It's a confession and explanation of why leadership are AWOL.
I'm not sure there's a better response than this:
Useless chuckleheads. Fire them all.
This is a policy statement by DINOs who want to take over the party. Even the term moderate has been hijacked by right-wing rhetoric. These people would belong in the #tradGOP, if it existed any more.
Democrats are a broad church but they're not stupid!
See my post on Necropolitics:
Guess this shit just keeps devolving until civil conflict erupts on the streets, huh?
I'm betting it'll pop off when Trump sends Bondi and the Feds out to disarm the populace. Until then folks will just sit on their thumbs
jobs that pay a living wage. That should be messaged and not considered "far-left." The swamp is here now. Point it out.
Pressure on our too conservative (and corrupt) SCOTUS.
Too hard?
fucking idiots.
Get it?
If you guys seriously want to win & have the support of the people you’ll cut this shit out stat.
Universal healthcare
Paid family leave & vacation
Subsidized child/elder care
U pre-k
School meals
Free instate tuition
(All 100% taxpayer funded work/life benefits that DoD employees & their families get but taxpayers don't)
"Far left" must start a new party.
No private prisons
Public utilities are public
Reduce the military budget
Reform police and training
Fix voter suppression laws
Break up megacorporations (especially groceries)
I'm too radical for right-of-center Democrats.
Regan beat the Democrats so badly in the 80s they became Republicans.
These things are why they fucking lose. Gaaaahhhh
Saying luke-warm acceptance is more bewildering than outright rejection.
The self righteous tone of asking the oppressed to continue in their oppression until a more appealing method and means can be acheived for redressing their strife.
Their handful of social democrats should then abdicate to join or form a party that takes up Bernie's platform and so wins all future elections.
It’s “how do those of us in this room keep tricking people into voting for us.”
“Change nothing and call it a death tax!,” type thinking.
destroying themselves.
It is a quintessential example of the Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over again and each time expecting a different result. It’s what these corrupt fools have been doing for 15 years at least.
is to become early 2000s Republicans.
The Dems are so cooked. If this is the plan, they’ll never win another federal election.
That's why Kamala won, right?
All those right wing swing voters.... right???? 👀
Oh what's that? We lost doing this? Twice??? Yeah maybe let's stop doing that.
Trump Talking Points: Blame a BLACK WOMAN who's ancestors were genocided— for a 75+ year conflict— & Equate Black Woman w/ NeoLib-Dixiecrats-Confederates.
Colonizers are the ones who state that no-one can have Native BLOOD unless they have their name written IN a colonizer list, prove blood quantum with garbage colonizer DNA tests, or a 'skin tone.'
If you're really gonna sit there and pretend the Harris campaign was flawless and deserved to win... that's messed up.
So knowing those reasons why we lost, what has the DNC done to perhaps not lose again next time? Assuming we are allowed to vote in 2 years.
Oligarchs have been playing this old intentional 'game' for decades... & every single time. People fall for it.
They knew they were in trouble from Progressives- so they primaried them via AIPAC.
The Democrats told them exactly what Trump would do. The republicans told them exactly what they planned to do, but they either didn't think he was serious, or didn't think the system would allow him to do it.
105 million eligible adults didn't even care enough to show up.
Why not?
Mathematically it's not Jill Stein voters.
People didn't BELIEVE the Democrats. For whatever reason they got the message and thought 'Nah that won't happen'
Scapegoat whoever you want for the L, but if you want to WIN next time, don't repeat mistakes.
It's not just that. It's that Dems, under the hegemony of the Clintonite right, aren't offering anything. People had just lived through 4 years of that kind of regime and they hated it (as usual).
The house and senate are completely different and we only have 10 blue dogs right now. We had 54 in 2009. Republicans having congressional majority under Clinton was an issue.
- Continue the genocide.
- Keep paying $billions to Israel for it (Hi US, how is your health care bill going? In IL it's free btw)
We need to dump the donkey. 🌹 They're just AIPAC puppets now.
They didn't learn a damn thing from the past year.